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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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13 minutes ago, E Morales said:

Share your experience good or bad. I still believe it’s the right choice.

I'm vaccinated an I felt it was the right choice for my family after much research and speaking with our family Doctors. I'm 100% opposed to the socialist approach to health and oppose forced vaccination. It needs to remain a personal health choice. The vaccine did cause a normal immune response for about a day where we ran a slight fever but were fine the next day. My company under pressure to comply with the illegal mandates so is now asking for a copy of my card as they are considering implementing biweekly testing for the un vaccinated. I told them I'm vaccinated but wont be providing any medical documents as proof. We'll see how that goes. I may decline their possible future request to do testing but haven't decided yet.


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37 minutes ago, John Young said:

I'm vaccinated an I felt it was the right choice for my family after much research and speaking with our family Doctors. I'm 100% opposed to the socialist approach to health and oppose forced vaccination. It needs to remain a personal health choice. The vaccine did cause a normal immune response for about a day where we ran a slight fever but were fine the next day. My company under pressure to comply with the illegal mandates so is now asking for a copy of my card as they are considering implementing biweekly testing for the un vaccinated. I told them I'm vaccinated but wont be providing any medical documents as proof. We'll see how that goes. I may decline their possible future request to do testing but haven't decided yet.


That was a funny cartoon, even the cat got one. It is a personal choice and should not be mandatory. Like Salvation a personal decision.

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5 minutes ago, SureWord said:

I have another family member who was vaccinated come down with Covid. Also, because of an underlying medical condition he was so careful always wearing a mask and seldom even leaving home. He even stopped going to church. He still got it.

Did they had need to visit the hospital, or just quarantine.

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10 minutes ago, SureWord said:

I have another family member who was vaccinated come down with Covid. Also, because of an underlying medical condition he was so careful always wearing a mask and seldom even leaving home. He even stopped going to church. He still got it.

This is becoming quite common here. We have had friends who got the SHOT, and then caught the virus. My sister got the shot, and then started having flare-ups of her MS recently. Can't say it was because of the shot conclusively, but, strange that her flare-ups had NEVER been this intense in the past, and not anywhere near as frequent. It's awfully suspicious to me~

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12 minutes ago, E Morales said:

Did they had need to visit the hospital, or just quarantine.

I'm not sure I need to ask my mother who got the news. I don't know the severity as if yet but he has had an organ transplant in the past so he's high risk. Now my aunt who was vaccinated they put her in the hospital to die.

11 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

This is becoming quite common here. We have had friends who got the SHOT, and then caught the virus. My sister got the shot, and then started having flare-ups of her MS recently. Can't say it was because of the shot conclusively, but, strange that her flare-ups had NEVER been this intense in the past, and not anywhere near as frequent. It's awfully suspicious to me~

All deaths are Covid related except those who die from the vaccine then it's natural causes.

My nephew's friend died of Covid after the shot and he was an healthy individual prior. 

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I believe ALL of this over the past couple of years has been a conditioning towards that end. The government has to seek out and find who is going to fight against them if they try to implement these things. It's a slippery slope when POTUS' start to RULE by EO's instead of going through Congress. Biden has intentionally bypassed the Congress several times in the past nine months because he KNEW that Congress couldn't or wouldn't get things passed for him. There should be system to stop him from ruling by EO's...I'm beginning to wonder if the power of the EO shouldn't be questioned.....

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Has anyone else noticed in the news cycles and in print how Covid is mentioned in every second or third story, and how the information doesn't always line up with the other stories? The confusion about the "booster" is a good example,,,the CDC has conflicting opinions, the director following what the POTUS wants, but the board recommending against the boosters; then stories about how the booster may not even be necessary. I believe the MSM plays a HUGE part in the confusion that is going on in the American public right now. 

Our government, and the governments of this world are playing upon the fears, and trying to increase those fears by the continued brainwashing of the people. But, the people seem to be gullible enough to follow these stories without question or searching for the truth on their own.

The New World Order is coming with the totalitarian Democrats trying to force "the shot" into people, and with the POTUS trying to go in through the back door using an EO instead of going through Congress to try and "make it so" for the shots to be mandatory. And with the coming of the Chrislam (couldn't believe this either) Center getting ready to open hosting Catholicism (what the world considers Christianity) and Islam together as a religion...My oh my! This could be the beginning of strong dillusions being placed on the hearts and minds of mankind.

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Smething that was posted on my timeline by a friend today....

WE NEED TO KEEP OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS IN TIP TOP SHAPE and educate ourselves about how to treat cov!d 19 if we should get it. MOST IMPORTANTLY PREPARE FOR ETERNITY because it is coming.

Last week, a new report from the Vacc!ne Adverse Event Reporting System was published.

In total: 726,963 adverse reactions to the jab, including:

15,386 deaths

20,789 permanent Disabilities

8,626 Bell’s Palsy

2,122 Miscarriages

7,267 Heart Attacks

149,000+ ER/Hospitalizations

These “freak breakthroughs” are happening in America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa.

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35 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Smething that was posted on my timeline by a friend today....

WE NEED TO KEEP OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS IN TIP TOP SHAPE and educate ourselves about how to treat cov!d 19 if we should get it. MOST IMPORTANTLY PREPARE FOR ETERNITY because it is coming.

Last week, a new report from the Vacc!ne Adverse Event Reporting System was published.

In total: 726,963 adverse reactions to the jab, including:

15,386 deaths

20,789 permanent Disabilities

8,626 Bell’s Palsy

2,122 Miscarriages

7,267 Heart Attacks

149,000+ ER/Hospitalizations

These “freak breakthroughs” are happening in America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa.

Just curious, what is the source of your statistics?

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