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Howdy Folks.

I as well have been looking for an IFB forum for awhile. The one prior to this, had a "Manly Man" sub section that included and i quote "women celebrities you find "hot"". FWIW the website referred to itself as a IFB forum and was in the Fundamental Top 100. I ain't out to slam anyone. But, i didn't find it conducive to my growing relationship with King Jesus (JM 0.02).

Anyway, my thanks to you folks i look forward to what i am sure will be an interesting ride.

Go easy..........

Bro. MilkmanDan

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G'day mate, how ya going?

Nah, no problems like that here. Have been keeping an eye on this site much longer than what I have been registered for, and I haven't found any problems like that here.

Feel free to talk, and share stuff! Most of our conversations are God-centred, and we don't talk about morally questionable topics. (Big bad admins active!)

God willing, we'll have good fellowship :smile

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Right on man.

Thanks for the welcome Timothy.

lets see, I was raised in a Christian Non Denom. Church as a child. My wife was raised Catholic. We both just left a "little" Willow Creek church. We have since joined a KJV only/Hyles-Anderson/IFB Church.

We really dig this church. My children (2 daughters 6 and 10) have learned more from it than the previous church.

Thanks Timothy I look forward to the fellowship as well.


Bro. Milkman Dan

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