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If I had said you were ignorant or an ignoramus' date=' that would be name calling. I stated you had a lack of knowledge on an issue. Perhaps a dictionary and an encyclopedia would help.[/quote']

I love it when someone says to get a dictionary and an encyclopedia, as if those references can explain the context in which one uses a certain word or phrase. Just more condescending language used to deflect the issue. Why not just get a blanket, cover your head, then stick your fingers in your ears. Please. You're an adult aren't you? There's no reason why we can't have a mature conversation about this. You give me one Baptist doctrine that is not also an Anglican doctrine. (I won't limit my understanding of Baptist to Westboro, Kansas, if you want limit your understanding of Anglicans to Concord, New Hampshire). These are two churches that get along great in my area and they, as a pair, are tremendous at spreading the word and light of God. There's no reason why you can't find peaceful ground between the two yourself, if you'd care to learn the truth.

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If Anglican and Baptist is the same thing, then why do they still exist as seperate churches? In any town I visit in the UK, there are usually about 10 different Christian churches, each with its own denomination--Church of England, Methodist, Strict Baptist, General Baptist, United Reformed, Unitarian, Presbyterian, Lutheran etc, etc. For them all to exist, musn't each church have a continuing problem with the doctrinal position of each of the other churches? If the Baptist church is the same as the Anglican one, why don't they merge? Or more to the point--why did they ever seperate?

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From what I've been understanding, especially moving from agnosticism (didn't really practice it, just was unsure about God [i think evolution had a lot to do with this)] to pentecostal to baptist, it's because depending on you listen to, there seem to be multiple views of history. That is why most people need sources.

Good morning nymusicman...well, I was agnostic for a period in my life. I practiced nothing but myself. :sad I left the RCC years ago, so I really had no belief system to rely on. Yes, I was unsure of God...but, I wanted to know about anything pertaining to an afterlife. Yes, evolution was a factor, too. :thumbdown The study of education and psychology was where I put all of my focus at a later time. I suppose I am secure now... b/c I feel the prescence of the Holy Spirit in my IFB...every time I attend service. My pastor preaches the KJV, yet he is senstive to the "various" needs of others. He is a "stats" man...and, I love that! He does give credit where credit is due...so, I really admire this man of God. I know that is just great admistration on his part. :lol Believe me...it took me years to get to this point in my thinking. :smile

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I agree with you. I'm sure there are many things on which we may not completely agree, but I would hope that any of us on here could have tremendous fellowship together as brothers and sisters in Christ regardless of minor things on which we disagree.

:praise: :thumb...and, Yes..."They are minor things" compaired to the lost souls that need to be won for the Glory of God. :pray How many people are going to hell daily? There are about 6.5 Billion people in the world today... 150,000 will die today... 120,000 will go to hell. :sad :sad... 60,000 have never heard the Gospel. Thank the Lord, Kevin...that you are out in the uttermost part of the world telling them! :amen: We all have our Jeruselum. :thumb

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If Anglican and Baptist is the same thing' date=' then why do they still exist as seperate churches? In any town I visit in the UK, there are usually about 10 different Christian churches, each with its own denomination--Church of England, Methodist, Strict Baptist, General Baptist, United Reformed, Unitarian, Presbyterian, Lutheran etc, etc. For them all to exist, musn't each church have a continuing problem with the doctrinal position of each of the other churches? If the Baptist church is the same as the Anglican one, why don't they merge? Or more to the point--why did they ever seperate?[/quote']

Alimantado, that's a great question. From what I can readily gather, the only real difference between Anglicans and Baptist, other than infant baptism (which isn't required by Anglicans) is the form and method of their worship services. Both churches' services involve a few hymns and preaching, while the Anglicans take communion every sunday.
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candlelight: Thanks for the olive branch. However, I'm not voicing "my" faith, I'm voicing "our" faith. If you believe that there is one God, who sent his only begotten son to die for our sins, and that whosoever beleiveth in him shall have ever lasting life, then you share the same faith as I do no matter what the sign in front of your church says.

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candlelight: Thanks for the olive branch. However' date=' I'm not voicing "my" faith, I'm voicing "our" faith. If you believe that there is one God, who sent his only begotten son to die for our sins, and that whosoever beleiveth in him shall have ever lasting life, then you share the same faith as I do no matter what the sign in front of your church says.[/quote']

Yes, I do agree to an extent w/ you...ptwild. Religion is a form of division...and, yes...of course, the devil set that one up. also. However, I must challege Catholics and Protestans on "Infant Baptism". Even...my dad, who never got the RCC...and, his older brother had a problem w/the RCC as well. How is an infant supposed to be able to comprehend the concept of salvation? The baby can't. I will wholeheartedly agree with the doctrine of the IFB b/c we believe in 2 ordinaces within the church...as stated in the Bible. Don't worry, I am getting proof. They are "Believers Baptism" and the "Lord's Supper." The Roman Emperor Constantine in 313 A.D. (The start of the RCC) threw in "Infant Baptism" - sprinkling of babies. His mom was Helena (a wonderful Christian woman who prayed fervently for her son's salvation), and his dad was a pagan. Dad's play a MAJOR role in the spiritual upbringing of their children...more than we like to give them credit for. It is an awesome responsibility to be a husband and a dad. I can only imagine that? :wave: Statistically speaking ( and, I know...this is just stats) when a mom is saved and serving the Lord...only 13% of the children in the family come to know JC as personal Saviour. When a dad is saved and serving 87% of the chidren will come to know JC as Christ and Saviour. My son has 2 dads. A biological dad who is lost (praying for his salvation) and, a step-dad who is saved and serving. What are the odds? I don't know that? Their are so many variables...but, dad's play a very crucial role in the spiritual upbringing of their children....sons and daughters alike. Our nation needs to get off of this..."Nazi Combat, group of Liberal Women" who think they can where the boots...at every given time. It seems to me like their is something lacking here. That is why I never interferred in the ability for my son's dad to see our son. Why would I ...they love eachother, and that is natural. My son chose not to see him for close to a year...and, that was a sheer time of grief in our boy's life. There was a reason, and I won't go into that.

