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Billy Graham


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Billy Graham is having a special evangelistic outreach this month and I was reading an article about this and something Mr. Graham said caught my attention.


Mr. Graham was asked "if there are any people who don't need to repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life." Mr. Graham answered, "No exceptions. There's no one in the whole world who doesn't need the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him, we're lost."


Considering some statements he's made in the past, it was good to hear Mr. Graham say this. Perhaps he's reconsidered those past statements and returned to his previous, biblical view on the matter.


While there are problems we all know of with the BGEA, I do hope the Gospel will be presented clearly during his special event and that thousands of lost souls may be saved in Christ.

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Billy Graham is having a special evangelistic outreach this month and I was reading an article about this and something Mr. Graham said caught my attention.


Mr. Graham was asked "if there are any people who don't need to repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life." Mr. Graham answered, "No exceptions. There's no one in the whole world who doesn't need the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him, we're lost."


Considering some statements he's made in the past, it was good to hear Mr. Graham say this. Perhaps he's reconsidered those past statements and returned to his previous, biblical view on the matter.


While there are problems we all know of with the BGEA, I do hope the Gospel will be presented clearly during his special event and that thousands of lost souls may be saved in Christ.

I do know that Franklin Graham has been on our A.M. radio station with regards to this matter.  Evidently, Billy Graham is "trying" to make an attempt to redeem the various statements he has made, in the past, during his ministry.  I doubt he will be able to do that, though.  So many blatent things have been spoken by BGEA that would make it impossible for this to happen.  Brother Jerry mentioned the biggest one.  Also, Billy said that the most memorable thing that has ever happened, in his life, was meeting Pope John Paul II.  I also heard, but I am unable to site it, that he didn't write his own sermons. 

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I do know that Franklin Graham has been on our A.M. radio station with regards to this matter.  Evidently, Billy Graham is "trying" to make an attempt to redeem the various statements he has made, in the past, during his ministry.  I doubt he will be able to do that, though.  So many blatent things have been spoken by BGEA that would make it impossible for this to happen.  Brother Jerry mentioned the biggest one.  Also, Billy said that the most memorable thing that has ever happened, in his life, was meeting Pope John Paul II.  I also heard, but I am unable to site it, that he didn't write his own sermons. 

While Franklin has some issues too, thus far when I've heard him speaking of the Gospel he's presented it clearly and biblically and always that Jesus is the one and only way to be right with God and go to heaven.


Perhaps Franklin has discussed this with Billy and with Billy having time to reflect and study he's settled back on the biblical position of salvation.


I'm certainly not saying, or thinking, that Billy has moved back into the Fundamentalist camp, only that it's good to hear him speak the biblical truth with regards to salvation. I do hope the Lord may use this upcoming evangelistic outreach to bring many to Christ.


I'm also glad that Franklin presents the Gospel clearly and takes solid stands in some areas but he does have many issues with regards to some of his associations and who he and his ministry yoke with.

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While Franklin has some issues too, thus far when I've heard him speaking of the Gospel he's presented it clearly and biblically and always that Jesus is the one and only way to be right with God and go to heaven.


Perhaps Franklin has discussed this with Billy and with Billy having time to reflect and study he's settled back on the biblical position of salvation.


I'm certainly not saying, or thinking, that Billy has moved back into the Fundamentalist camp, only that it's good to hear him speak the biblical truth with regards to salvation. I do hope the Lord may use this upcoming evangelistic outreach to bring many to Christ.


I'm also glad that Franklin presents the Gospel clearly and takes solid stands in some areas but he does have many issues with regards to some of his associations and who he and his ministry yoke with.


So true about Franklin, John.  Franklin came to my area and spoke on the radio about his father.  And, it appeared that he is attempting to move Billy away from the false preaching he did.

