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Why are Christians voting for Donald Trump?

John Young

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John, I did vote for trump. Yes I do pray for him every day during morning devotions and encourage everyone to pray for his health and salvation:  "Let us not be dismayed in times like these. Donald Trump to have salvation & wisdom. "dissapoint the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise." Job 5:12 Grant Supreme Court Justices who will judge according to your will. Lord quiet those who would distract from this opportunity you've given for us to seek your face. Lord I pray for your continual encouragement to use this opportunity for your glory and your will." It may be obvious I hoped for someone to appoint SCOTUS who were constitutionists. I see things already which cause me concern over Trump but, I saw things in advance of the election that caused me concern over all the rest of the field. Merry Christmas!

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