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1 John 2:15, 16


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Feels like a vacation every time I attend church services, Jesus has a great way of lifting the burdens off the shoulder, & it works better than a two week vacation. away from home friends, family, & church. Yet, maybe it does not work so well for others.


There is so much refreshing and invigorating that comes from attending church. After church I always feel spiritually fed, encouraged and enboldened in the Lord to carry on and face what I must. Nothing else I could be doing does my body, mind or spirit any more good than attending church.

Praise and thanks be to God for providing us with such a blessed home church!
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I wonder if Christ would buy a motorcycle, or play a game of golf, or go hunting for "fun", or pack a gun? Paul either, they must have lived boring lives according to today's standards. (I only named a few things, but all activities apply, as well as certain hobbies, etc.)

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." (Gal. 5:16)

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I wonder if Christ would buy a motorcycle, or play a game of golf, or go hunting for "fun", or pack a gun? Paul either, they must have lived boring lives according to today's standards. (I only named a few things, but all activities apply, as well as certain hobbies, etc.)

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." (Gal. 5:16)

I believe there's lost of things we do in this modern time that Jesus would not. Perhaps most of us do so with the thought in mind, if its not approved of grace will cover it.

As for Christ, it seems to me, before He did something He gave thought to how it would impact, influence, others.

As for us, we do them with the thought its no one else's business what we do. I noticed many of those that partake of alcoholic beverages feels this way. Giving no thought to being a stumbling block.
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I wonder if Christ would buy a motorcycle, or play a game of golf, or go hunting for "fun", or pack a gun? Paul either, they must have lived boring lives according to today's standards. (I only named a few things, but all activities apply, as well as certain hobbies, etc.)

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." (Gal. 5:16)

I wonder of Christ would marry a wife? Edited by heartstrings
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