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Does the Moral Character of Public Officials Matter?

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

You certainly like to read into things what you wish was there. That's a shame. Personally, I compromise my principles for no one. Where do you find one"getting into bed with his antichrists?" I truly would like to know.

The Art of a Bad Deal
Trump sold himself to the ignorant as their future President, piggybacking many of their desires for policy. Perhaps the most significant moral issue that Trump embraced was that of abortion. One could say that Trump offered Christians the unborn in exchange for the White House. Ironically, his mismanagement of the coronavirus, and later the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the death of George Floyd, showed that lives didn’t matter to him.
Trump promised to appoint conservative judges, which pleased most Christians. It so happened that three judges got appointed during Trump’s Presidency, which is remarkable because judges get replaced after a lifetime of service. Many evangelicals hope this will lead to overturning the Roe vs. Wade decision. However, the trade-off that required forsaking good character in a Presidential candidate has led to other problems.
Satan offered more than a pro-life stance and conservative judges to Jesus. He offered authority over all the kingdoms. But Jesus never made deals with evil. Instead, he chose obedience to a longer and more rewarding road. Yet evangelicals have thought to make power deals with a man whose attributes are just like Satan’s, who abuses people, lies, and kills with his lust for power. In so doing, it is evident that Satan has duped them into supporting an antichrist.

EVANGELICALS, TRUMP, AND THE BIBLE: The Bride and The Beast of The Apocalypse 
Dr. Robert S. Morley

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1 minute ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

The Art of a Bad Deal
Trump sold himself to the ignorant as their future President, piggybacking many of their desires for policy. Perhaps the most significant moral issue that Trump embraced was that of abortion. One could say that Trump offered Christians the unborn in exchange for the White House. Ironically, his mismanagement of the coronavirus, and later the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the death of George Floyd, showed that lives didn’t matter to him.
Trump promised to appoint conservative judges, which pleased most Christians. It so happened that three judges got appointed during Trump’s Presidency, which is remarkable because judges get replaced after a lifetime of service. Many evangelicals hope this will lead to overturning the Roe vs. Wade decision. However, the trade-off that required forsaking good character in a Presidential candidate has led to other problems.
Satan offered more than a pro-life stance and conservative judges to Jesus. He offered authority over all the kingdoms. But Jesus never made deals with evil. Instead, he chose obedience to a longer and more rewarding road. Yet evangelicals have thought to make power deals with a man whose attributes are just like Satan’s, who abuses people, lies, and kills with his lust for power. In so doing, it is evident that Satan has duped them into supporting an antichrist.

EVANGELICALS, TRUMP, AND THE BIBLE: The Bride and The Beast of The Apocalypse 
Dr. Robert S. Morley

Maybe you should stick to South African politics. There's enough corruption in your own country and government. Just a suggestion. Most Americans don't cotton to outsiders talking about our political things or giving their "helpful" advice. 

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As far as I'm concerned any politician is going to have some shadiness in his background. If he was as moral as a "man of God" I'd rather see him become a preacher or missionary.

I usually vote for the person I believe will respect the Constitution and stay out of the way of Christians serving God in peace and godliness (I Timothy 2:2). 

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3 hours ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

The Art of a Bad Deal
Trump sold himself to the ignorant as their future President, piggybacking many of their desires for policy. Perhaps the most significant moral issue that Trump embraced was that of abortion. One could say that Trump offered Christians the unborn in exchange for the White House. Ironically, his mismanagement of the coronavirus, and later the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the death of George Floyd, showed that lives didn’t matter to him.
Trump promised to appoint conservative judges, which pleased most Christians. It so happened that three judges got appointed during Trump’s Presidency, which is remarkable because judges get replaced after a lifetime of service. Many evangelicals hope this will lead to overturning the Roe vs. Wade decision. However, the trade-off that required forsaking good character in a Presidential candidate has led to other problems.
Satan offered more than a pro-life stance and conservative judges to Jesus. He offered authority over all the kingdoms. But Jesus never made deals with evil. Instead, he chose obedience to a longer and more rewarding road. Yet evangelicals have thought to make power deals with a man whose attributes are just like Satan’s, who abuses people, lies, and kills with his lust for power. In so doing, it is evident that Satan has duped them into supporting an antichrist.

EVANGELICALS, TRUMP, AND THE BIBLE: The Bride and The Beast of The Apocalypse 
Dr. Robert S. Morley

Wow, you don’t like Trump…

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3 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Yes. I'm praying his days will be few and another will take his place. I'm also praying he'll come to know the Lord... it's clear he doesn't. 

That's not what 1 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs you to pray.

"Let his days be few; and let another take his office" (Psalm 109:8) is a terrible thing to pray. It refers to the days of his life, that he die an untimely death.

Did you pray the same for Trump?

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

That's not what 1 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs you to pray.

"Let his days be few; and let another take his office" (Psalm 109:8) is a terrible thing to pray. It refers to the days of his life, that he die an untimely death.

Did you pray the same for Trump?

I pray for all that serve in the government. I see that humor is lost on you. Oh well. ?

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18 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Maybe you should stick to South African politics. There's enough corruption in your own country and government. Just a suggestion. Most Americans don't cotton to outsiders talking about our political things or giving their "helpful" advice. 

