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Lowering the requirements for entering our armed forces


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Around eight years ago, my son took the test to join the Army, he passed the test with high numbers no problem, but when it came to the physical, he could not enter because he was allergic to wasp bites. I told him recently they’ll probably take you now, he answered. It’s too late, when I wanted to join, they didn’t let me. This was done during the Obama ministration, when they were downsizing our military.



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Add these requirements with the ones that were in place already, with the LGBTQ movement. Probably would make any Armed Force weaker. This is very sad, and scary.

TGL the word is "Armed", not Arm. I have corrected it for you in the thread title and your post.


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"Education" factories (aka schools) aren't teaching people so when they are adult, they don't know many things we always assumed to be basic. When my son joined (he was in the Army National Guard...their recruiting requirements at the time - 2008 before BO) were higher than the regular Army), he scored nearly perfect (smart genes heehee). But there was someone who was trying so hard to join, had taken the ASVAB 3 times and went again the day he took his. Scored 11. That's REALLY bad. I mean, really bad. Because the questions are just general knowledge, basic common sense, and a bit of thinking. It's only gotten worse in the last 15 years.

I agree - dumbing stuff down is always a mistake.  Maybe they need to rethink the lying curriculum they use in the public school which hates on the US so much...who wants to protect a country that has been presented to them as being horrible?

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