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Daughter at college...

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9 hours ago, swathdiver said:

Thanks for posting the links. On "Way of Life," I don't usually frequent Clouds site, as my interactions with him in the past have been not only abrasive, but his blatant dishonesty in his "research" at times, as well as his inability to admit when he's made a mistake, is more than I care to deal with. I'm not saying that a lot of his material isn't good, because it is, but when a persons accusations against another are wrong, he should admit it and apologize. With that said, I will look at his input on this. I fully believe it's possible that LBC/WCBC could have slipped in their standards. Many churches are these days. 

I usually get most of my input on music from a former college classmate, Kent Brandenburg. His mother used to be my boss when I worked in the kitchen at Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Watertown, Wisconsin. I've found him to be not only honest and reliable, but a very humble servant of God. 



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11 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

My daughter JoHannah graduates this year at Vision with a music major. 

I'm sure they know each other. It's a small school and Isaac is very outgoing and fun. Isaac loves it there. The education is solid, and they keep the kids busy with a wide variety of ministry options and fun activities. I can't wait to see where the Lord leads Isaac through his time there.

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On 11/3/2022 at 6:17 AM, Napsterdad said:

I'm sure they know each other. It's a small school and Isaac is very outgoing and fun. Isaac loves it there. The education is solid, and they keep the kids busy with a wide variety of ministry options and fun activities. I can't wait to see where the Lord leads Isaac through his time there.

That's great. I've preached chapel a couple of times over the years and really appreciate the church and school.

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On 10/23/2022 at 8:00 AM, Russ Pittman said:

Our sweet li'l girl (20) is attending West Coast Baptist this year...and we miss her!

We live in Southeastern Indiana and the college is in Southern California! (Yikes!)

It's been a wild time for us and her. She is LOVING it..and we are SO proud of her!

Anyone else have children going there?

Do well

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On 11/3/2022 at 5:20 AM, BrotherTony said:

Thanks for posting the links. ...I fully believe it's possible that LBC/WCBC could have slipped in their standards. Many churches are these days. 

This was in my inbox this week:


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4 minutes ago, swathdiver said:

No surprise here. EVERY single graduate (that I can think of) of West Coast that has come to CT to pastor has turned the church fully contemporary within a year. No preaching on sin either. 

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1 hour ago, swathdiver said:

I'm not a fan of David Cloud, nor of Way of Life. Cloud does at times present some good info, and I do look at the site occasionally.  I also have a friend who attended the church there and was somewhat associated with the college as was my ex-brother-in-law, and they have told me in recent weeks about these "slips" into another way. Sad, really. 

1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

No surprise here. EVERY single graduate (that I can think of) of West Coast that has come to CT to pastor has turned the church fully contemporary within a year. No preaching on sin either. 

At one time I would have found this to be unbelievable, but, with the way some of these churches and colleges have gone, it's something that many are finding acceptable. Seems like the willingness to stand for something and keeping the ancient landmarks has been buried somewhere in the past. 

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3 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

No surprise here. EVERY single graduate (that I can think of) of West Coast that has come to CT to pastor has turned the church fully contemporary within a year. No preaching on sin either. 

This is a troubling article. The word of mouth I have heard of West Coast was always favorable. Even what my son has heard at Vision has held West Coast in high regard. Very sad.

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5 hours ago, Napsterdad said:

This is a troubling article. The word of mouth I have heard of West Coast was always favorable. Even what my son has heard at Vision has held West Coast in high regard. Very sad.

It's kind of odd because the graduates seem to be way more contemporary than the school/church. 

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3 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

It's kind of odd because the graduates seem to be way more contemporary than the school/church. 

I am not surprised; contemporary is a progressive, slippery slope. Brace yourself, its only going to get worse.  2 Timothy 3:13 (KJV) But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Just because they say they are Christians does not mean that they cannot be led away. And then there are some that have an agenda unseen by others. Acts 20:30 (KJV) Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.


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On 12/16/2022 at 7:51 AM, BrotherTony said:

I'm not a fan of David Cloud, nor of Way of Life. Cloud does at times present some good info, and I do look at the site occasionally. 

I've lost count of the number of times I went to sleep praying about something and the answer was in my inbox the next morning through Way of Life.  I appreciate his warning ministry and cannot recall ever disagreeing with something presented.

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3 hours ago, swathdiver said:

I've lost count of the number of times I went to sleep praying about something and the answer was in my inbox the next morning through Way of Life.  I appreciate his warning ministry and cannot recall ever disagreeing with something presented.

I used to get Brother Cloud's newsletter daiily. But, in several instances, where he was clearly misinformed, hadn't done his research, and went by hearsay and was called on it by not only myself, but other readers as well, he became indignant, beligerant, and even hateful in his responses. It was his inability to admit his errors and correct them that lost him this reader. His information, when correct, is usually pretty well thought out and presented. I still use his CD for some of my research. If your belief is that he's 100% correct in all he's presented, that's your prerogative, and I wouldn't take that from you. It hasn't been my experience with the man. 

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On 1/2/2023 at 6:14 AM, BrotherTony said:

I used to get Brother Cloud's newsletter daiily. But, in several instances, where he was clearly misinformed, hadn't done his research, and went by hearsay and was called on it by not only myself, but other readers as well, he became indignant, beligerant, and even hateful in his responses. It was his inability to admit his errors and correct them that lost him this reader. His information, when correct, is usually pretty well thought out and presented. I still use his CD for some of my research. If your belief is that he's 100% correct in all he's presented, that's your prerogative, and I wouldn't take that from you. It hasn't been my experience with the man. 

Well, now that I've read this response I do recall a few times when I disagreed with Brother Cloud now!  This serves as a reminder to me to always search the scriptures for confirmation on something.

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