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Boris Johnson gone Uk

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I thought here in America the conservative party had plenty of backstabbers, but this falls short to United Kingdom. With all the back stabbers, poor Boris Johnson, did not have a chance to do his job, starting with Ukraine, Putin must be very happy today. We’ll see who the next person will be, and let’s see how He or She stand against Putin, and inflation. I believe they may regret it.

Boris Johnson Lol GIF by GIPHY News

Edited by TheGloryLand
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Boris Johnson brought a lot of the problems he has on himself. He never really was known for strong leadership...I always believed him to be lesser in ability than his predecessor, May. She seemed to have some backbone...though not the backbone of a Thatcher. 

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On 7/7/2022 at 8:12 PM, BrotherTony said:

Boris Johnson brought a lot of the problems he has on himself. He never really was known for strong leadership...I always believed him to be lesser in ability than his predecessor, May. She seemed to have some backbone...though not the backbone of a Thatcher. 

Why would they hire a PM, that walk off his job. Anyone that walks out while on duty, should not be considered for PM.

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9 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Why would they hire a PM, that walk off his job. Anyone that walks out while on duty, should not be considered for PM.

Johnsons reputation was considered good at one time. Over T. May, he seemed to be the "more conservative choice." After she had basically been ousted by her party, he was the obvious successor to most. After he became PM, he was embroiled in several scandals of his own making, and this helped him to lose the confidence of those in the House of Commons and in his own party. Most, from what I understand, will resign when they've lost the confidence of their own party. The elections and political process in the UK is a bit different than it is here. 

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

Johnsons reputation was considered good at one time. Over T. May, he seemed to be the "more conservative choice." After she had basically been ousted by her party, he was the obvious successor to most. After he became PM, he was embroiled in several scandals of his own making, and this helped him to lose the confidence of those in the House of Commons and in his own party. Most, from what I understand, will resign when they've lost the confidence of their own party. The elections and political process in the UK is a bit different than it is here. 

Let’s say here in America, Trump was president and the vice president Pence, decided to walk out of the office while Trump is still president, this person or Pence, should never be granted office, for he walked out. While working under the president. One that is running for PM in the UK did this.  This man is a backstabber

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11 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

Let’s say here in America, Trump was president and the vice president Pence, decided to walk out of the office while Trump is still president, this person or Pence, should never be granted office, for he walked out. While working under the president. One that is running for PM in the UK did this.  This man is a backstabber

I'm sorry, but to be honest about the situation, all politicians, are dishonest to some degree, even if they try their best not to be. I have many relatives in politics, including a sister, and though she is saved, and a strong Christian, there have been times when she's been unintentionally dishonest because she didn't know the whole story and took one side over the other. It's happened in the election for mayor in the town I grew up in . Mike Pence, I believe, is a good man. But, I believe that to some degree he did wrong by promoting the Trump lines during the Trump Administrations tenure. Intentional or not, it wasn't good. 

In this country we work on a voting system for selecting our representatives and leadership in government. Unless there is a law against a person leaving office, then running again, I'm pretty sure it will continue. 


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I believe we’re getting closer to the stage where Christians should not even vote, if we have to vote for someone that support evil. For example supporting abortions, supporting gay marriages, or supporting gambling. I’m not sure when it comes to a Christian supporting guns. Having a permit and a gun is OK, but For a Christian too  support it, I’m not sure.

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

I believe we’re getting closer to the stage where Christians should not even vote, if we have to vote for someone that support evil. For example supporting abortions, supporting gay marriages, or supporting gambling. I’m not sure when it comes to a Christian supporting guns. Having a permit and a gun is OK, but For a Christian too  support it, I’m not sure.

It is our responsibility as Christians to vote...even if it is for the "lesser of two evils." The one who is closest to the Biblical and conservative standards should be the person we vote for to be the head of our country. To throw away that which others have fought and died for is foolish. As far as guns go, I am a gun owner, and I support owning a gun. Responsible gun owners need to have protection fot themselves and their families. Morales, you seem to have some left leaning ideology...at least in my opinion. 

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Heh. I don't agree that ALL politicians are dishonest...I was one for several years and was never dishonest. Just sayin'. (plus I know many personally who are not dishonest). But anyway...

It's interesting how many leaders of countries are stepping down. And Palestinian Abbas meeting with Macron in France regarding a two-state "solution" in Israel...

Things are shaking up around the world, mayhap in final preparation for a one-world government?  

But I do think you're correct, TGL - I think Putin and his ilk are glad to see Boris gone.

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4 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

Heh. I don't agree that ALL politicians are dishonest...I was one for several years and was never dishonest. Just sayin'. (plus I know many personally who are not dishonest). But anyway...

It's interesting how many leaders of countries are stepping down. And Palestinian Abbas meeting with Macron in France regarding a two-state "solution" in Israel...

Things are shaking up around the world, mayhap in final preparation for a one-world government?  

But I do think you're correct, TGL - I think Putin and his ilk are glad to see Boris gone.

