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My Lord is God


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1 minute ago, DinkyWinky said:
The beauty of the Lord
shall always be with me.
The Spirit of the Lord
is the treasure of my heart.
The Spirit of the Lord
from me shall never depart.
The love that God gives to me
is far more than He gives to thee.
No wonder I love Him like I do
If you were me
Yours truly,
the Lord's anointed
in Spirit and truth

I'm sure most here love the Lord. I love him for all he's done in my life. I don't try to make myself a spectacle and a blot on the name and character of Christ by misrepresenting myself and HIM on internet forums.

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There is not one among any of you nor can you go any one

that knows the word of God or the living God or of anything that pertains to Him and His Kingdom

as much as I.  And I with the greatest of ease can walk my talk.


1 minute ago, BrotherTony said:

I'm sure most here love the Lord. I love him for all he's done in my life. I don't try to make myself a spectacle and a blot on the name and character of Christ by misrepresenting myself and HIM on internet forums.

You do not love Him enough to obey Him all the time.




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Here is my challenge to all of you.
I say none of you love or obey God no where as much as I.
I say all you are all talk and no walk when put to the test.
Who among you will accept my challenge?


You see the only thing that impresses God is







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1 hour ago, DinkyWinky said:

There is not one among any of you nor can you go any one

that knows the word of God or the living God or of anything that pertains to Him and His Kingdom

as much as I.  And I with the greatest of ease can walk my talk.


You do not love Him enough to obey Him all the time.




Your answers are generic. You've got to be an AI application from ChatGTI. You make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.

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1 hour ago, DinkyWinky said:

Here is my challenge to all of you.
I say none of you love or obey God no where as much as I.
I say all you are all talk and no walk when put to the test.
Who among you will accept my challenge?


You see the only thing that impresses God is







Romans 12:3


Romans 12:3

 “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”

Get thee behind us, Satan. 

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13 hours ago, DinkyWinky said:

Correct me, if I am wrong on God's observation,

of your demands, threats and attitude
toward me. 

Please list for me the demands and threats that were given to you by myself or any other member or moderator. After rereading this, I only see you making threats to us if we ban you. 

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1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

After rereading this, I only see you making threats to us if we ban you. 

Do you think this has taken my by surprise?

No, I am not going to make you a list of that to which you can read

and hold your hand, all this is before the Lord.

Why don't you say this to Him as you have said this to me?


Yes, by all means the next time you pray tell God what you told me and ask

Him to point it out to you for you and them you are accountable

are blameless.










I wager you will not tell Him that same worthless nonsense.






Edited by DinkyWinky
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1 hour ago, Jim_Alaska said:

Looney Tunes time. 

Are you saying this about the Lord's anointed or about yourself?

Just now, BrotherTony said:

It is clear that you are here to try and get banned...I hope you succeed. It would be a blessing.

No, I am not here to get banned.

I am here because the Spirit of God sent me.

But I am going to be banned.



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Just now, DinkyWinky said:

Are you saying this about the Lord's anointed or about yourself?

Are you claiming you're the Lord's anointed? I find that hard to believe. Your attitude has no evidence of this. 

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2 minutes ago, DinkyWinky said:

Are you saying this about the Lord's anointed or about yourself?

No, I am not here to get banned.

I am here because the Spirit of God sent me.

But I am going to be banned.



You're on dangerous ground when you claim the Holy Spirit sent you here, and it's evident he didn't. That's attributing things to the Spirit that aren't true, which is blasphemy. 

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