Yes, it is very good to hear Billy speak Biblical truth; however, how many souls are still lost b/c of his false message on salvation?  I believe he can never redeem himself, in this regard.  Also, when Billy would preach during the crusades, people would come to the pulpit for salvation... but how many of those people were directed into Bible believing churches?  Many just went back to the church that they were most comfortable with or went no where at all.  Those churches do not preach the word of God.  I too hope that Jesus uses the next evangelistic outreach to bring many to Christ.


Yes, Frankin does present the gospel clearly... but the Grahams are notorious for having acquaintances with worldy organizations and people.  A least they haven't reached the depth of deception that Rick Warren has reached; however, that is another story.  :icon_rolleyes:  

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So true about Franklin, John.  Franklin came to my area and spoke on the radio about his father.  And, it appeared that he is attempting to move Billy away from the false preaching he did.

Yes, it is very good to hear Billy speak Biblical truth; however, how many souls are still lost b/c of his false message on salvation?  I believe he can never redeem himself, in this regard.  Also, when Billy would preach during the crusades, people would come to the pulpit for salvation... but how many of those people were directed into Bible believing churches?  Many just went back to the church that they were most comfortable with or went no where at all.  Those churches do not preach the word of God.  I too hope that Jesus uses the next evangelistic outreach to bring many to Christ.


Yes, Frankin does present the gospel clearly... but the Grahams are notorious for having acquaintances with worldy organizations and people.  A least they haven't reached the depth of deception that Rick Warren has reached; however, that is another story.  :icon_rolleyes:  

That's all true, and I agree. At this point in time what Billy has said and done wrongly over the past many decades is something that can and will only be rightly addressed between him and the Lord.


While it's a great shame that many who were born again in Christ were sent to watered down or outright false churches, and therefore may have never grown much in the Lord, I'm yet thankful they were saved.


There was so much potential for Billy to do mighty things for the Lord by staying the biblical course but somehow he became convinced he could do much more through compromise and adding worldly methods to the biblical way. What a shame.


It's great that Franklin takes a more firm stand, especially upon the Gospel, but unfortunately I see no signs he's going to correct the many problems within BGEA.


One of the biggest problems with BGEA over the decades has been their call to live for the Lord while their actions seemed to dictate a more watered down approach or compromised life for the Lord.

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That's all true, and I agree. At this point in time what Billy has said and done wrongly over the past many decades is something that can and will only be rightly addressed between him and the Lord.


While it's a great shame that many who were born again in Christ were sent to watered down or outright false churches, and therefore may have never grown much in the Lord, I'm yet thankful they were saved.


There was so much potential for Billy to do mighty things for the Lord by staying the biblical course but somehow he became convinced he could do much more through compromise and adding worldly methods to the biblical way. What a shame.


It's great that Franklin takes a more firm stand, especially upon the Gospel, but unfortunately I see no signs he's going to correct the many problems within BGEA.


One of the biggest problems with BGEA over the decades has been their call to live for the Lord while their actions seemed to dictate a more watered down approach or compromised life for the Lord.


Agreed, John.  I am so thankful that they were saved, as well.  My MIL, my first pastor's wife, and her friend, were saved at a Billy Graham crusade in the 1970's.  Actually, my MIL was saved a bit later... while holding, my then, 1 year old husband in her arms.  She stayed with the RCC for 13 years, as my FIL hadn't been saved yet.  Thankfully, my first pastor's wife and her friend were directed into Bible believing churches.  I have no doubt that Billy gave a solid message on salvation, back then. 

Your second paragraph is the whole point.  Billy compromised the word of God.  He went to the Vatican and made friend's with Pope John Paul II who is known for kissing the Qur'an and inviting Hindus, Buddists, witch doctors, etc. to the Vatican to share in "world peace."  And, Billy saw nothing wrong with this?  He never said a word about this and admired Pope John Paul II, saying that meeting him was the highlight of his career as an evangelist?  He also is noted for saying that Pope John Paul II was saved, even though this pope held the "Virgin Mary" at a much higher esteem than the Lord Jesus Christ... as many Roman Catholics do.  

