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Where did Christmas go?


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What has Happened to Christmas?

We all know the “Christmas story”, and how the angels proclaimed the glorious birth; how the wise men traveled from afar to worship him, and gloriously looked forward to merely seeing the Christ child. We have read of the shepherds that came, and sought him out, with great joy they came to gaze upon the Savior, but what has happened to Christmas? What has happened to the joy and the elation that filled the air during those times? Where has that electric, ecstatic jubilance gone? Nowadays, even Christians are selling out on Christmas!
The world has stolen our blessing! They have cunningly devised a scheme to slander the name “Christmas” and speak of it among the trash heaps of men’s mythology. They have sought to destroy Christmas! Woe to those who align themselves with the world and seek to undermine the great joy and blessing that once permeated the very air; woe unto them who scorn at Christmas when even the angels greatly rejoiced in it, and so much more woe to them when they attempt to tear down the excitement and the great mirth that comes with the birth of Christ. That’s what it is all about isn’t it? The birth of Christ, the Savior of the world?
Woe unto you who pompously celebrate your own birthday, or the birth of great men of the world, all the while scorning the blessed Savior’s birthday. Woe unto you when you care more for the birth of a great man than the birth of a greater God! Double woe unto you, oh “Christian” that says that the recognized day of celebrating the second greatest event this world has ever known---the birth of Christ, is a fallacy practiced by pagans years ago. Oh, how you make an alliance with the opposes of all that is good and right, and all in the name of Christmas truth! Woe unto you when you care more for the birth of a great man than the birth of a greater God! You, a “brother in the Lord” are bent on destroying Christmas. Shame on you!

Let’s continue to celebrate that great day, the day of our Savior’s birth. Don’t let the unbelievers steal our joy; don’t let the false prophets with tickling ears spread their message of doom for Christmas! Don’t let the carnal one’s who fall for the wiles of the devil destroy that which we hold dear and precious. Let’s get Christmas back! We need to wretch it from the unholy hands that seek to downplay the importance of such an earth-shaking event. Let’s take Christmas back, and rejoice in our Saviors birth, and in the fact that the resurrection could not have happened except for the birth. Jesus was born to die! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, and goodwill toward men.

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Our pastor is preaching this month on just who Jesus is and what that should mean for us rather than just on the "traditional" sort of sermons for this time of year. So far these messages have been so edifying and our pastor always ties up each message with how it should apply to our lives and how we should do so, which makes them convicting and challenging...praise God!

Yes, we should be focused upon Jesus and not the worldly distractions.

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