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Hello from Oklahoma


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I joined a few days ago, and have read some wonderful posts. I have posted a few times, and just noticed the intro section. As I post please forgive my spelling. I am Ronald. I have been happily married for 19 months. I was raised in church as a pastors son. I was saved at the age of 8, under my Grandad's farm house kitchen table. I have served as a teacher of both young people and adults. I prefer the kids, as it seems like that is where God has put the "comfort zone" for me. I am a great believer in prayer. A long story, but it tells somewhat about me and my faith in God, so here goes. My mother raised me as a stay at home mom. She was always there for me, any time I needed her. Once I was grown she opened a store in a local little town. She did not worry so much about how much she brought in, as that she was a good witness to those who came through her door. I saw her many times stop working to sit down and council with someone. Well, in March 2004, she had a terrible stroke. We got her to the hospital in extremely bad shape. We were told during the first week that she very likely was going to die. They said that 50% of those who had a stroke the size of hers never make it to the hospital. 50% of those who do, die in the hospital. Pretty well the rest live the rest of their lives as vegetables. Well, we prayed very hard. The churches around started praying for her. Over the course of a few days word spread, and there were prayers we know of from Canada to Costa Rica. She was in Intinsive Care for a week. After a week they said they were going to move her to a room. I asked if it was to get better or to die. The answer was to Die. A very hard thing to hear. But we went to the room. We were there for three more weeks. The hospital then said it was time to move her to a nursing home. That even if she lived she would be a vegetable, and a nursing home would be able to see after her. So she was sent to a local nursing home. While there we found a theripist that gave free therapy for those like us with no insurance. But how do you get a person to a therapy clinic twice a week who cannot walk, and has to have a lift to get them into a wheel chair. We decided to try to find a van that we could build a ramp of some sort to wheel her into. Whatever it took! Well we went to a local car lot to see if they had or knew of an older van we could get to rework to use. I walked in and spoke to a salesman I knew. He told me he had just what I needed. How many times do you walk into a car lot in a small town and find a used van with a wheelchair lift already in it. God puts things in place for us sometimes in amazing ways. Anyway, we bought the van with a lot of help from a friend, and started taking mom to therapy. She was very determined. At times she would get very scared, but still worked very hard. She is now home. She plays the piano at church. She may never be back to the point of opening another store (only God knows) but she is a very loving person. I strongly believe the days of miracles is over. But at the same time I do believe God answers prayers. He takes care of those he loves. Since then God has blessed me with a wonderful wife. I guess I needed to be there for mom, and now my dad and brother can handle it without me being there all the time.

God Bless,

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