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New Burial Method: ‘Liquefaction’


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New Burial Method: ‘Liquefaction’

A Glasgow-based company has installed its first commercial “alkaline hydrolysis” unit at a Florida funeral home.
The unit by Resomation Ltd is billed as a green alternative to cremation and works by dissolving the body in heated alkaline water.
The facility has been installed at the Anderson-McQueen funeral home in St. Petersburg, and will be used for the first time in the coming weeks. It is hoped other units will follow in the US, Canada and Europe.
The makers claim the process produces a third less greenhouse gas than cremation, uses a seventh of the energy, and allows for the complete separation of dental amalgam for safe disposal.
Mercury from amalgam vaporized in cremation is blamed for up to 16% of UK airborne mercury emissions, and many UK crematoria are currently fitting mercury filtration systems to meet reduced emission targets.
The system works by submerging the body in a solution of water and potassium hydroxide which is pressurized to 10 atmospheres and heated to 180C for between two-and-a-half and three hours.
Body tissue is dissolved and the liquid poured into the municipal water system. Mr. Sullivan, a biochemist by training, says tests have proven the effluent is sterile and contains no DNA, and poses no environmental risk.
The bones are then removed from the unit and processed in a “cremulator,” the same machine that is used to crush bone fragments following cremation into ash. Metals including mercury and artificial joints and implants are safely recovered.

The machine is patented in Europe with patents pending in other countries.
Founder Sandy Sullivan, whose company is now majority owned by Cooperative Funeralcare, claims his machine will provide a more efficient and quicker process. He also believes the equipment can rival cremation for cost, particularly given the expense of fitting mercury abatement systems.
He is now pressing for legislative changes in the UK to make alkaline hydrolysis a reality in Britain.
Another “green” alternative to cremation is in the pipeline. Susanne Wiigh-Masak, a Swedish biologist, has for a decade proposed a technology she calls Promession.
The process involves a fully automated and patented machine. Coffins are fed in one end, and the body removed from the coffin within the unit and then treated with liquid nitrogen.
Ms. Wiigh-Masak is now confident commercial operations will begin soon, after the Swedish government promised to introduce new legislation that would allow individuals to use a “burial tax” paid by all Swedes not just for cremation and burial, but also for Promession.
Designs are complete, manufacturers appointed, and four potential sites in Sweden have been earmarked for facilities.
-www.bbc.co.uk, 30 August 2011

Instructions regarding the disposal of the body of a saint are clearly given in Scripture. Abraham, the father of all believers, was buried. Furthermore, we read, “So David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David” (1 Kings 2:10); “And his disciples came, and took up the body, and buried it, and went and told Jesus” (Matthew 14:12); “She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying” (Mark 14:8); “And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed” (Matthew 27:59-60); “And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him” (Acts 8:2). These and many other Scriptures should suffice as proper instruction for burial. (Midnight Call)

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Scripture does not require one method of body disposal over another. This is highly cultural. In Biblical days, burial was the norm, so it is not surprising they buried bodies then.

I see nothing wrong with cremation. In fact, I plan on being cremated. I've never heard of this liquification procedure before. That one is new to me.

I don't see how one form of body disposal over another can separate man from God. By the time a person is dead, that has already been determined. What remains will decompose one way or another.

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I feel like its sort of similar to the pants issue...each person sees something differently.

I don't begrudge someone who chooses cremation over burial, especially because its SOOOO much cheaper....not everybody can afford a burial. I'm personally for burial but I can't find where its any more sin for a person to cremate than it would be for a woman to wear pants, according to the few passages in Scripture about both topics.

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I feel like its sort of similar to the pants issue...each person sees something differently.

I don't begrudge someone who chooses cremation over burial, especially because its SOOOO much cheaper....not everybody can afford a burial. I'm personally for burial but I can't find where its any more sin for a person to cremate than it would be for a woman to wear pants, according to the few passages in Scripture about both topics.

Am 2:1 Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Moab, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime:
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The first time I learned of David Cloud was reading this article in the July 1997 issue of the Baptist Challenge.
http://www.baptistchallenge.org/Archives.php The article begins on page 3. Here are some excerpts:

Cremation Has A Heathen Origin & Purpose, Whereas God's People Have Always Practiced Burial
At the outset let me answer an objection sometimes made at this point. The objection is, "Yes, God's people in the Bible practiced burial. The example is clearly there. But are we bound to follow these examples, as they are not direct commands?" The answer is given in no uncertain terms in Rom. 15:4, "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning..." And again in I Cor. 10:11 we read, "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come." God is saying in these passages, Yes, you are to follow the Bible's examples as well as its direct instructions."

