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Now Available - Roadmap Through Revelation

Brother Rick

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I want an autographed e-book. :th_tiphat:

HA!!!! Let's see him figure out how to do that!!!

Drats!! I should have asked him to autograph the copy I ordered last week. Oh well, I'll ask him to autograph his next book for me. He's tackled Revelations. The Book of Daniel should be a piece of cake! :icon_mrgreen:
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HA!!!! Let's see him figure out how to do that!!!

Drats!! I should have asked him to autograph the copy I ordered last week. Oh well, I'll ask him to autograph his next book for me. He's tackled Revelations. The Book of Daniel should be a piece of cake! :icon_mrgreen:

:) You guys are funny. I'm about as normal a guy as they get (slightly overweight, balding, white dad :) ), no aspirations of being a Christian celebrity here! With the advent of self-publishing and print on demand services, authors are becoming more and more your average guy in the office who's willing to do the work and run the risks, like me.

I've pretty much decided that any book I sell through my website or in person will come autographed. If it comes from a bookstore or Daystar Publishing directly, no autograph as they buy them in bulk.
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I've signed to Amazon.com so I can do a review & rating, having only read the on-line extracts.

Two star - as a nicely written work of religious fiction with a mix of futurist interpretation & illustrative stories - though I doubt that it will begin to rival Tim & Jerry's "Left Behind" fiction series as a money-spinner.

I will have to write my own book, keeping close to Scripture, & showing that the Revelation was given for the blessing & encouragement of its first readers who were still wondering where Israel, Jerusalem & the temple featured in God's eternal plan. (Questions Paul asks in Romans 9-11.)

The visions of Revelation relate to the destruction of AD 70. That does not mean there is nothing for us - Rev 1:3 Blessed [is] he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time [is] at hand.

Rev 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

The visions of Revelation look beyond the destruction; beyond the persecution; through the present millennium where war with the Jewish antichrist of the 60s prefigures war with the many antichrists down the ages, not least the Papacy; to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection & last judgement, & the New Heaven & New Earth.

Edited by Covenanter
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Ian, I appreciate your comments and would be happy to see your review on Amazon. Please do point out that you haven't read it though and that you come from a Preterist standpoint, in the interest of clarity to whoever reads your review. I appreciate that you've taken the time to read the excerpts. God bless! :-)

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