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A Question For Bro. Matt (ONLY)

The Crown of Life

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Mr. Bro Matt,

I would like to know

why your standards are set to the point

that you allow these people

whom you put in charge to some degree

to represent you

in the manner that

is far unacceptable

to the Living Lord God Almighty

or the teachings and commandments of his

beloved Son

Jesus the Christ.

Now I know that you may or might

just easily dismiss me

as a heathen unbeliever complaining to you

about those whom you love and

greatly care about that you

believe are the walk of God.

But I am going to tell you right up from the get go

so that the Lord knows I told you.

I am a great friend of God.

And do have great power with him.

So having made that very clear to you.


And if this is deleted before you can see this

It does not matter

the Lord knows whom ever deleted it represents you.

Therefore you are still held accountable.

The Lord is God.

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If you didn't want others to comment you should have sent a personal message to Bro. Matt. Do you know how to send personal messages here? Mouse pointer over the screen name of a user in a post. You'll see a "Send Message" button in the lower left of the popup.

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I'll send you this same thing in a personal message.
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I have noticed that while you say you have received treatment and/or comments that are contrary to Biblical precept and/or principle you have neither listed nor quoted these comments nor given the Scriptures that were violated.

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If you didn't want others to comment you should have sent a personal message to Bro. Matt. Do you know how to send personal messages here? Mouse pointer over the screen name of a user in a post. You'll see a "Send Message" button in the lower left of the popup.

To check for replies scroll to the upper right of your browser window and look for...

...without the long blue line to see when you have a message. Or visit your profile and look at replies from there.
I'll send you this same thing in a personal message.

I did as the Lord instructed me too. I would also recommend that you mind your own business.
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Bro Matt

we are not going to go away.

we are going to do what we were sent here to do.

Do not think that by not answering us whatsoever and sending these others to run interference for you will help you dodge the truth.


So I would recommend that you do what is acceptable to God on this situation

in which you find yourself in.

The Lord gave me excellent communication skills do you not think?


Edited by watsoncarl53
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No, I don't believe the Lord has given you any communications skills, or if He has, you've been ignoring them.

Col 4:5 ¶ Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
Col 4:6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

There seems to be a lack of grace in your communication skills.

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No, I don't believe the Lord has given you any communications skills, or if He has, you've been ignoring them.

Col 4:5 ¶ Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
Col 4:6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

There seems to be a lack of grace in your communication skills.

Are you trying to rescue Bro Matt from the trouble he is in?
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