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Canaanites That Got Saved And/Or Joined Israel


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I am curious how many Canaanites (of whatever tribes) we can think of that were saved or joined themselves to Israel (ie. became proselytes) are named or mentioned specifically in the Old Testament. The Old Testament focusses mostly on the nation of Israel and those they interacted with, so I am sure that there are a lot more people that got saved through the years that were not specifically mentioned (at least I am assuming so), but I am wondering how many the Bible tells us about, whether they were Philistines, Moabites, etc.

The ones that come immediately to mind are:


Rahab and her family.

Ruth the Moabitess.

The Gibeonites.

This is just simple curiousity on my part. I was reading 1 Samuel this morning and was thinking about this and I couldn't think of very many offhand. I was wondering if there were others that the members here could think of as well.

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That's good. Yes, David travelled around the land while he was fleeing from Saul and some of his might men were gathered during that time. Just like his parents stayed with some Moabites. Those in the nation of Israel sure had an influence in various times on those around them.

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