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Great Post defending the King James!

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I agree with the "sticky" post. Here's the link to some great sermons including some on the Bible issue:
You can download mp3s or even sign up for a podcast on iTunes! It's all free. I hope brother Anderson's sermons will be a help to someone struggling with this issue.

Janine S.

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I once started a thread like this, not with intent of arguing pro or con of Defending the King James but rather a place where people could post things they have done in the act of Defending The King James. Gods 100% Preserved Word for we who speak English.

After all I am an Independent, Fundamental, Separated, King James Bible using, devil hating believer.

Some call me an Evangelist but in my course to be such I was rudely interrupted. So I do not lay claim to the title.

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I got oodles of tracts defending the King James, many of them in Word Perfect and MS Word format, defending the King James and bashing the Book of Mormon, thats what I do.
Now Mormons think they support the King James, I can use this mentality, it's very rare one gets saved, but getting one to study helps a lot.

I have over 100 different tracts ans I will share with all who ask.

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Instead of "Bashing Mormons" wouldn't it be more productive to show them Christ and tell them the truth. I was always taught you catch more flys with honey than vinegar.

I am not undermining your passion and belief in the KJV, but I would like to say something. I once was lost, go figure. And I would attend a little church what preached KJV only. The problem was they focused so heavily on it that I got nothing out of what they were teaching. Translation meant nothing to me. If they gave me a KJV it would have just been a bible to me. I can't help but feel that some focus too much on the topic, and not enough on other things. Also if you are preaching to a congregation that believes this also then what does the congregation gain from hearing this over and over?

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I got oodles of tracts defending the King James, many of them in Word Perfect and MS Word format, defending the King James and bashing the Book of Mormon, thats what I do.
Now Mormons think they support the King James, I can use this mentality, it's very rare one gets saved, but getting one to study helps a lot.

I have over 100 different tracts ans I will share with all who ask.

I'd definitely like to see them. :mrgreen: I have a tracts website, so I'm always interested in that sorta stuff.
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