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Nancy R

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I got saved in 1982 when I was in a crisis. I walked into a Bible church, and talked to the pastor. I got saved that day, and in a few months I moved from TX to WA.  I asked my neighbors about churches, and heard a lot of negative comments about one in particular. This church was described as "legalistic", "fanatical", etc, etc. This sounded interesting! I decided to go. I walked in to morning services on Round up Sunday, and sat under an evangelist named Al Lacy. I was hooked! The people in this church taught me so much. I was baptized and set out to learn all I could in my "new convert zeal". We moved numerous times, courtesy of the USN, always finding another IFB church. We are now retired, back in Texas. I have 3 grown daughters, all making a profession of faith. Working on the grandkids now. I know that I am where the Lord would have me be.

I am a member of Faith Baptist Church in Teague, TX. Earlier this year, the Pastor was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. We (the men) are looking for a new pastor. Please pray that the Lord will send us the right candidate soon. We are small in number. Please pray also for our pastor.

The Lord saw me through a career as a RN, after my girls were older. No longer working after a wreck in 2012.

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Hello sister Nancy. I'm glad you found us here at Online Baptist. Thank you also for your testimony, I always love to hear people's testimony. You sound like you have known and now know God's leading in your life, that is truly a blessing.

I hope you will enjoy your time with us and look forward to hearing more from you as time goes on.

I will be in prayer regarding your request for prayer for a new pastor. This can be a very dangerous time for a small church. I would encourage your church to not rush into selecting a new pastor for there are many wolves in sheep's clothing just looking for a church to subvert.

I also hope that your church has men that are spiritual and knowledgeable enough to be able to ask the right questions in interviewing possible candidates.

Do you have men in the church that can fill in for the pastor until you can find a new one?

May God bless you as you serve Him.

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Thank you so very, very much for sharing your testimony with us here at OLB!  It is such a wonderful thrill to see how God has worked in a life!  Also, every single time the Lord has worked in the life of a saved one (growth, victories, etc.) is thrilling!  I LOVE to read or hear the testimonies of others!  To see and witness in the life of another the genuine zeal for the love of and praise for God is a treasure!  Your testimony was truly a blessing!  Thank you!   

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