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I'm taking a vacation from OB because:


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Recently an elderly church member that has no family living locally fell in her yard tripping over a root under a large oak tree, when she fell she fell face 1st on another root. Broke her nose, got cuts in her lower lip an chin that tool a few stitches, broke her thumb. I got a call when this happened and went to her house along with a niece.

Of course we took her to the local hospital to have her checked out and she stayed a few days and her children came in.

Sunday night I had a conversation with her youngest daughter who describe a woman that I do not know, one that cannot see, cannot drive, cannot make rational decisions, cannot get around, cannot take care of her self.

No the doctor report was not like that, they found no sign of a stroke nor anything else causing her to fall, just thinking it was a accidental fall.

So they place her in a nursing home, she is her old self, gets around great, and can set an talk your ears off, her mind is great.

I might say in church she can read from her Bible great, not missing a word, she does not seem to have the least prOBlem reading. I've followed her to and from church many times, she drives great, I've seen her having to stop at a red light waiting to turn left, set and wait for the light to turn green, the wait until she could safely turn left across traffic. I've seen her driving around town a few times, as has my wife, neither one of us has ever seen her nearly cause a wreck.

At this time she gets around great, has no prOBlem walking, of course being over 70 she does not get around like a 40 year old no longer. I watcher she make her way through a crossed hallway in the nursing home a couple of days ago, she navigated it very well.

I just hate to see a person become a nursing home patient before their time. I know of many that have. And I have no prOBlem with a person being placed in a nursing home when they're truly a nursing home patient because they can not get around, their mind has gone bad and they cannot make rational decisions. I might say I do see such people as she spoke of in the local nursing homes, yet this is not the case with her mother.

Anyway, I've been taking a break from OB for the last few days, and I will prOBably continued to do so for another few days. Plus I've got some troubles with my old S-10 Blazer, next week I'm going to put a new fuel pump on it, pulling the tank to do this is a pretty good jOB for me, yet I still cannot bring my self to pay the price a shop would charge.

See y'all soon.

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Thank you for posting this, Brother Jerry. I have noticed your absence from this forum and I've missed your participation!

I will be praying for you and your friend (bless you for helping her).

Good luck with your truck next week! I admire anyone who can do their own mechanic work. I am facing a $800 bill to replace the timing belt in my little car next month. Eeek! :o

I hope you will check back in soon!

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Take care Jerry, you've been missed. I'll be sure to pray about all you mentioned, including the work on your blazer. My Dad is 71 now and due to health prOBlems can't do much of his own maintenance, but he did well into his 60s. Like you, he'd much rather do it himself than pay someone else to do it; especially with how high labor costs are today.

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Thanks for your concern, its much appreciated.

Thought I would give an update. Got my fuel pump installed today and everything works good once again on my old 92 S-10 Blazer, but repair jOBs like this are getting to be to much for me. I've got to many things wrong in my neck and it seems my arms and hands don't work properly. Had to get a friend to come over and get the hard to start fuel line hooked up. They are hidden from sight and you've got to go by feel.

Thankfully with his help I saved about $400.00 that I did not have to spend. Now I will have to get busy tomorrow getting my Sunday's messages put together.

Update on the elderly church member. Everyone at church is like me, can't believe they want to put her in a nursing home. I now understand its mainly one daughter that wants to do this and she is the wife of a Baptist pastor. Seems that her son that lives in Kansas, and other daughter that lives about 40 miles from here are not for this. We will see how it all works out, I just hope and pray what ever is best for Sister Ann will come about.

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Glad to hear things are going better with your truck and sorry to hear about Sister Ann.

I figure, my parents took care of me for 18 years...it's the least I can do for them (I would hope to do it until they pass on but at least 18 years right!?). Of course, I have three sets of parents to take care of (stepfather and mother; father and stepmother; in laws) so we'll try our best.

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We are told in Scripture to take care of our own family members. One would think a Christian wouldn't even need to be reminded of that, but would rather have the love of Christ in them for such.

I know what you mean Jerry about losing the ability to do so many things. I watched my Mom go through that as she aged and cancer took its toll on her. I've seen in happen to my Dad, who when he was younger seemed virtually indestructible. Today they call old age the "golden years" but for a lot of people there's nothing golden about it. This is especially true for those without Christ.

Praise God we have truly "golden years" to look forward to in heaven, and these "golden years" will last for eternity!

You are in my prayers Jerry.

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Still keeping you and the church member you are helping in my prayers, Brother Jerry. God bless you for your compassion!

You are missed around these forums and I hope you are able to come back to more active participation when your schedule allows. If I don't have an opportunity before next week, I wish you and your family a joyful Thanksgiving!!

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