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Young Chef


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A young man who was saved while attending our church, became a chef in a local restaurant. He was part of a very disfunctional family, and eventually moved to Scotland with is mother and sister. Eventually his sister moved back to live with their father. "L" was concerned about his sister and prayed about whether he should return. he then listened to a message sermon audio which said you should not just wait for God to act, but if you believe it is His Will you should act,

He came down to visit his sister and went to see his old patron, who immediately offered him his old job back as his head chef had just resigned. He went back to Scotland and gave notice to his employer, and immediately got a call from his old patron, who said he was retiring and would "L" like to take on the business. He would just have to take over the lease of the restaurant.

He said they serve mainly French food, I will have to try it sometime.

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Amazing how God works in our lives, especially when we are willing to "do" when it's our turn.

I can testify to that. It's been amazing what's happened in my life since I finally "listened" and stopped being a lukewarm Christian who wasn't even sitting on the back pew of a church for many years.

No, I haven't won the lottery or inherited a fortune from a long lost relative. God blesses each of us with what we need in our lives when it's our turn to "do" for Him. Better half and I were becoming hermits after we retired. About the only time we saw other people were the dreaded trips to the grocery store or when a neighbor would stop by for a few minutes. The latter didn't happen often, either. All of that changed, when one of those neighbor's invited us to church.

Twice, in fact, he offered the invitation. Today, I thank God, we listened to the person who turned out to be His messenger, two years ago. Through His messenger, He brought us into a Baptist church (neither of us were Baptists) to hear His word, again. Today, our lives are richly blessed in too many ways to number as we answered the call to serve Him. Being here, this morning, to testify about the impact He's had on our lives, is just one of those blessings.

Thank God for the blessings He bestowed on the young man in the OP. Thank God for blessings of renewal and growth in our walk of faith. Thank God for the same thing He's doing for others who will "listen" and "do" for Him, when it's "their turn".

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