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Does our appearance for Christ make a difference?


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Actually, I hear few Christians talk about this or similar matters. Most seem to think people can do whatever they want in "personal" areas, and for many the "personal" areas become rather large.

It's typically they lost, including those who think of themselves as Christians but who are not actual biblical Christians, who take note of the things actual Christians do that don't go along with Scripture.

While it's true that some people will just look for an excuse to not listen to others or to turn from a church, it's also true we are to do our best to avoid being one who gives someone such an excuse.

For instance, I love leather jackets. I love the feel of them, and most importantly, they are windproof! However, the styles I used to wear some people would look badly at someone wearing them because they were often associated with motorcyclists and bikers. It took a bit of time but I finally realized that my pesonal preference wasn't more important than my testimony for Christ. I gave up those jackets.

Today it seems far more common for folks to do whatever they please with the attitude it's someone elses problem if they don't like it, or if they don't want to attend church because of them or they don't think their testimony is certain, etc.

One common area, besides the short hair issue, I hear this often with is regarding women wearing "modest" dresses that look like they were painted on; or the women who think any dress is modest, even if it's low cut.

I've also heard a few young men and women say the same thing about tattoos.

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We have to be careful to draw the line between personal preferences and Biblical standards. For instance if John81 doesn't feel comfortable wearing leather jackets, that's totally fine....however, he should not (and I don't think he does) judge others who don't feel the same way. One of the most faithful couples in our church not only wear leather jackets, but they own a Harley and go on rides!

Anything God speaks to our heart about we should be sure to respond, but we should also be fully aware that God doesn't speak to everyone in the same way, mostly about things that are not spelled out in Scripture (like wearing leather, or goatees, or sunglasses, or whatever.)

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John, just to clear things up: is it Christians you know who are referring to churches that have women with what they deem short hair as "dyke?" If so, I would hasten to say that there is a problem with those people that goes beyond hair length (Rick and Jerry have touched on that). If those who have said it are unsaved, I would have to ask what is the big deal? The unsaved are going to say all kinds of things about the saved, whether true or not. And, honestly, I just can't see lost people referring to a church as "dyke" on account of hair length...And I wonder, too, if maybe by worrying about OTHER churches, OTHER pastor's wives, etc., we aren't grabbing a dog by the ears...

That said, there is a line which many cross. Rick, there may not be a verse that says it's a sin for a woman to have lshort hair, but the teaching in scripture is quite clear that women and men are to look different. Gender distinction is a biblical principle (yes, even the robes of Jesus' day were distinct for gender...). The hair issue has become (ahem) hairy (sorry, couldn't resist :icon_smile: ) and it is because of the blurring of gender distinction.

Men started out letting their hair grow, and the length of women's hair got shorter (along with their hemlines...oops, another topic)...until today we can see two people walking down the street away from us - we might know one is male and the other female, but not necessarily which is which. Somehow, that just doesn't seem to fit with scriptural principle (I realize that often that scenario is relating to the lost, but I've seen some Christians who look like that... :eye: ).

As to whether or not a pastor is disqualified if his wife won't wear long hair...we don't live in their homes. For all we know, the man (who is the complete covering for his wife...) prefers short (short to us, anyway) hair on his wife and she is obeying him...

I know a pastor whose wife has very short hair, she is a good woman, but I disagree with the way she wears her hair.

I knew here older sister before I ever met her, she was not much of a church going woman, & wore her hair quite short to. I believe her older sister died in the 60's, short hair was not very popular back them.

I believe their daughters husband has become a deacon, & yes, the daughter wears he hair very short to.

As for today, you never know what your seeing from behind, it may be 2 short haired men cuddled up walking together, 2 short haired women, or a long haired man with a short haired woman.

Many of us Christian are sure taking up & holding on to the ways of the world.
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I have long hair. But what I would like to ask is " How long is "long?" My hair is half way down my back... my neighbor's hair is half way down her legs - almost to her knees. My friend at church has shoulder length hair. Another friend has hair just to the top of the collar. What is Long?

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I have long hair. But what I would like to ask is " How long is "long?" My hair is half way down my back... my neighbor's hair is half way down her legs - almost to her knees. My friend at church has shoulder length hair. Another friend has hair just to the top of the collar. What is Long?

That's a much debated question but I've always liked David Clouds answer to that question.

