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Thou shalt not steal (a question)


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I used to like the "Commador" computer system. You could change many of the games to Bible themes. It's fun and it is eduction worth gaining. It was written in "basic", or much if it was, and it wasn't hard to change it. I had Bible hang man; Bible balloon blast, etc. Maybe some of those games could be changed into (or copied) Bible themes, they would be worth the effort if they taught Bible while having fun.

I found a game, several years ago called "Scattegories" or something like that and made my own version of it. It is simple:

You have a grid with six "boxes long and five boxes verticle. As in Jeopardy, you pick 5 categories going across, and 5 letters going downward. Then you have to name a (example: Bible city) that begins with the letter to the right of it. It gets you thinking, and you can also set a time limit depending on how hard the subject is. It can easily be drawn with pencil and paper. Makes a good game for camp meetings on rainy days, etc.

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In basketball the players don't own the ball so no one is stealing the ball when they take it.

The game in question seems to suggest the idea of taking what doesn't belong to you.

I agree, I would not want children playing it, it might influence them later on to do that which is not right. There is already to much temptation for that with out adding to it with some type of game.

One has to be careful, and gage it against the Word, not the world.
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Nathaniel, I can tell you have a tender heart toward the Lord. You remind me of one of my sons; this is just the kind of question he would ask. Can I encourage you (as I encourage my son) to be confident in God's grace? After prayerfully considering Scripture, evaluating how it relates to your question, gathering counsel (especially from your parents), etc., don't be afraid to make a decision like a man and stick with it. Live out your convictions strongly; don't waffle back and forth, living in doubt, as if God is sitting up there with a big stick ready to strike you the minute you "get out of line." If you are a Christian, and you sincerely want to please the Lord, He will guide you just as He promises; you don't have to worry, as long as you are "acknowledging Him in all your ways, He will direct your path."

Thanks for telling us you've got a tender heart towards the Lord. Does that mean we who gave him good biblical advise does not have a tender heart towards the Lord? In all honesty that seems what you mean.

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Thanks for telling us you've got a tender heart towards the Lord. Does that mean we who gave him good biblical advise does not have a tender heart towards the Lord? In all honesty that seems what you mean.

Jerry, I think you misread my post. When did I say that I have a tender heart towards the Lord (and that you don't)?
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It's very fun.

Another board game that's fun is Age of Empires III: Age of Discovery. I really like that one.

I looked at Age of Empires III for a possible for my son, but even on sale at $40, it's a bit steep!
As to the question of the thief - could you play the game and give the guy a different name? Like landlord or IRS? That way there's no question in anyone's mind that stealing is acceptable...
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Jerry, I think you misread my post. When did I say that I have a tender heart towards the Lord (and that you don't)?

Excuse me, I read it wrong, and I apologize. Yet your still wrong, your never to mess with something that is wrong, not even in fun, that will lead to sin. more especially with games and children. Children are easily influenced, avoid ALL appearances of evil.

But another verse to think about, and it fits. Nathaniel seems to have doubts, having these doubts he should avoid it like the plague.

Ro 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Sadly it seems some you have about convinced him its OK.
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I was leaning towards it would be okay then the board revived a few days ago. I had still been thinking about it and the verses 1 Corinthians and 1 Corinthians 14:33 popped in my head. Perhaps it it better to just be on the Right side of right even if it is lawful for me to play the game. As I'm still confused and undecided. Edit i noticed Jerry posted the same time i did so ill add to this post. I also was thoughof Ro 14:23 though I forgot about it when i posted this originally. If i won't give this up even if it is okay that doesn't show my love for Jesus as if it were crystal clear too me, I would give it up so I prOBably should just give it up.

Edited by Nathaniel
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Its so easy to see some things as a OK that are not. And its always best to be on the safe side. And Romans 14:23 is great proof if we have doubts we should not touch the thing. Yet many refuse to heed this, and so many times we will follow them instead of our Lord.

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Excuse me, I read it wrong, and I apologize.

I forgive you, Jerry. I've done the same thing myself before.

Yet your still wrong, your never to mess with something that is wrong, not even in fun, that will lead to sin. more especially with games and children.

You are right, of course. But you haven't explained how what Nathaniel is asking about is wrong, or how it will lead to sin. Have you played the game Settlers, Jerry? Do you understand the function of the "rOBber" in the game? If not, then how can you say that playing this game will lead to sin? You might want to refer to my and Rick's previous posts for clarification on this point, since both of us have played the game. There would have to be something seriously abnormal/lacking in the brain of a person who is led to commit theft as a result of playing Settlers. It would be the same as a person being tempted to steal because he played basketball (another game in which "stealing" is legal).

"Doggie, doggie, where's your bone? Somebody stole it from your home." Does this children's game teach that stealing is all right, and lead little hearts astray? I can't answer for everyone, but statistically, 0% of my childhood classmates are thieves today, and I remember that game being a favorite among us as children in the classroom. Normal people easily understand how "stealing" in games such as Settlers, basketball, and "Doggie" (governed by the rules of those games) is completely different--in essence, purpose, motivation, etc.--than breaking the eighth commandment.

Games like Settlers are vastly different than games like, say, Grand Theft Auto, a video game which glorifies stealing (and a whole host of vices) by making it the whole OBject of the game and having the player act out stealing in living color, step by step, with all of the salacious trappings, in a way that blurrs reality and caters to the lusts of the flesh and the eyes and the pride of life.

But another verse to think about, and it fits. Nathaniel seems to have doubts, having these doubts he should avoid it like the plague.

Ro 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Absolutely correct, Jerry. Nathaniel should not play Settlers if he thinks (or even wonders if) he is truly rOBbing a person by placing the black pawn on his resource tile and drawing a card from him. (Nathaniel, is that what you think?) If you look at post #7, you'll see that I told him this very thing. That's why your next statement (below) cannot be true.

Sadly it seems some you have about convinced him its OK.

Jerry, I merely responded honestly to a question asked by a (teenage?) boy in an internet forum. My advice to him still stands:
Nathaniel, my advice would be to keep enjoying playing this game with your family, unless you really do feel that moving a black rOBber pawn onto someone's tile and drawing a card from them is real, Exodus 20 "stealing." Another option would be for you to move the black pawn onto the desert when you roll a seven...I'm sure everyone would love you for that!

If you can point to anything false/unbiblical in my posts (specifically #3 and #7), I'll gladly retract those statements, Jerry. Edited by Annie
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