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The Stars and Bars


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The SJWs or Social Justice Warriors, as some call the liberals who want to control how everyone thinks an what everyone must believe, are after the Stars and Bars again and again for no good reason.  When these control freaks have finally pushed too far maybe those who like the Star and Bars flag will make a slight change in it when they decide to rebel against the liberal idiots.  




What is the significance of the serpent?

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It comes from a colonial era flag. Just as one shouldn't step upon a serpent lest they suffer severe consequences, the serpent on the flag is warning others shouldn't tread upon them.

Oh I thought there might be some deep significance like the serpent on a pharmacists sign and on ambulances which represents Esculapius, the Roman god of medicine.

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Oh I thought there might be some deep significance like the serpent on a pharmacists sign and on ambulances which represents Esculapius, the Roman god of medicine.

Or maybe it really represents Moses lifting up a serpent on pole so those who looked on it would be healed, the Romans might have changed the meaning.

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Or maybe it really represents Moses lifting up a serpent on pole so those who looked on it would be healed, the Romans might have changed the meaning.

Maybe, maybe not.  Hislop says Escapulus means "the life giving serpent."   In paganism the serpent was correct when he he got Eve to eat the fruit.  He gave men knowledge. 

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Paul said it better than I can,

"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,"



If the current thing going on concerning the Confederate Battle Flag (or monuments, or the American flag, or statues of past presidents, etc.) were actually a matter of casting things off for the sake of Christ I would be all for it. However, what's going on today with all of these "offensive" things being targeted for purging has nothing to do with Christ at all. This is all about power and control.

On a personal level, I believe I mentioned something of this in another post (either in this thread or another) that I used to fly various flags but stopped flying any. The reason was that someone was offended or bothered by one or more flags and such was a barrier in speaking to folks about Christ. It's hard to talk to someone about Christ when they constantly interrupt by asking how can a Christian fly the American flag when it stands for Christian white male superiority, flew over slavery, oppressed women, was used in the genocide of American Indians, is an idol, etc.

So, in order to have a better witness and more clear path to sharing the Gospel, I counted those flags as nothing and cast them aside.


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Interesting.  My brother in law worked in the hospital service in the Isle of Wight.  There was a man on the island who ran a snake form where he milked the snakes for their venom.  One day he went into a hospital and said he had been bitten by a rattle snake.  He was flown in a helicopter to a hospital on the mainland, but they said if it happened again he would be charged for the helicopter as they didn't believe he would not have taken the serum.  

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Over here in Europe car registration plates bear the EU Flag.  In most countries in the EU this flag is compulsory.  In the UK it is only optional.  Some people  put the St Georges flag on their registration plates. Some were told they would be prosecuted as only the EU flag was allowed.  This caused somewhat of an outrage and the ruling was soon reversed.   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-352842/Fined-having-St-George-sticker-car.html  I refuse to have any flag on my registration plate.   




2x GB with EU Flag Car Number Plate Sticker Euro Badge

The 12 Star EU flag is taken from a stained glass window in Strasbourg Cathedral.  The stars represent the stars around the head of images and statues of the RC 'Mary'.  These often seen on the continent have the stars around the head and a crescent moon and a serpent under the feet.  There's your serpent again.  RCs get this image from Revelation  12:1  And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:  This, they say is 'Mary.'


Edited by Invicta
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It is very interesting to me to see the ruling on the Confederate flag come about the same time the Supreme Court  decided the states did not have the right to nix gay marriage.

All this brouhaha came up at the same time as the congress gave the President the green light to make treaties without the Senate having to approve them thus giving up the sovereignty of the American people.  Get the people to watch the right hand so they will not see what the left hand is doing.

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