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Christians that earn more money pay less tithe…

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There may be some who do as you suggest...but I believe a majority if those who are truly followers of Christ tithe as the Bible says. It's a Biblical principle that has always been blessed in my family, and I will continue to do it. I know most of the wealthy people I know, and I know many, tithe, and give above and beyond that. The ones I know who don't tithe are unsaved and live in the worldly ways they love so much.

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36 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

There may be some who do as you suggest...but I believe a majority if those who are truly followers of Christ tithe as the Bible says. It's a Biblical principle that has always been blessed in my family, and I will continue to do it. I know most of the wealthy people I know, and I know many, tithe, and give above and beyond that. The ones I know who don't tithe are unsaved and live in the worldly ways they love so much.

Can we use the message here,  that it is harder for a rich person to make it to heaven. For the believers, and nonbelievers.  

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43 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Can we use the message here,  that it is harder for a rich person to make it to heaven. For the believers, and nonbelievers.  

Could you clarify what exactly you're looking for? Christ did say that it was hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven because many hold their wealth in higher regard than Christ. Yet, it's not a given that all who are wealthy put their wealth first. I know many, as I stated before, who don't hold their wealth before Christ...most I know are giving far more than others, and are being blessed. 

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The tithe is literally 10% (that is what the word tithe means) - I don't see how anyone can pay more tithe. They can give more, pay their tithe or not pay their tithe, but they can't pay more tithe.

I don't think it matters how much someone makes - it matters whether they are saved and whether they are walking closely with the Lord or not.

Also, Jesus said it was impossible for those trusting in their riches to be saved, not those who had riches (but certainly the temptation would be greater for the lost; and worldly Christians - though saved - might rely on their money to a greater extent if they had more).

Mark 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

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On 10/30/2022 at 9:22 AM, TheGloryLand said:

Is it true, that those that pay taxes, pay more for their higher earnings, but those Christians that earn more money, don’t tithe more…

Bugs Bunny Money GIF by Looney Tunes

A New Testament Christian is not capable of "tithing".

Tithes are agricultural produce garnered exclusively from the productivity of the promised land.  The tithe is always:  "of the land"...   (meaning "of the land" of Israel).

Tithes cannot be given in currency, and never are.  A landowner can even buy back their "tithe" with currency if they so choose....at an interest rate making it more than 10% in terms of monetary value. (That's likely because they wanted a particularly good harvest crop as seed). 

Then, they could lawfully use currency to buy their "tithe" back!

The tithe was the inheritance given to the tribe of Levi who received no land in Israel.  Thus, as the eleventh part, their inheritance was a "tithe" of the produce of all the land in Israel. 

It is exclusive to agricultural products.  

Non land-owners paid Temple taxes etc....They did not "tithe".

No "tithe" ever was, nor even CAN be paid in currency.

The New Testament believer does not owe ten percent....We owe 100%.  

We are to recognize that God has, in Christ, given everything for us; and therefore: everything we have and are, is to be sacrificed as our due response.  We should give (in currency) far more than 10%.  Indeed, we are commanded to.

We should sacrificially surrender everything to him.  Rendering 20-30-40+ percent if possible.

We are not to lay up treasures on Earth in any way. 

The "tithe" however, has nothing to do with the New Testament believer.  One can only "tithe" off of the produce of the Promised Land. 

No matter what a gentile believer gives in monetary terms, it is not ever, by definition, a "tithe".


Edited by Rando
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Sorry, Rando, that's your opinion. When was the last time you gave 100% of what you earned or owned to a church?

The tithe existed hundreds of years before the Law (Genesis gives account of Abraham and Jacob tithing). If someone made a wage in agricultural produce, it makes sense they would tithe in produce. However, I am not a farmer - my wage is earned in dollars; therefore I tithe in the currency I make.

Proverbs 3:9-10 Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.

If my firstfruits are monetary, then I tithe from those firstfruits.

Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Here it is not specified what type of tithe only that we are to bring ALL of it into the storehouse - which for the NT believer is the local church.

1 Corinthians 16:1-3 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem.

I don't think Paul was gathering all their eggs and fruit on the first day of the week, when the church met.

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4 hours ago, Rando said:

A New Testament Christian is not capable of "tithing".

Tithes are agricultural produce garnered exclusively from the productivity of the promised land.  The tithe is always:  "of the land"...   (meaning "of the land" of Israel).

Tithes cannot be given in currency, and never are.  A landowner can even buy back their "tithe" with currency if they so choose....at an interest rate making it more than 10% in terms of monetary value. (That's likely because they wanted a particularly good harvest crop as seed). 

Then, they could lawfully use currency to buy their "tithe" back!

The tithe was the inheritance given to the tribe of Levi who received no land in Israel.  Thus, as the eleventh part, their inheritance was a "tithe" of the produce of all the land in Israel. 

It is exclusive to agricultural products.  

Non land-owners paid Temple taxes etc....They did not "tithe".

No "tithe" ever was, nor even CAN be paid in currency.

The New Testament believer does not owe ten percent....We owe 100%.  

We are to recognize that God has, in Christ, given everything for us; and therefore: everything we have and are, is to be sacrificed as our due response.  We should give (in currency) far more than 10%.  Indeed, we are commanded to.

We should sacrificially surrender everything to him.  Rendering 20-30-40+ percent if possible.

We are not to lay up treasures on Earth in any way. 

The "tithe" however, has nothing to do with the New Testament believer.  One can only "tithe" off of the produce of the Promised Land. 

No matter what a gentile believer gives in monetary terms, it is not ever, by definition, a "tithe".


Is this the Jehovah witness version?

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Rando, Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, and it wasn't just the "agriculatural" that went. The principle is clear, even if it's not spelled out 100% before the law given to/by Moses. Giving above and beyond, including from ones own financial gain, has been taught throughout Scripture. You're always welcome to your opinion, my friend, but on this I tend to disagree with your assessment. 

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Ok folks, this is one of those topics that have been beaten to death. As our forum owner has said in our guidelines, "we don't need multiple threads on the same subject." Please use the search feature to see if there are already threads on this subject. 

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