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What Does A Christian Fanatic Means?

The Glory Land

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Traditions do keep them in. But if watching all the false protestants doesn't help, that is still no excuse that God will accept in the judgment.  Especially since so many of those who are protestant aren't Christians!  (I'm glad Baptists aren't protestant.) 



(I'm glad Baptists aren't protestant.)  :coolsmiley:




I'm glad that Jesus Save me, and not the baptist church.  :clapping:

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In many minds, if you go to church Sunday morning, you're a good Christian; Sunday morning and night, you may be taking it a bit far, but you're still okay. Add the mid-week service, and you're treading in the crazy zone. Add a separate prayer meeting, or witnessing, you have passed into the fanatic circle! Read your Bible daily and believe in a literal, 6-day creation, you may just be a Fundamentalist Jim Jones, Tim McVey domestic ter***ist waiting to happen!



(censored the 't' word so as not to attract unwanted attention.)

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I'm a Baptist by choice, I love God's truths, & I dislike churches that refuses to teach & stand on His truths, especially those that do not even teach their members how to enter Heaven. Sad to say that covers the majority of churches.


Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
 Way to many churches teach commandments of man for commandments of God.
Mt 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Mr 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
For they worship in vain.
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I am to because I believe this to be 100% truth.


1Co 6:9 ¶ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
1Co 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
They tell me this does not mean what it says. That you can do anything, literally anything you desire that will bring happiness to you, & go to Heaven, that it does not matter what sin or sins you partake of, that Jesus will accept you, Jesus just wants you to do that which brings happiness to you. And because I say they're wrong, they hate me.
Of course if a person was REALLY saved & they lived in these sins they would grieve the Holy Spirit that dwells within them & they could not be happy until they repented & had God's forgiveness & living in a manner that pleased God.
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They don't like that I won't miss church when they have family lunch or something on Sunday at 11:30/12 or that I'll leave get- togethers early on Sunday so I won't miss evening service. They don't like the modest dress, saying it's legalistic. I won't listen to contemporary "Christian" music or read books by authors who claim to be a Christian if I don't like their teachings or beliefs. I won't attend every event they do if I'm going to be around secular music and other things I no longer want to be around. I won't swim in a public pool.

Someone said or I read that when you become IFB you'll get the most friction from your family. I didn't believe it but a 1.5 yrs later I do believe it. Maybe they think it's just a phase. But other people don't question my stances it's just accepted that's how I am.

Or maybe it makes them  examine their behavior a little more closely and it's easier if I just go along with them.

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Its amazing at the number of people who have company & refuse to attend church.


We have a family that when they have company they bring their company to church! I likes that! Whis there were more people like that.


OH, here is a good one. When growing up my wife's father never attended church. And every Sunday afternoon at about 2 to 3 PM he would say, "Let go ride around," & it was always to late to attend church when they got home. I found this out by questioning my wife about her growing up days, & until I mentioned why her father always took them riding about on Sunday afternoon she had not figured out that her father was keeping them out of church!


He was a hard one ti win to Christ. he was a very good & honest man, & helped every neighbor within many miles of his house at one time or another. I tried to talk to him many times, but he would always mange to change the subject. Many time he & wife would show up at our house about an hour or so before church, that is until he got saved, that seemed to change him quite a bit.


He got saved one afternoon when I told Linda lets go visit your mother & father. I just felt time was right for some reason. And that day he set & listened to me, & behold, at 81 years of age he got saved. Before leaving I told him he ought to go to church Sunday morning, at invitation go forward & tell the pastor about what just happened. I told him, your already saved, being baptized is the 1st step of obedience you can take. I did not know if he would or not, & we did not tell no one about that afternoon.


Sunday after dinner we got a call for Linda's sister-in-law, telling us that Coy had went forward telling about my visit & what took place. Linda's sister-in-law also asked why we did not tell everyone. We told her that was Coy's business not ours, & we had not right to tell anyone. That night he was baptized along with about a 14 year old grandson. After that for the 1st time in his life he enjoyed going to church. Latter on his wife got sick, & down, & he could not go. right after her death he was back in church, that surprised Linda & I. Therefore I think its true, when people get saved it forever changes them.

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They don't like that I won't miss church when they have family lunch or something on Sunday at 11:30/12 or that I'll leave get- togethers early on Sunday so I won't miss evening service. They don't like the modest dress, saying it's legalistic. I won't listen to contemporary "Christian" music or read books by authors who claim to be a Christian if I don't like their teachings or beliefs. I won't attend every event they do if I'm going to be around secular music and other things I no longer want to be around. I won't swim in a public pool.
Someone said or I read that when you become IFB you'll get the most friction from your family. I didn't believe it but a 1.5 yrs later I do believe it. Maybe they think it's just a phase. But other people don't question my stances it's just accepted that's how I am.
Or maybe it makes them examine their behavior a little more closely and it's easier if I just go along with them.

Thank you for sharing this post with us. This is what I ment when I said, to become a fanatic. There is nothing you are doing wrong but isolating from World? I know be ye not of this World, but this can convert into works. How can you reach a lost soul, not by hiding from them. There is need to be a balance, to much being in church don't make anyone a better person. Reaching the lost for Christ will make you a better Christian. Don't be afraid to be in public places, Jesus did.
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Thank you for sharing this post with us. This is what I ment when I said, to become a fanatic. There is nothing you are doing wrong but isolating from World? I know be ye not of this World, but this can convert into works. How can you reach a lost soul, not by hiding from them. There is need to be a balance, to much being in church don't make anyone a better person. Reaching the lost for Christ will make you a better Christian. Don't be afraid to be in public places, Jesus did.


Obeying the word of God does NOT make a fanatic. I am still IN the world daily. I go soulwinning. My friends that have seen the changes in me have now been saved. Not because I went swimming with them or to a concert. But because I LIVE AND SERVE CHRIST and they know I care for them, will help them anyway I can and I pray for them.

Don't think I live in a bubble that only leaves home for church.

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Obeying the word of God does NOT make a fanatic. I am still IN the world daily. I go soulwinning. My friends that have seen the changes in me have now been saved. Not because I went swimming with them or to a concert. But because I LIVE AND SERVE CHRIST and they know I care for them, will help them anyway I can and I pray for them.
Don't think I live in a bubble that only leaves home for church.

Can you skip church, if you have company in your home? The pastor will not mind.
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Can you skip church, if you have company in your home? The pastor will not mind.


No. They can go to church with me or come at a different time. (excluding family emergencies) Anyone that knows me enough to have my address is going to know I won't be home on Sunday morning anyway.

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