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News Corp. to publish pro-"gay marriage" magazine


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News Corp., parent company of Fox News, to publish mag promoting gay ‘marriage’
<p class="author-detail-wrapper">
by Jeremy Kryn

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NEW YORK, NY, September 6, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Fox News’ parent company, the conservative-leaning, Rupert Mordoch-owned News Corporation, is preparing to publish a magazine devoted to homosexual “marriage” in the wake of its legalization in New York.

The September 29 debut of “WEDDING Pride” by News Corp.’s Community Newspaper Group has drawn fire from both homosexual supporters, who have slammed the move as a transparent case of financial opportunism, as well as conservatives concerned about what the move says about the future of News Corp and Fox.

“It has come to my attention that News Corp, parent company to virulently homophobic Fox News and NY Post doesn’t apparently hate the gays enough to not make a buck off them, if the opportunity presents itself,” quipped one writer on the liberal Daily Kos blog.

Peter LaBarbera of Americas for Truth about Homosexuality said, however, that “Conservative and faith-based Americans do not look to Fox to promote sin.”

“And yet, every time Fox promotes homosexuality, that’s exactly what they’re doing; they’re promoting bad morality.”

“I think the problem is Fox News is based in New York City, which is a gay Mecca,” he said, noting that while other news networks devoted considerable time to reporting on a New York Senate vote to legalize homosexual “marriage,” the cable news channel devoted zero segments to the vote or to the governor signing the measure into law.

WEDDING Pride is to be a high-end, glossy publication and is to have an initial distribution of 35,000 in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Ad prices in the magazine are to range from $850 for a quarter page to $3,120 for a back cover.

Concerns about the direction Fox News was taking in regard to homosexual issues were also raised in 2006 when the news agency was listed as a “Feature Level” sponsor of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) annual convention after donating $10,000 to the event.

LaBarbera expressed to LifeSiteNews his fear that Fox News may “go neutral” on social issues.
“People expect Fox to avoid the typical liberal media bias on issues like homosexuality,” he said. “Already, Fox supports the NLGJA, and frequent Fox Bill O’Reilly guest Margaret Hoover is a strong advocate for homosexual ‘marriage.’”

LaBarbera said that there is reluctance on the part of most Fox News programs to treat the homosexual agenda as a serious threat to religious freedom.

““We certainly hope that News Corporation’s support of homosexual ‘marriage’ does not presage a tilt by Fox News in that direction,” he said.

Contact Info:

Brian Lewis, Executive Vice President
Corporate Communications
Phone: 212-301-3331
Fax: 212-819-0816
E-Mail: brian.lewis@foxnews.com

Irena Briganti, Senior Vice President
Media Relations
Phone: 212-301-3608
Fax: 212-819-0816
E-Mail: irena.briganti@foxnews.com

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I am not the least bit surprised. Fox news is only worldly conservative just as the republican party, they have never been Christian conservative. All one has to do to realize that is browse their home news page looking at the title of their articles and read though a few of them.

Their goal is to make money, not serve God.

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Ann Coulter takes the biblical view of homosexuality.

Coulter joined GOProud who consider her a gay icon. Coulter has affiliated with the Presbyterian church which ordaines lesbian and homosexual preachers among other heresies.

Is she "saying" one thing while "doing" another?

Except for Demonic, all of her books are on my shelf and have been thoroughly enjoyed and quite informative. However, the Holy Spirit's been sanctifying me and questions arise as to her Testimony and Christian walk and whether or not it's proper to separate from the likes of her and other "conservative" leaders.
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Coulter joined GOProud who consider her a gay icon. Coulter has affiliated with the Presbyterian church which ordaines lesbian and homosexual preachers among other heresies.

Is she "saying" one thing while "doing" another?

Except for Demonic, all of her books are on my shelf and have been thoroughly enjoyed and quite informative. However, the Holy Spirit's been sanctifying me and questions arise as to her Testimony and Christian walk and whether or not it's proper to separate from the likes of her and other "conservative" leaders.

I've read her books previous to Demonic as well. I found "Godless" to be the best. Her salvation is something I can't speak to as I don't have enough information to even guess. From all I've read and seen, she has spoke openly against homosexuality. She was invited to speak to that pro-homosexual group and to nearly everyones surprise she spoke there and to nearly everyones surprise she stood her ground and spoke against the homosexual agenda while there.

Most conservative "leaders" are not Christians, nominally Christian or worldly Christian and I would not yoke with any of them.

When it comes to separation I keep in mind that whatever they say and do must be viewed through Scripture, not through how well they sound or look. It's also important to remember to keep our focus upon Christ. I've seen so many Christians get caught up in politics and end up becoming followers of Rush, Hannity, Beck or some other "conservative leader" much more than being followers of Christ.

Our call, as followers of Christ, is to bring about positive change for the glory of God beginning with ourselves pursuing personal holiness, and by making disciples. This is how to do what is best for America and such will not be burned up with the sticks and stubble when our works are judged.

A revival and/or great awakening is much more to be desired and worked for than a Republican controlled government.
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Is it "yoking" to even read their books? I've read some great books written by anti-communists who practiced popery, was it wrong to read them? On a battlefield we'd likely be on the same side but how much if at all do we associate with one another?

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Is it "yoking" to even read their books? I've read some great books written by anti-communists who practiced popery, was it wrong to read them? On a battlefield we'd likely be on the same side but how much if at all do we associate with one another?

If they are not preaching a false doctrine in their books some can be read without there being a yoking. I tend to be much more selective in my reading these days. For the most part, politics is of this world and will be burned up in the end with no eternal value. For this reason I read far fewer such books, or any books anymore, that are not Christ centered.

The best way to oppose communists, socialists and wickedness in politics/government is to pray for the individuals and Parties, to win the lost to Christ, to preach and teach the truth of Scripture.
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Is it "yoking" to even read their books? I've read some great books written by anti-communists who practiced popery, was it wrong to read them? On a battlefield we'd likely be on the same side but how much if at all do we associate with one another?

Popery is far worse than communism.

In fact, I believe that popery is the great enemy of the church. Communism is juat a side show.
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