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Hardly worth worrying about for 99.99% of believers, including a vast majority of self claiming "fundamental" baptists (not the homo issue, the real issue - the great Commission)

If we won't suffer ridicule and reproach now when there is no legal precedent, do you really think these "christians" will be sticking their necks out for Christ when it can really make them suffer for Him. There will be massive laodician denials of Christ worldwide. The closer we get the more calvinists there are even in IFB churches.

There are still a few remaining Gospel spreading churches left and even in these large assemblies of 1000s of IFBs, only a small fraction are actually engaged in soulwinning regularly as we are all commanded to be day in and day out. If there are 2000 on Sunday morning and 1200 on Sunday Night, why is there only 30 who go visiting regularly? It is simply amazing how many self claiming IFBs are in love with this present world. No porno or hollywood or rock music though, that has all been replaced with more "innocent" seeming passtimes. However, the fact remains that they love the present world and have many plans for their lives in it (none of which include picking up their cross and really following Jesus). I call it, being a 3x10 (3 services a week and 10%)

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I agree in most, however, I know of many who don't go to 'formal' soulwinning, yet who daily in their life are a witness of Christ. As well, 'soul-winning' as it has become, as a formal, got out on such and such a night and knock doors, doesn't work everywhere in the same manner.

 many people in small towns, especially those who have been there a long time, take time before they trust you for anything, particularly for advice on their souls. So time must be taken to develop relationships, while, clearly at the same time, giving testimony of Christ and salvation. Also, in small towns like mine, if we had a weekly program, each month we'd be starting over in the same places, and soon becoming tiresome to them, as we'd be showing up all the time. So we hit them once, go through the entire town, and maybe 6 months or a year later, do it again, while in the meantime we are around and known-speaking at events, or just present, talking, being a friend, always presenting Christ in their eyes, so they can know Him and us.

I've lived in small towns like that years ago and live in such a place now. It's a much different way needed to share Christ in these small town, rural areas than in the big cities. Even in the cities, depending upon what area of the city a person goes to will depend upon what approach is best.

As Calvinist IFBs was mentioned above, I am seeing more of them too. Perhaps to many non-Calvinist IFBs shame, the Calvinists are far more active in both church organized as well as personal soul winning. This is why their churches are growing in areas where other IFB churches are shrinking.

Along with the Calvinists, both the Pentecostals and Charismatics seem to be more active in sharing their faith than some IFB churches. I read an article recently which pointed out that while the major trend is shrinking churches, the Assemblies of God is growing. The article also mentioned one of the growth factors in some areas being Mexican immigrants being won to Christ and leaving the RCC for the AG.

Most of the folks in our church live out their faith, speak of their faith openly and share Christ. This serves as a great witness but doesn't often translate into many coming to Christ or filling the church pews. In this little town the vast majority of folks have already made up their minds about Jesus, Christianity, church, God, heaven. Other than with a few children or youth who sometimes come to Christ, any others typically takes years of prayer, much living Christ before them and speaking of Christ before a heart may finally soften to really consider the Gospel.


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