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Bill Gothard


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I know of some people who are involved in some aspects of Bill Gothard's ministry. Something of a missionary aspect in South America where I think they also do some teaching. We don't have much contact now which is why I'm asking questions here.

I did try to look up information online but came away knowing no more than when I began. One website seemed to offer a list of problems with Gothard but when I read over what they said it sounded more like nit-picking. Another website seemed to have application differences with Gothard but didn't spell out any actual biblical wrongs. Another said those who are involved with Gothard are part of the "Gothard cult" but never went into any detail of how being involved with him was cultlike except to say they operated as extended family.

From what I found, it seems many have problems with Gothard but I could find none that actually put forth biblical reasons.

Is Bill Gothard sound, off in some areas, way out there, cultic or what?

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I spent my teen years in ATI. Although I enjoyed my time there, there are several reasons I will not be involved with them in future, but I'll share the two clearest reasons.

1. Anything good in ATI (standards, accountability, positive 'peer pressure') can be found in a good Bible-believing church. Which is the place that such things should come from in the first place. (1 Tim. 3:15) :thumb:

2. ATI taught standards, but it did not teach separation. How could it? It is an ecumenical organization. The girls I would meet would discuss everything under the sun - but never doctrine or home churches - because we were all different. I don't even know the root doctrinal stance of most of my teachers - except in how they did or did not agree with areas of doctrine that ATI taught. We never even discussed salvation - again, how could we? Biblical doctrine was downplayed and standards (just standards) were exalted. Biblically, the doctrine of separation is the foundation for Biblical standards. The result of this disassociation has been many kids that either (a) conformed but dropped the standards when they were no longer in ATI (this would include almost all the kids I knew in ATI - the exceptions are those that are now in good solid fundamental churches) or (b ) saw the hypocrisy and wouldn't have anything to do with the standards (one example being my brother. I firmly believe that the hypocrisy he saw at ATI was a major contribution to his turning away from my family's standards & beliefs).
(Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 6:14-17)


Note: in case anyone is wondering why doctrine & separation should matter so much in what might only be considered a 'homeschool organization,' you have to understand that if you are really involved in ATI, it becomes very much a way of life. Your family shares beliefs & standards with other ATI families that set you apart from other friends & contacts - even your church. If you are in a good IFB church, the difference would be far less - but I honestly believe that if you are in such a church, there is nothing ATI can give you that God is not already providing through that church - except subliminal teaching that undermines the doctrine of separation and the authority of your pastor.

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He was brought up on here a long time back. Kevin defended him, you do remember Kevin don't you? That in it self ought to be enough to warn you there is a problem with this man. I know not much about him, I do remember reading enough about him at that time to know I would not support him.

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Salyan raised some good points. I wouldn't say the "gothard group" are really a "cult" but certain concerning tendencies show up and they certainly do tend towards ecumenicalism. It is one of those groups that is right on the "edge" in my opinion. I would not be comfortable being a part of their organisation personally but I wouldn't necessarily condemn someone else for being involved in it to some degree if they can do so in good conscience. Some of my best bible teachers from 15 or so years ago were heavily involved in ATI and taught a lot of gothard material in my sunday school class. Something always made me uncomfortable about it even then although it was rarely that I actually found something in the material that I flat disagreed with. Just one of those little prickings of the mind that tells you "stay away from this" even though your not quite sure why since you mostly agree. I haven't had any contact with gothards organization or teachings in many years though now and I can't say how far it has slidden. It might be worse now than it was then for all I know.

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There's a new website out now; it's produced by some that grew up in ATI and were badly burned by it. I don't agree with everything said (especially on music), but some of what they're saying (especially on the misrepresentation of God's grace and overemphasis on standards) is thought-provoking. It gives good insight into the minds of those that were burned by ATI (and some by fundamentalism). It can be found at www.recoveringgrace.org. Again, I don't agree with everything they say - maybe not even most - but I'm finding it helpful in better understanding the direction some of my old ATI friends have taken and even some of my friends from IFB circles.

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