Well...dad's, that are in prison...still have that bond, especially w/ their sons. AMAZING...isn't it? Well, the man is the stronger vessel Biblically. So, that would make logical sense to me. I guess I am stating, that somehow we got off-track in this world...to put it very midly. And, I agree with my pastor that we can't get along in our own churches sometimes...so, how are we going to get along w/ those who believe differently? The whole "Infant Baptism" is against clear teaching of the scriptures. John the Baptist...the "forerunner" of Jesus Christ - was the only man endwelled with the Holy Spirit at that time...prior to Christ. Jesus' older cousin, John...Baptized Jesus in the River Jordan...to show the world that He was the Christ. Believer's Baptism is a showing to the brethren that one is saved. John Baptizes Jesus ...Matthew 3:13-17...Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest (you come) unto me? And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. KJV. So, with this in mind...Jesus was immersed in water not sprinkled on the head as an infant. He was a grown man...beginning His ministry on earth.

The problem I have w/ Infant Baptism is that many people feel that is their "ticket into Heaven"...when indeed that is not Biblical. Salvation is the key to Heaven's gates. Believer's Baptism is just an outpouring to the brethren to show that on is professing Christ before man so that Jesus can profess that :saint before His Father in Heaven. I suppose the simplicity of everything is what was a shocker for me. It was simple...yet, my heart attitude had to change. That is where repentence comes into play. Then, when we see the "Fruits of the Spirit" in a changed person that is where one truly knows when one is one their way to Heaven. It is different for everyone. My salvation experience was a "Lightening Bolt" of extreme change, whereas, to some...they gradually move into the change. The most important thing is knowing that one has been born-again. And, Jesus is the only one that said born-again...so I know it is crucial. :wink That is my concern for all men/women. I want them to have what I have. No, it isn't easy...but, it's sure is better knowing that I serve the God who gave me life and now, Eternal life. That is the miracle of salvation...and, serving others in order to serve Our Wonderful Saviour, Christ Jesus. Blessings, brother. :thumb

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candlelight: I agree with you. I was not baptized as an infant' date=' nor do I believe that it has anything to do with salvation.[/quote']

Oh...that is good to know. :amen: How do you explain to various faiths about the whole "Infant Baptism" belief that they have? Other than what I have stated, and I could go on and on...just preach Jesus? :ideas: It is a huge concern that I have with my RCC family members, relatives, and friends. Plus... it is in many Protestant faiths. My Lutheran friend believes it... as well. They really believe that it is necessary for salvation. And...then, of course the RCC with the Eucharist. My hubby jokingly says, "I was a bad Catholic". Now, I thank Satan for that confusion. He did something right in my life. :lol

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I don't explain to other branches of christianity (they are not of a different faith, just different flavors of the same faith) about infant baptism because I don't believe baptism has anything to do with salvation. It's a side note, something encouraged, but not required.

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I don't explain to other branches of christianity (they are not of a different faith' date=' just different flavors of the same faith) about infant baptism because I don't believe baptism has anything to do with salvation. It's a side note, something encouraged, but not required.[/quote']

HI ptwild..."Something encouraged, but not required"? It seems that the RCC's where I live encourage it for salvation. I have heard many Catholics talk about how they are going to Heaven b/c they were baptized as an infant. I am confused here...unless, it is just a location thing. I do live in Irish/Italian Cleveland, OH. The city is made up of many ethnic cultures, but the Irish and Italians here have a "big" influence on the city in general. I am of Irish decent...my mom calls it the "Irish mafia". :lol: They also control the courts here.

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Amongst Presbyterians, it is not considered an an equal level with salvation. From what I can understand, it dedicates them to God until the time of accountability, or when they're old enough to understand and make that decision for themselves. I see it as being unnecessary and a vain tradition, but it's not dangerous.

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Amongst Presbyterians' date=' it is not considered an an equal level with salvation. From what I can understand, it dedicates them to God until the time of accountability, or when they're old enough to understand and make that decision for themselves. I see it as being unnecessary and a vain tradition, but it's not dangerous.[/quote']

The Presbyterians also used (and some still might) the KJV. I know many Presbyterians. However, the Presbyterian church we have in town has changed immensely. The current pastor preaches evolution along with the Bible. :loco He doesn't believe or teach creation in Genesis. :eek I also met another Presbyterian preacher, on-line...years ago that preached the same thing. The (John Wesley) Methodist church in town is more doctrinally strong. I know a woman who works at the women's agency that left the Presbyterian church in town that I mentioned, and worships at this particular Methodist chruch. We have 2 Methodist churches in town...the other is extremely weak in doctrine...and, has a female preacher.

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