If one has to wonder if their hair is long (or short, for a man) enough, then it isn't. A womans hair should be obviously long and a man's obviously short.

From the examples you give, most would agree that your hair and your neighbors hair are both long...even though your neighbors hair is obviously much longer, both are still long.

For the most part, about shoulder length seems to be where most people begin to call hair long while anything much above the shoulder is viewed as short. For some reason today, many women, even Christian women, have taken to wearing their hair very short. Of course, I suppose once shorter styles became accepted in the church it was only a matter of time before some would go for the even shorter styles. I really have no idea why a woman, especially a Christian woman, would want her hair cut so short so that she looks like a man from behind.

All that said, most of the Christian womens hair I've seen this year that is short would fall into the very short category that probably everybody here would agree is very short.
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I have long hair. But what I would like to ask is " How long is "long?" My hair is half way down my back... my neighbor's hair is half way down her legs - almost to her knees. My friend at church has shoulder length hair. Another friend has hair just to the top of the collar. What is Long?

I have long hair. But what I would like to ask is " How long is "long?" My hair is half way down my back... my neighbor's hair is half way down her legs - almost to her knees. My friend at church has shoulder length hair. Another friend has hair just to the top of the collar. What is Long?

Hi quinkie, I'm assuming you're a lady.

The length doesn't matter as much as people make it out to, so there is no correct answer to your question. What really matters is if a lady is modest and looks like a lady in submission to the word of God.

A woman can have long hair and not look like a modest lady, and she can also can have short hair and look like a modest lady in submission to the word of God. Edited by Rick Schworer
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Hi quinkie, I'm assuming you're a lady.

The length doesn't matter as much as people make it out to, so there is no correct answer to your question. What really matters is if a lady is modest and looks like a lady in submission to the word of God.

A woman can have long hair and not look like a modest lady, and she can also can have short hair and look like a modest lady in submission to the word of God.

Actually, the hair issue isn't a matter of modesty, for men or women, it's a matter of obedience, of submission to God.
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Actually, the hair issue isn't a matter of modesty, for men or women, it's a matter of obedience, of submission to God.

Maybe I wasn't clear. Modesty is only half of the equation. The other half is that a lady needs to look like a lady. Both parts of that go into being submissive to the word of God.

If a woman doesn't look like a lady it doesn't matter how long her hair is, and a lady can have short hair and still look like a lady. Culture plays a part in this, and while culture certainly isn't our final authority, God leaves the lady's hair length up to her and her husband so long as she remains modest and Christian. If God was really concerned with how long women keep thier hair I think He would say something about it considering He said something about how long men keep their hair. Edited by Rick Schworer
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Maybe I wasn't clear. Modesty is only half of the equation. The other half is that a lady needs to look like a lady. Both parts of that go into being submissive to the word of God.

If a woman doesn't look like a lady it doesn't matter how long her hair is, and a lady can have short hair and still look like a lady. Culture plays a part in this, and while culture certainly isn't our final authority, God leaves the lady's hair length up to her and her husband so long as she remains modest and Christian. If God was really concerned with how long women keep thier hair I think He would say something about it considering He said something about how long men keep their hair.

Where do you see in Scripture anything that says a woman can have short hair if she or her husband says so?

Our duty as Christians is to submit our will and preferences to God.
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Where in Scripture does it say she can't? I agree that our duty is submit our will and preferences to God.

Scripture says it's a shame for a woman to have short hair. Should a woman willingly, for herself or for her husband do that which God says is a shame?
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If one has to wonder if their hair is long (or short, for a man) enough, then it isn't. A womans hair should be obviously long and a man's obviously short.

I went to the barber the other day. He would cut for a while, and then ask "is that short enough?" I thought well, if he has to ask it must not be. So he cut some more and then asked "is that short enough?" I thought well, if he has to ask it must not be. This went back and forth until he finally said "well that must be short enough because there is nothing left to cut, you are not bald until it grows back out!!!"

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I went to the barber the other day. He would cut for a while, and then ask "is that short enough?" I thought well, if he has to ask it must not be. So he cut some more and then asked "is that short enough?" I thought well, if he has to ask it must not be. This went back and forth until he finally said "well that must be short enough because there is nothing left to cut, you are not bald until it grows back out!!!"


LOL, Well, I'm sure for a barber such a statement would be viewed differently!
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