I can give you that they don't try to be dishonest, but, in most cases I've come across (and I've been involved in many political campaigns in my 60+ years on this earth), whether directly or indirectly most if not all campaigns have a level of dishonesty. Personally, I've never seen one that didn't have one schiester involved in their staff. The one running is just as culpible as the staff member who is the problem unless they quickly come out and disavow any information that was deceptive. I wish my sister would have been quicker to disavow information that wasn't correct, and that she wouldn't have posted it on her political site, making it look as if she supported on person over the other. She has been backing a man who is unscrupulous, and who, once informed of dishonest information against his opponent, refused to say he disagreed with that information. My sister should have just posted it on her personal account instead of her political account...but she refused to do that. She has since tried to make it right. But, the damage had been done. Still, so far the other candidate has gotten enough votes to force the one backed by my sister to withdraw from the one position and to keep the other he holds in public office. That was a good move, and I can respect him for being quick to do so instead of trying to drag it out.  

Edited by BrotherTony
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I agree that there is a lot of dishonesty. But we simply cannot broadbrush and say they are ALL dishonest. I, too have been involved in many campaigns in my 60+ years on this earth and have meet my share of dishonest politicos. I've also met a goodly number of honest ones, and count many as personal friends of over 30 years. And, as I said, I myself was a "politician" for a number of years and was, well, honest. ?

While there might be poor choices in staffing, that does not equal that said politico is dishonest. I would heartily agree that once the dishonest staffer is exposed (whether exposed publicly or in private), the politico must disavow and fire else they are, as you said, culpable.

I'm sorry your sister wasn't able to be more swiftly about disavowing bad information. It's a real shame that there is so much misinformation out there right now. That is happening in our state right now (it actually happens like clockwork every election). There is one particular race where the man has been accused of being a socialist and a CIA operative plus lots of other stuff, and several websites are parroting the same information, without giving back-up proof. His opponent has come out in acceptance of the information. Is it real? I don't know...I have friends who are on both sides of the aisle and proclaim the honesty of both candidates. I am happy that the race is not in our district, so we don't have to make a decision in regards to veracity. I am praying that the truth will come out and that the correct one will end up on the Nov. ballot  (here in WA it is the top two vote-getters, regardless of party, that advance to the Nov. ballot...dissension and running two people who are supposedly both good tends to water the vote and allow the progressive to win). 

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13 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

I agree that there is a lot of dishonesty. But we simply cannot broadbrush and say they are ALL dishonest. I, too have been involved in many campaigns in my 60+ years on this earth and have meet my share of dishonest politicos. I've also met a goodly number of honest ones, and count many as personal friends of over 30 years. And, as I said, I myself was a "politician" for a number of years and was, well, honest. ?

While there might be poor choices in staffing, that does not equal that said politico is dishonest. I would heartily agree that once the dishonest staffer is exposed (whether exposed publicly or in private), the politico must disavow and fire else they are, as you said, culpable.

I'm sorry your sister wasn't able to be more swiftly about disavowing bad information. It's a real shame that there is so much misinformation out there right now. That is happening in our state right now (it actually happens like clockwork every election). There is one particular race where the man has been accused of being a socialist and a CIA operative plus lots of other stuff, and several websites are parroting the same information, without giving back-up proof. His opponent has come out in acceptance of the information. Is it real? I don't know...I have friends who are on both sides of the aisle and proclaim the honesty of both candidates. I am happy that the race is not in our district, so we don't have to make a decision in regards to veracity. I am praying that the truth will come out and that the correct one will end up on the Nov. ballot  (here in WA it is the top two vote-getters, regardless of party, that advance to the Nov. ballot...dissension and running two people who are supposedly both good tends to water the vote and allow the progressive to win). 

I guess I can agree that the main interest in the campaign, the one running for office,, could be totally honest. And I can agree that poor choices in staff don't make that person culpible for the decisions made by the operative. I would hope, though, as they are honest in their dealings that they'd be quick to disavow and suspend the operatives continuance in the campaign. I know from experience that it's not always as easy as that. I once ran for justice of the peace in a small town in Illinois. But, I dropped out of the race when the older gentleman, who was a Christian, wanted to finish his life as JOP. He only had a year to live, and he had been a good JOP for the area. He was also the mayor of the small community. ? I moved just six weeks before he passed away at the age of 76. 

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On 7/18/2022 at 9:24 PM, BrotherTony said:

It is our responsibility as Christians to vote...even if it is for the "lesser of two evils." The one who is closest to the Biblical and conservative standards should be the person we vote for to be the head of our country. To throw away that which others have fought and died for is foolish. As far as guns go, I am a gun owner, and I support owning a gun. Responsible gun owners need to have protection fot themselves and their families. Morales, you seem to have some left leaning ideology...at least in my opinion. 

Ha Ha Ha, how did you know that I am left-handed. You must be a prophet.  ?

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

Ha Ha Ha, how did you know that I am left-handed. You must be a prophet.  ?

LOL...Being "left-leaning" has nothing to do with being left handed...though being left handed might explain which part of the brain is affected! ? I hope I'm not a prophet! That would be "creepy" to me! 

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Well Boris Johnson had his last speech yesterday, let’s see what happens now, not with Mr. Johnson, but with UK. They forced a strong man, out of office. After thanking  everyone that served under him, he said hasta la vista baby, and left. Now the next Prime Minister is between a woman and a man, the man that was the backstabber that walked out of the office while on duty, I hope that this lady might wins, Liz. There still might be a little hope for them.  ?

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