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Man Can Live With Out A Woman...

The Glory Land

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We don't know - God didn't tell us. Which means it wasn't necessary for us to know.

I just heard a single evangelist refer to this last week. He was speaking of a family camp he'd just been at, and said that as a single man, he was qualified to preach to families - because he had a Book that told him what to say!  Not to say that one's own marriage wouldn't be a huge assistance in marriage counseling, etc., but he had a point. If a pastor just teaches what the Bible says - what else is there to say?

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Can a Pastor that never have been married, give marriage consultation, and be affective?   :umno:

I think it depends on the person. While I disagree with many of the teachings of Bill Gothard, he does dispense some sound advice on parenting, courtship, and marriage and he's never been married nor does he have any children. Just as a person doesn't have to be a parent to know that abusing a child is wrong and intervening if they see abuse taking place. And how far do we stretch this prerequisite experience as a litmus test to determine suitability of counseling someone? Can a person who has never been divorced not counsel a person going through a divorce? What about a pastor who has never lost a child? Would they be unfit to counsel someone who has?

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I think it depends on the person. While I disagree with many of the teachings of Bill Gothard, he does dispense some sound advice on parenting, courtship, and marriage and he's never been married nor does he have any children. Just as a person doesn't have to be a parent to know that abusing a child is wrong and intervening if they see abuse taking place. And how far do we stretch this prerequisite experience as a litmus test to determine suitability of counseling someone? Can a person who has never been divorced not counsel a person going through a divorce? What about a pastor who has never lost a child? Would they be unfit to counsel someone who has?



I remember a person saying to a widow, I don't know how you feel, because my husban is still alive. I will pray that the Lord give you strength. and if there anything I can do for you, please let me know. :(

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Does a pastor need to be elderly to give advice to older people? Timothy was a young man and Paul said not to let anyone despise his youth. That would go for older people telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about because he's not old himself. I think the same principle can apply to a pastor being married or not. 

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Can a Pastor that never have been married, give marriage consultation, and be affective?   


A Pastor that's never been married is not qualified to be a Pastor.  If he lacks the sense to follow the Bible verses on being a preacher, can he be trusted for anything else?  No, for he is out of the will of God.

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Has to be married before the Lord will allow him to Pastor, don't the Scriptures (Titus and Timothy) say such?


"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;" - 1 Timothy 3:2


As for the title of the OP - I could not live without my wife, would not be alive today if it were not for my wife.   :smiley_wedding:

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