I don't believe that Franklin is going to correct the many problems with BGEA, either.  I believe this is b/c it is bringing in too much money to go back now.  The same is to be said of Joyce Meyer, who apparently didn't know that women couldn't preach from the puplit... yet continued to preach when she found out what the Bible said about this topic.  She couldn't go back, as it would ruin her ministry.  The cashflow was too great.

Yes, BGEA, is widely known by Fundamentalists as a compromised organization that waters down the gospel.    

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Billy Graham Does an About Face


Billy Graham’s Attitude to Sodomy


Billy Graham’s Views on Hell


The problem with Franklin Graham is that he yokes up with the very same ones that his dad yoked up with, doing things in the same manner as his dad. He should come out from among them, yet perhaps he is scared of standing on his own feet trusting Christ for his strength & support. If he did that he could not have his fathers millions of dollars origination behind him.
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Billy Graham Does an About Face


Billy Graham’s Attitude to Sodomy


Billy Graham’s Views on Hell


The problem with Franklin Graham is that he yokes up with the very same ones that his dad yoked up with, doing things in the same manner as his dad. He should come out from among them, yet perhaps he is scared of standing on his own feet trusting Christ for his strength & support. If he did that he could not have his fathers millions of dollars origination behind him.



That is the problem in a nutshell, Jerry.  Too much money is in BGEA for Franklin to preach from a Fundamentalist point of view.  Sadly, ministries like this hold a lot of cash.  I didn't realize that he is yoked up with the same people that Billy did.  That puts a different light on my opinion of Franklin. 

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That is the problem in a nutshell, Jerry.  Too much money is in BGEA for Franklin to preach from a Fundamentalist point of view.  Sadly, ministries like this hold a lot of cash.  I didn't realize that he is yoked up with the same people that Billy did.  That puts a different light on my opinion of Franklin. 


Yet many will promote him, just as they did his father. His father is the promoter of liberalism during my life time, he has ruined many good Christians, & New Testament Churches leading many people to join in with the very large crowd that's gathered up around the broad wide gate & just can't wait to go though it.


Mt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Mt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mt 7:15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
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Graham has been doing the devil's work since at least the 1940s.  All those Catholics who came forward at every event, their decision cards were turned over to the Priests and Bishops because they have an agreement to keep them in the dark.  


I was amused and saddened when several years ago Franklin went to North Korea and the kind hearted dear leader Kim Jong Mentally Ill let him build a hospital with diesel generators under the pretense that it would be used for Korean citizens.  The foolish man Franklin Graham never ever realized that Communists don't have citizens, just workers and slaves and the Communist Party members are the ones who'll get the benefits of the hospital, not the starving slaves who are shown as much regard as cockroaches.

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Billy Graham is having a special evangelistic outreach this month and I was reading an article about this and something Mr. Graham said caught my attention.


Mr. Graham was asked "if there are any people who don't need to repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life." Mr. Graham answered, "No exceptions. There's no one in the whole world who doesn't need the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him, we're lost."


Considering some statements he's made in the past, it was good to hear Mr. Graham say this. Perhaps he's reconsidered those past statements and returned to his previous, biblical view on the matter.


While there are problems we all know of with the BGEA, I do hope the Gospel will be presented clearly during his special event and that thousands of lost souls may be saved in Christ.

I think even Graham has been disturbed about what is taking place in America and maybe is moving back to his old stance when he first started preaching. Maybe he now realizes that Neo-evangelicalism has led to apostasy within the church like many IFB's had warned about.

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Yet many will promote him, just as they did his father. His father is the promoter of liberalism during my life time, he has ruined many good Christians, & New Testament Churches leading many people to join in with the very large crowd that's gathered up around the broad wide gate & just can't wait to go though it.


Mt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Mt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mt 7:15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.



I did know that about Billy Graham, Jerry.  Yes, he has promoted liberalism throughout his ministry.  It is too bad that he could have been a  much better evangelist.  Many thought he would change the world with the Gospel message; however, that was not the case.  As for Franklin?  Like the saying goes, "like father, like son."

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