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Why is it that people think we just believe just what we are taught?

Pastor Matt

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On 4/20/2022 at 12:54 PM, Jerry said:

No one is saying there should never be a change - BUT IF THE REASON SOMEONE WANTS THE CHURCH SERVICE TO CHANGE IS BECAUSE THEY ARE BORED or not getting much out of it (assuming we are referring to a sound church), THEN THE PROBLEM IS WITH THAT CARNAL BELIEVER or lost person.

Being involved with preaching for years, and being an usher for more years, I know that it is stressful to just up and change the order of the church service. (And churches do occasionally change the service when there are special meetings or guest preachers.) Assuming that a pastor sought the Lord diligently when choosing how to direct the church service (overall), someone coming along later and questioning it is simply being presumptuous. The pastor is the one God gave the authority to guide and shepherd the church, not a discontented church member or visitor.

Agree with all this. 

Our church sometimes changes things up when there is a practical need, but as an organist, it really helps me to be able to anticipate what will happen next. Especially if it’s a Sunday I’m also in the nursery. And shortening/lengthening unexpectedly isn’t nice on Children’s Church workers who have prepared for the time allotted them (let me tell you about the day we had a two-hour sermon after expecting a 45-minute one! And the 20 minute sermon - wasn’t as bad, but still threw off the whole class).

Mixing things up just because is stressful to those people who have responsibilities during the service. 

And as humans, we generally work better with structure. The congregation will feel more at home if some semblance of expected order is maintained. 

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