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Biden withdraws from nominating process

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10 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Theories... that's all they are until proven true. And like I said, I deal in facts. I've had too many friends and family fall into the conspiracy cult. Too often they have been PROVEN wrong. Geanted a minority of them pan out. I fully agree that much of the COVID debauchle was filled with conspiracies that proved to be true. Anytime the government comes to the public and states ** We're from the Government, and we're hear to help** conspiracy theories are in order. 

Folks are always free to believe what they will, but, I deal only in facts. I'm pretty much a realist. And yes, JB was probably on some very good drugs. 

Now this is interesting. Can you expand on the "facts" you deal with? Do you personally survey the ground of news stories you hear to establish these facts? Do you personally interview eye-witnesses and examine physical evidence? If not then you get your "facts" from somewhere else. Where is this hidden treasure trove of indisputable "facts" located so we can all benefit? We need these "facts" sooner rather than in hindsight when the damage is already done if you don't mind.

Also, could you specify which of your families "conspiracy theories" were proven false? Just a handful will suffice since you say "too often" proven wrong.

Which ones? 



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On 7/24/2024 at 3:20 PM, wretched said:

Now this is interesting. Can you expand on the "facts" you deal with?

Well, wretched, if you can't comprehend the word *facts* there's going to be a problem to begin with.

Fact: COVID 19 was and IS real. 

Fact: Fauci was involved in it's creation. Obama had told him to discontinue his involvement with it, which instruction does Fauci didn't follow. 

Fact: The CDC, NIH, WHO, etc pushed guidelines which did little to stop the spread of the disease, the millions of deaths, and the increased health issues that came from the poison jab they tried to push on everybody.

Fact: There was a villianization of those who thought for themselves and did their own research and fought the mandates, the attempt to push the jab on everyone, and the attempt by the government to restrict freedom of assembly to Christians/conservatives.

I could go on and on. But, I'll name one more...the fires that wiped out a lot of one town in Hawaii. I had a man whom I grew up with whose family sees conspiracies in everything, sending me hundreds of photographs of said town, and very limited what he referred to as proof, of a cannon of some sort that had the precision to set small, or even large swaths of property on fire yet leaving certain things untouched. UGH! I had to finally block him. My niece and her husband live near that area on the island while in the armed forces. Most of the material my friend sent me was soundly disproven, and he couldn't handle that FACT.

Granted, there are valid conspiracy theories in this world. The JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, etc. 

On 7/24/2024 at 3:20 PM, wretched said:


Do you personally survey the ground of news stories you hear to establish these facts? Do you personally interview eye-witnesses and examine physical evidence? If not then you get your "facts" from somewhere else. Where is this hidden treasure trove of indisputable "facts" located so we can all benefit? We need these "facts" sooner rather than in hindsight when the damage is already done if you don't mind.

Also, could you specify which of your families "conspiracy theories" were proven false? Just a handful will suffice since you say "too often" proven wrong.

Which ones? 

I'm not gullible enough to swallow all the tripe shoved my way. You're definitely free to do so if you wish. 

On 7/24/2024 at 3:20 PM, wretched said:


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2 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Well, wretched, if you can't comprehend the word *facts* there's going to be a problem to begin with.

Fact: COVID 19 was and IS real. 

Fact: Fauci was involved in it's creation. Obama had told him to discontinue his involvement with it, which instruction does Fauci didn't follow. 

Fact: The CDC, NIH, WHO, etc pushed guidelines which did little to stop the spread of the disease, the millions of deaths, and the increased health issues that came from the poison jab they tried to push on everybody.

Fact: There was a villianization of those who thought for themselves and did their own research and fought the mandates, the attempt to push the jab on everyone, and the attempt by the government to restrict freedom of assembly to Christians/conservatives.

I could go on and on. But, I'll name one more...the fires that wiped out a lot of one town in Hawaii. I had a man whom I grew up with whose family sees conspiracies in everything, sending me hundreds of photographs of said town, and very limited what he referred to as proof, of a cannon of some sort that had the precision to set small, or even large swaths of property on fire yet leaving certain things untouched. UGH! I had to finally block him. My niece and her husband live near that area on the island while in the armed forces. Most of the material my friend sent me was soundly disproven, and he couldn't handle that FACT.

Granted, there are valid conspiracy theories in this world. The JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, etc. 

I'm not gullible enough to swallow all the tripe shoved my way. You're definitely free to do so if you wish. 

I assumed an answer just like this...Thanks Tony

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