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Craziness Abounds...


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We just took 4 jars of peanut butter to our son and DIL.  My son loved the stuff growing up. My hubby has it almost every day. My Dad used to end his day with it - either with a big glop of it on his ice cream or on a bowl of cereal.

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I don't get it. How are we creating racial equality by singling out people of color and placing them in their own special groups so that they can feel more comfortable among "their own kind" and perpetuating the myth of white privilege? How are we making children from different cultural backgrounds feel included when we point out their differences? The talk of white privilege is designed to create white guilt, which leads to two things - first, resentment towards those of other races, and second, an unhealthy preoccupation with doing things without offending anyone to the point of it being really obvious you're treating someone differently because of their race. 

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I don't get it. How are we creating racial equality by singling out people of color and placing them in their own special groups so that they can feel more comfortable among "their own kind" and perpetuating the myth of white privilege? How are we making children from different cultural backgrounds feel included when we point out their differences? The talk of white privilege is designed to create white guilt, which leads to two things - first, resentment towards those of other races, and second, an unhealthy preoccupation with doing things without offending anyone to the point of it being really obvious you're treating someone differently because of their race. 

Part of the problem is the humanist concept of "equality". The fact is, all people are not equal. They are not equal in intelligence, physical capabilities, skills or potential. The public school today is designed to try and force all children into one preset square when many of those children are actually circles, triangles, octagons, etc.


A much better approach would be many different schools to meet the needs, even to an extent the wants, of different students and parents.


Several years ago some black businessmen in one city pooled their money and started a school for black boys. The school was highly successful. Extremely low problems, very high academic achievement. Someone sued. Some judge ruled the school illegal and forced it to close down.


Throughout history there have been special schools for boys, girls, the gifted, those with special needs, those more academically inclined and college bound, those more skilled in crafts, those military minded, etc., along with general schools. Many men and women of various backgrounds and races have done extremely well after attending such schools. Most today who could benefit from such are denied the opportunity due to the pursuit of total forced equality based upon humanistic governmental dictates.

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I don't get it. How are we creating racial equality by singling out people of color and placing them in their own special groups so that they can feel more comfortable among "their own kind" and perpetuating the myth of white privilege? How are we making children from different cultural backgrounds feel included when we point out their differences? The talk of white privilege is designed to create white guilt, which leads to two things - first, resentment towards those of other races, and second, an unhealthy preoccupation with doing things without offending anyone to the point of it being really obvious you're treating someone differently because of their race. 


Isn't that what the NAACP does?

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Part of the problem is the humanist concept of "equality". The fact is, all people are not equal. They are not equal in intelligence, physical capabilities, skills or potential. The public school today is designed to try and force all children into one preset square when many of those children are actually circles, triangles, octagons, etc.


A much better approach would be many different schools to meet the needs, even to an extent the wants, of different students and parents.


Several years ago some black businessmen in one city pooled their money and started a school for black boys. The school was highly successful. Extremely low problems, very high academic achievement. Someone sued. Some judge ruled the school illegal and forced it to close down.


Throughout history there have been special schools for boys, girls, the gifted, those with special needs, those more academically inclined and college bound, those more skilled in crafts, those military minded, etc., along with general schools. Many men and women of various backgrounds and races have done extremely well after attending such schools. Most today who could benefit from such are denied the opportunity due to the pursuit of total forced equality based upon humanistic governmental dictates.


Isn't that a fact, when I was in school they told me I could be what ever I wanted to be. They lied to me. For I never had the size nor speed to be an NFL quarterback. And the trouble is they keep on lying to each new generation of children.


If everyone was created equal we would all be the same size, the same color, have the same intelligence level, & the same abilities.


Yet many pastors & many churches teaches that everyone is created equal.

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