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Hate the Sin, Hate the Sinner

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You know, Jesus even said you're supposed to "hate" your parents so, obviously, hate means different things in different contexts, no? God also tells us things like,  we're to "love our enemies" so that we will be like Him. Well, if we are to love our enemies, when He hates His, that wouldn't be "like Him" at all would it? If loving the sinner is what WE are told to do, while God doesn't love them Himself....that would kind of make us better than Him in that respect wouldn't it?And I know that's not so.. He also tells us that He "so loved the world.....". I promise you that the word "world, in John 3:16, doesn't mean the sphere of rock that we live on. So, what benefit do these guys hope to accomplish and how are they furthering the Gospel by trying to make it clear to people that "God hates the sinner"?

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For sure hate and love mean different things in different contexts. This verse provides the comparison and the explanation of that.

Matthew 6:24   No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Here is another verse to think about.

Psalm 139:21   Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

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I've said before that Jesus liked to intentionally push buttons to get those who refused to open their eyes even more angry, the Pharisees in particular. I guess it was like a form of "trolling". Kind of like a Babylon Bee headline which many on the Left take seriously and do fact checks on them but we understand they are satire and parody.

Teaching people to "hate" their parents is an example. Only those willing to see would understand what he meant and those who were looking for a reason to reject him he gave even more reason to reject. 

No doubt people were saying he hated his parents so he played right along with it.  

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Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

God's hate is pure.  Our hate most likely comes from our pride, therefore we would not be better than God by loving our enemies.   God has love for all, but you have to go through Jesus to get it, Rom 8:39.  By loving our enemies, we show His love that He has for them.  If we rather show that God hates workers of iniquity before they hear/see His love, we are definitely not furthering the gospel and are in direct disobedience to His Word. 

Case in point: in another thread someone referred to getting a baseball bat for a pervert.  I don't think she was referring to helping him with his batting average.  Do you want to crack a perv's skull out of love or hate?  Why would we want to do this?  Because we all have our own beliefs on how to treat a child and at what age a person is to be considered an adult.  In this country, most believe it is 18.  God's Word does not state an age.  I believe the Amish look at children as little adults and work them as such where some look at children as fragile china and won't even spank them.   Nevertheless, when someone doesn't act in accordance to our beliefs, we look down on them.  This is pride.  

Disclaimer:  I don't truly believe she would take a ball bat to someone.  This was said out of emotion for the news article so please don't cast stones her way.


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The Bible tells us that revenge is of the Lord, we born-again believers. We feel the pain and anger and want some type of legal response. in the Old Testament, I believe this is why the Land of Refuge was made. So revenge won’t be taken directly by any personal offender. Now, if we’re gonna talk about self-defense the baseball bat, gun, knife, or anything to defend yourself, the family, and love ones, it’s OK.  this is not revenge or hate. ?

Edited by TheGloryLand
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