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Mom Wanted! Signed "Your Children" By Melissa Schworer

Brother Rick

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Hey everyone, I think this is the best thing my wife had ever written. Every lady should read this, and it would do well for fathers to read it as well. Very powerful.


I have prayed about this topic for over a year and the burden in my heart is continually increased. Yet, I feel that it is an idea that can be misconstrued if not read in the proper context.

I want to say what this article is not. It is not meant to degrade any ladies in any way. It is not meant to intrude into the liberty of a husband and wife to determine how many children that they can properly raise for the Lord. It is not meant to burden women with guilt for past sins that are under the blood of Christ.

What this article is is a call for women to come home again; not just in body, but in heart.

I hope to get past the smoke to see clearly the fiery darts of Satan that he shoots at his enemy: the mother and child.

Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.


There is nothing like the bond of a mother and a child. No one knows the needs of that baby more than the mother. The father can hold a crying baby and the mother comes in with that special knowledge of how the child likes to be held or rocked and the baby calms immediately.

A mother has gone from having a buddy in her belly to having a daily companion with whom to share her activities. She bathes the child, applies ointment to a sore bottom, and is the first to jump when he bonks his forehead for the first time. She loses her night’s sleep wondering if her child has died the first time he sleeps through the night.

She has a special helper who stares at the toilet when his mom (expecting again) is facing morning nausea with a toddler in the mix. He rubs her belly as it grows and is excited when he gets his first new friend at the hospital. He’s a big brother now you know!

The mother watches the child grows and learns his character flaws as well as the joyful part of his personality. She gets to sing him songs about Jesus when he is still in her arms, and hear him ask when he can ask Jesus into his heart as he grows. She watches his heart develop and as he understands the sweetness of the cross that he has learned at home and church since he was a toddler....

Click Here For Full Article

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I know from experience that the vast majority of professing Christians, both men and women, reject such biblical teaching. Rather than following the biblical model for families, parenting and husband/wife relations, they follow the model of the world. This is partly why we see such a staggeringly high percentage of children from "Christian families", even those who attended church fairly regularly or regularly as growing up, turn away from church and Christianity after they leave home. Other than perhaps a few surface differences, they were raised primarily the same as the world.

Amazing how so many profess faith to trust God to save them from hell and bring them to heaven, yet they are either afraid to trust God with their family matters or believe they have to be "practical" and basically "help God" when it comes to their finances, children, marriage, parenting.

How much more Christian might America be today had Christians over the past hundred years allowed God to determine when and how many children they would have, and if they had raised the children God blessed them with according to the Word of God rather than according to the ways of the world?

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It always comes down to self, self, self; and in the end, when the "me time" is over and the toys are gone the parents are filled with regret.

And the children are on the wrong road.

What good does it do for parents to give the whole world to their children if they fail to help those children's souls to be saved?

So many parents say they only want the best for their children. This typically means they want all the worldly "best". Meanwhile, what is truly best, which is Christ and salvation in Him and a life lived for HIm, is neglected.
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