God's People Have Always Practiced Burial
Following are just a few examples. I challenge you to read the Bible from cover to cover and find one occasion in which one of God's people was cremated or given anything other than a decent and proper burial (except in a few cases involving God's anger, as we shall shortly see).
Abraham was buried – (Gen. 25:8-10).
Sarah was buried – (Gen. 23:1-4).
Rachel was buried – (Gen. 35:19-20).
Isaac was buried – (Gen. 35:29).
Jacob was buried – (Gen. 49:33; 50:4-13).
Joseph was buried – (Gen. 50:26).
Joshua was buried – (Josh. 24:29-30).
Eleazar was buried – (Josh. 24:33).
Samuel was buried – (I Sam. 25:1).
David was buried – (I Kings 2:10).
John the Baptist was buried – (Matt. 14:10-12).
Ananias and Sapphira were buried – (Acts 5:5-10).
Stephen was buried – (Acts 8:2).

Even When Burial Was Difficult
Even in difficult circumstances God's people in olden days practiced burial. For example, Joseph's body was kept for over 400 years in Egypt and then carried through the 40 years of wilderness wanderings before being buried in Palestine, the promised land.
(Gen. 50:24-25) (Ex. 13:19) (Josh. 24:32)

Cremation Is A Sign Of God's Curse
Throughout the Bible the destruction of a human body or of an object by fire is used as a sign of divine wrath. Consider with me some examples:
The example of Sodom and Gomorrah – "Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven" (Gen. 19:24). "And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly" (II Pet. 2:6).
The example of Nadab and Abihu – "And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD" (Lev. 10:1-2).
The example of the men who rebelled with Korah – "And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense" (Num. 16:35).
The example of idols – "And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it" (Ex. 32:20). "The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God" (Deut. 7:25). "And they brought forth the images out of the house of Baal, and burned them" (II Kings 10:26). "And when they had left their gods there, David gave a commandment, and they were burned with fire" (I Cron. 14:12).
The example of magic books – "And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver" (Acts 19:18-19).
The example of the unsaved cast into the lake of fire for eternal punishment"And whatsoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire" (Rev. 20:15).

For A Person Not To Have A Proper Burial Was Considered Dishonor
Example of Jezebel – "And of Jezebel also spake the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel. Him that dieth of Ahab in the city the dogs shall eat; and him that dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat" (I Kings 21:23-24).
Example of the Midianites – "Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison: Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth" (Ps. 83:9-10).

God Has Plainly Called Cremation Wickedness
"Thus saith the Lord; For three transgressions of Moab, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime" (Amos 2:1).

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I know of many that claim to have tested the Scriptures on this subject & claim that the Scriptures is quite on this subject & a person can do as they wish, what ever is convenient.

With each new day its getting more common for Christians to use cremation. We have had some defend this on here/

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Being on Disability, and with rent, groceries, and utilities taking my money, I could never afford a proper burial.

Don't get me wrong Brethren, I am against cremation for the same reason posted above. Moab was judged with a judgment that God said would never be rescinded because of cremating the bones of Edom.

I do believe cremation is against God's will.

But what does a person in my case do? I am unable to work due to my disability, and cannot afford a proper burial. Sadly, there are thousands in this same situation.

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Being on Disability, and with rent, groceries, and utilities taking my money, I could never afford a proper burial.

Don't get me wrong Brethren, I am against cremation for the same reason posted above. Moab was judged with a judgment that God said would never be rescinded because of cremating the bones of Edom.

I do believe cremation is against God's will.

But what does a person in my case do? I am unable to work due to my disability, and cannot afford a proper burial. Sadly, there are thousands in this same situation.

Burial doesn't have to be expensive and in most areas, if not all, there are still "pauper burials" provided for those without means.

There are also various groups and churches that will help with such. I know our home church would help or even fully pay for the burial of a member who couldn't afford such. At the same time, the county will pick up the bill for a simple burial of paupers.
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