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Historic Interpreting


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I'm thinking about trying something new this summer. I love history, and have explored a lot of historic sites in the area during my travels, and thought it might be fun to try volunteering as a costumed interpreter at one of our local living history sites.  May have bitten off more than I can chew, though - I participated in the orientation for a small historic site (the John Walter Museum) on Sunday, and now Fort Edmonton has called me for an interview there (yes, interview - they get a ton of volunteers and can pick and choose)!  Assuming I pass the interview, now I've got to choose which site to volunteer at.

Has anyone tried anything like this before? Which parts of it did you enjoy/dislike the most?

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I have never tried being a costumed interpreter, but, a very close friend of ours (now deceased), played the role of George Washington for many years. My friend was invited into many different activities, group meetings, and able to get into public schools as a living history personator of Washington and was able to explain some of Washington's acts of piety and thoughts concerning the Bible itself.

At times, my friend would show us his costume, including a Revolutionay War rifle and such. It was very interesting.

My friend really enjoyed the part of Washington. Based on his thoughts, I would say that you need to pick a character, or a historical location, that makes you feel confortable and enjoyable.

Keep us posted as it sounds interesting.

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As you might tell from my avatar, I have done a little historic interpreting myself, but not exactly as you are looking at doing, lol. Mine was for a Sunday event we did, basoed off the Old Fashioned Sunday, that I called "Someone Else Sunday", getting people to dress as a historic or even fictional character, with the sermon being "Who are you?", getting people to look seriously at themselves, who are you in the eyes of God, sort of thing.  I was going to dress as Ben franklin, one of the few fat historical guys (already did Spurgeon), but as i like to go as realistic as possible, I wasn't sure i wanted to grow my hair out and shave the top. And I couldn't abide a 'wig', so I thought about Blackbeard, but that would take a lot of time growing the beard out, and wasn't sure how wearing burning wicks in my beard during service would go over, so I opted for Oliver Hardy, a simple matter of the proper haircut, shave the beard and grow in the tiny mustache.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Well, I completed the interview (that was hard-core! 2 hours of interviewing with group, panel and written segments). Didn't go as well as I'd thought it might, but it must have been ok because.... they chose me as a volunteer! I'll be on the 1905 street.  This Saturday I have to go in for a fitting so they can pick out a costume for me to wear.

Looks like it's going to be a busy summer, but it should be interesting! Gotta start practicing my first person interpretation now...

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