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If you argue with a nut…


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On 7/31/2022 at 4:12 PM, 1Timothy115 said:

"I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley," Songs 6:11

It reminds me of the joke about California. "The only thing that comes from California are fruits and nuts." Couldn't help the latter...old Navy humor. ?

Don't forget the flakes. Fruits, nuts, and flakes.

On 8/2/2022 at 1:33 AM, DaveW said:

Pro 26:4-5
(4)  Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
(5)  Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. ? 

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