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10 Reasons Why Christians Should Focus More On The Gospel Than On Politics


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1. Politics change. The gospel doesn't (Matthew 24:35).

2. The gospel will transform our politics, not vice versa (Romans 12:1,2).

3. It's what Jesus calls us to do (Acts 1:6-8).

4. We are citizens of a different kingdom (Philippians 3:20).

5. It's what the early church focused on (Acts 4:23-31).

6. It attacks the root of evil and not just the fruit of it (Romans 1:16).

7. Politics can divide the body of Christ while the gospel will unite us (Philippians 1:27).

8. The gospel calls us to pray for politicians we disagree with, not hate them (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

9. The gospel brings political action soaked in love and humility, not pride and arrogance (Romans 13:1-8).

10. Politics are a reflection of the moral compass of a society. The gospel gives society a new compass that is accurate (Titus 3:1-5).


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In my early years as a Christian I got caught up in some of that "patriotic Christian" or "Christian patriot" type stuff. I was constantly told that if a person was a true Christian they would be active and their idea of being active was to support the Republican Party.

Over the years I began to realize the Republicans were not as conservative as they tried to claim. At the same time, I noticed most Christians who were 100% Republican didn't care about the facts and truth with regards to the Republican Party or their candidates and politicians.

Eventually the Lord opened my eyes to see what He meant by His ways are not our ways in regards to political matters. While the world looks to politics to bring about change, God looks to changing hearts to bring about true, eternal change.

It's so much easier for a Christian to got all out for politics in their own strength. It's easy to support the Repub Party and their candidates, they will argue, give of their time and money, and fight all out for the Repub politicians. It's much more difficult to actually submit our will for His and to go about the more difficult task (from our own perspective) that requires us to rely upon His strength. How much more difficult to go about telling the Gospel to the lost and making disciples. Doing so isn't as popular as supporing a political candidate, it takes more courage to speak of Christ than it does some man running for office. There is typically far less gratification for self involved in being a true follower of Christ as opposed to the pride one feels after getting all their petition sheets filled out or helping to get someone elected to office.

Are we going to submit to God and do things His way or are we going to try to do things our own way?

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While the world looks to politics to bring about change, God looks to changing hearts to bring about true, eternal change.

The lost are "wilingly ignorant" or dumb on purpose as Kent Hovind likes to say. We can win with facts all the political arguments with a liberal, even showing them the blatant lies and they still cannot see the truth for they are blind and cannot see. Their heart has to change first and the only way that happens is through repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ!
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But, hey, John, many there be that seems to think the way to change America into a godly country is though politics while having fulfilled their Christian duty having gone to the polls casting their vote in secret.

Which is a completely different doctrine than Jesus taught & set by example.

And yes, like you, for a few years, I to was brain washed in public school into believing that was the way, & told by preachers in was my Christian duty.

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I agree that Christians should vote and do some political issues but, not get heavily involved. My parents are so heavily involved with politcal stuff that they don't have time mostly to go to their Catholic church or even their church. My mom asked me sunday why her grandson my nephew is graduating (tonight) in a Catholic church santurary and she don't believe in that. I told her that most churches that does that is one they provided the education and two they can fit the students and their families in one area. This church they are going to tonight is not a tradtional built church and its more modernized look. I have not been there for a decade but, I know that its like that.
I am finding that my parents that are really involved with political issues pays attention more on that then worrying about their salvation and where they are going for enernity.
Just this past week my husband told me that he didn't want politics heavily spoken in the house that he cannot deal with the talking , we are too talk about the Bible and live for the Bible and not worrying about what the government does.
I know I am voting this year but, I will not go in depth whom we vote for because that is our personal buissness between the Lord and us and we are not upsetting people whom we vote for.

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I used to never vote, but gave in to peer pressure. My theme has been "Let the dead bury their dead". We call orselves strangers and pilgrims in this world, so why do we have a hand in running it? I probably won't bother to vote this year.

I don't follow the issues anyway, a waste of time> You merely vote for the best liar!

Edited by irishman
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My conversation is in Heaven, I'm just a pilgrim passing though this world, & I surely cannot get to comfortable, for I do not feel at home, my King is King of Kings, & He would be the only one I could ever vote for, & I'm under His leadership. Yet, while I'm in this world, I try & do that which pleases Him, staying out from among them, having overcome the world because greater is He that is in me than he that's running this world at present time.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Political leaders, cannot solve our ever problem, but Jesus can, but we have to fully surrender, placing all of our faith on Him.

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My conversation is in Heaven, I'm just a pilgrim passing though this world, & I surely cannot get to comfortable, for I do not feel at home, my King is King of Kings, & He would be the only one I could ever vote for, & I'm under His leadership. Yet, while I'm in this world, I try & do that which pleases Him, staying out from among them, having overcome the world because greater is He that is in me than he that's running this world at present time.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Political leaders, cannot solve our ever problem, but Jesus can, but we have to fully surrender, placing all of our faith on Him.

I agree with this and this is what I feel about political stuff, I don't like churches bringing politics in their churches . I rather concentrating of serving Jesus and worshipping the saviour.
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