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Is It Religious Bigotry?


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Is it religious bigotry for a Christian to point out the truth about a false religion?

Why should religion not be a concern when considering candidates?

Since there is no "religious test" to be a candidate for office, or to hold office, does that mean individuals shouldn't consider religious aspects concerning candidates?

If the candidates were a Muslim, a Moonie, a Branch Davidian, a Wiccan, a Satanist, and/or a fire and brimstone old time Christian Fundamentalist, would the media and wishy-washy folks still say religion didn't matter? Should it matter?

Does ones choice of religion reflect upon their charactor, ability to reason, worldview, or other matters?

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Does ones choice of religion reflect upon their charactor, ability to reason, worldview, or other matters?

1 Kings:17And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?

Is it religious bigotry for a Christian to point out the truth about a false religion?

18And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim.
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Ever since Saturday, and continuing in today's news cycle, there is a steady stream of "Christians" and politicians (not to mention all the media talking heads) proclaiming that for a pastor to say that Mormonism isn't Christianity and to call Mormonism a cult, is religious bigotry.

One after another professing Christians and supposed conservative and/or Christian politicians are declaring that Mormonism is Christianity and isn't a cult.

Several go on about the "family values" and "high charactor" of many Mormons as if that is what makes one a Christian.

It's sad to see so many who should know better, making these claims.

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hmmmmmmmmmmmn: The God of the Bible didn't cohabit with wives on Koleb, the Christ of the Bible didn't have a brother named Lucifer -------- logical conclusion? Mormonism isn't Christianity.

How hard was that?

Or in other words: 1) the blood supplies the body with oxygen, 2) We must have oxygen to live. Conclusion: Drain the blood and a person dies. Medical bigotry?????

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Is it religious bigotry for a Christian to point out the truth about a false religion?
Absolutely not!
Why should religion not be a concern when considering candidates?
It should be because someone beliefs is going to point to their actions and decision making process.
Since there is no "religious test" to be a candidate for office, or to hold office, does that mean individuals shouldn't consider religious aspects concerning candidates? See above

If the candidates were a Muslim, a Moonie, a Branch Davidian, a Wiccan, a Satanist, and/or a fire and brimstone old time Christian Fundamentalist, would the media and wishy-washy folks still say religion didn't matter? Should it matter? Given the days we live in I would say the only one most would object to would be Christian Fundamentalism as it is only Christ that convicts man's heart. Any thing else would be accepted as freedom of speech.

Does ones choice of religion reflect upon their charactor, ability to reason, worldview, or other matters? Absolutely without a doubt, I'm suprised you are asking!

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The only reason I raised these questions is because of the number of folks in the media, politics, among Christians and the general public taking this up. How can so many professed Christians say that ones religion doesn't matter? Worse, how can so many professing Christians say that Mormonism is Christianity?

Even while many are saying ones religion doesn't have any bearing upon their charactor and morals (since when?!), they then turn around and say "just look at Mormon Romney's great charactor and high morals" as if that statement gives weight to the idea that Mormonism is Christianity.

Then Glenn Beck goes all out on this and declares that he's redeemed by Jesus and proud to be a member of the The Church of Jesus Christ...conveniently leaving out the "Latter Days Saints" portion.

A follower of Christ is one who follows Christ and a part of this is following His Word in the Bible. Mormons should more rightly be called followers of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon which they claim is more current, advanced revelation.

How long before it becomes a "hate crime" to speak the biblical truth about Mormons, Muslims and other false religionists?

I've been pleased that the pastor who made the original statements about Mormonisn not being Christianity has stood solidly by his biblical statement. About the "best" some other professing Christians have come is refusing to comment.

Whatever happened to taking a stand for Christ? Doesn't Scripture say something about those deny Him before men...and isn't this at least pretty close to what some are doing, if not actually doing?

If so many American Christians are unwilling to face being called a name for speaking the biblical truth about Mormonism, I can see why so many Christians in very Christian unfriendly nations think many American Christians are either far too worldly or fake.

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I'm in Australia so we don't get all of your news. It is frustrating this falling away but expected and kind of exciting because it means Christ's return is sooner rather than later.

Be of good cheer!

Thank you, I am of good cheer! It's just sad to see so many professing Christians who are so quick to deny biblical truth, or hide from it, so they can be politically correct and not have someone call them a name.

It was encouraging to not only hear our pastor stand firmly on Scripture regarding this, but our entire adult Sunday school class as well!
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Ever since Saturday, and continuing in today's news cycle, there is a steady stream of "Christians" and politicians (not to mention all the media talking heads) proclaiming that for a pastor to say that Mormonism isn't Christianity and to call Mormonism a cult, is religious bigotry.

One after another professing Christians and supposed conservative and/or Christian politicians are declaring that Mormonism is Christianity and isn't a cult.

Most of the talking heads at FOX are Catholics. How are they going to criticize a Mormon? First, they know little if any Scripture and second, they have no leg to stand on being in a false religion themselves. If they do know it and choose to stay silent or denounce those who speak against it, they are cowards who succombed to they bullying of political correctness.
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Most of the talking heads at FOX are Catholics. How are they going to criticize a Mormon? First, they know little if any Scripture and second, they have no leg to stand on being in a false religion themselves. If they do know it and choose to stay silent or denounce those who speak against it, they are cowards who succombed to they bullying of political correctness.

Don't forget that many professing Christians today, even among the "Religious Right", accept Catholics Hannity and O'Reilly, as well as Mormon Beck, as being actual biblical Christians.

If one looks even a tiny bit beyond the surface it's clear these men are not biblical Christians, yet because they say political words the "Religious Right" want's to hear and they are willing to say a sentence or two that gives them the slightest cover of actual Christianity, the "Religious Right" and other professing Christians are willing to have their ears itched and call them brothers in Christ.

American Christianity is in a terrible condition.
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