I'm speaking to brothers and sisters in Christ, whom I love dearly. My wife and children are American and so is her family. If Jonah is a lesson to go by, I should not worry about nationality either.

6 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I pray for all that serve in the government. I see that humor is lost on you. Oh well. ?

Yes, the humor was hard to decipher after that sentiment was publically spread:

"Lauren Boebert receives cheers at a Christian center after saying she prays that Biden's 'days be few and another take his office'"

Edited by Dr. Robert S. Morley
changed "this sentiment" to "that sentiment"
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4 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

I'm speaking to brothers and sisters in Christ, whom I love dearly. My wife and children are American and so is her family. If Jonah is a lesson to go by, I should not worry about nationality either.

BT, we are not going to beat the Dr. or brother. He’s a professional theologian, He has answers to all your questions, and mine. It’s a matter of if he’s on the right page, or not. He can be on the conservative page, or he can be on the liberal page. 

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48 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

The Art of a Bad Deal
Trump sold himself to the ignorant as their future President, piggybacking many of their desires for policy. Perhaps the most significant moral issue that Trump embraced was that of abortion. One could say that Trump offered Christians the unborn in exchange for the White House. Ironically, his mismanagement of the coronavirus, and later the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of the death of George Floyd, showed that lives didn’t matter to him.
Trump promised to appoint conservative judges, which pleased most Christians. It so happened that three judges got appointed during Trump’s Presidency, which is remarkable because judges get replaced after a lifetime of service. Many evangelicals hope this will lead to overturning the Roe vs. Wade decision. However, the trade-off that required forsaking good character in a Presidential candidate has led to other problems.
Satan offered more than a pro-life stance and conservative judges to Jesus. He offered authority over all the kingdoms. But Jesus never made deals with evil. Instead, he chose obedience to a longer and more rewarding road. Yet evangelicals have thought to make power deals with a man whose attributes are just like Satan’s, who abuses people, lies, and kills with his lust for power. In so doing, it is evident that Satan has duped them into supporting an antichrist.

EVANGELICALS, TRUMP, AND THE BIBLE: The Bride and The Beast of The Apocalypse 
Dr. Robert S. Morley

I'm certainly not ignorant and I voted for Mr. Trump 2x. Again with plugs for your books I see. Sorry, but it's hard for some of us to take you seriously when you keep referring back to your own opinions from your own books, while also trying to skirt rules about posting Bible verses in the KJV

34 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

I'm speaking to brothers and sisters in Christ, whom I love dearly. My wife and children are American and so is her family. If Jonah is a lesson to go by, I should not worry about nationality either.

Yes, the humor was hard to decipher after that sentiment was publically spread:

"Lauren Boebert receives cheers at a Christian center after saying she prays that Biden's 'days be few and another take his office'"

I see nothing wrong with praying the wicked be removed. 

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26 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

BT, we are not going to beat the Dr. or brother. He’s a professional theologian, He has answers to all your questions, and mine. It’s a matter of if he’s on the right page, or not. He can be on the conservative page, or he can be on the liberal page. 

I am, in the first place, neither conservative nor liberal. I aim to be biblical and to live and speak truth.

"And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant? And the captain of the LORD'S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so" (Joshua 5:13-15).

In the heat of the American Civil War, one of President Lincoln’s advisors said he was grateful that God was on the side of the Union. Lincoln replied, “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.” Taken from Our Daily Bread.

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15 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

I'm certainly not ignorant and I voted for Mr. Trump 2x. Again with plugs for your books I see. Sorry, but it's hard for some of us to take you seriously when you keep referring back to your own opinions from your own books, while also trying to skirt rules about posting Bible verses in the KJV

I see nothing wrong with praying the wicked be removed. 

I reference whatever I quote so people can verify I'm not plagiarizing.

Did I quote outside of the KJV again? Or are you keeping a record of wrongs?

Btw, so you did pray that for Trump too? Or is he not wicked in your eyes?

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1 hour ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

That's not what 1 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs you to pray.

"Let his days be few; and let another take his office" (Psalm 109:8) is a terrible thing to pray. It refers to the days of his life, that he die an untimely death.

Did you pray the same for Trump?

I think nobody here prays for death on anyone. Not even, death to Putin.

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

I reference whatever I quote so people can verify I'm not plagiarizing.

Did I quote outside of the KJV again? Or are you keeping a record of wrongs?

Btw, so you did pray that for Trump too? Or is he not wicked in your eyes?

Again, I have stated I pray for all in the government of the United States of America. Where have I stated he wasn't? I've stated neither he is or isn't. As far as the KJV and posts here, you've been called on it by more than just me. I have no need to keep track of wrongs. 

3 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I think nobody here prays for death on anyone. Not even, death to Putin.

I've never prayed for a leaders death regardless of what the brother implies.

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24 minutes ago, Dr. Robert S. Morley said:

I reference whatever I quote so people can verify I'm not plagiarizing.

Did I quote outside of the KJV again? Or are you keeping a record of wrongs?

Btw, so you did pray that for Trump too? Or is he not wicked in your eyes?

Why would anyone think you're plagiarizing when you only quote yourself? 

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

I think nobody here prays for death on anyone. Not even, death to Putin.

That's good to know because that is what "Let his days be few" means.

46 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Why would anyone think you're plagiarizing when you only quote yourself? 


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