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What Is Being Taught?


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The local Christian Church has gone through MANY pastors over the past decade or so and with each new pastor comes a different teaching regarding salvation. Some teach the necessity of baptism for salvation; some don't. Some teach what amounts to a works based salvation; some don't. Some might be teaching biblical salvation but it's hard to tell because their preaching is so watery and since these pastors don't last long, and there has been so much confusion from previous pastors, it doesn't seem anyone there really pays attention to them. Some teach one can lose their salvation, others just give it a shrug.


What a mess...and what a large number of people who have been given false hope of heaven in that church.

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The local Christian Church has gone through MANY pastors over the past decade or so and with each new pastor comes a different teaching regarding salvation. Some teach the necessity of baptism for salvation; some don't. Some teach what amounts to a works based salvation; some don't. Some might be teaching biblical salvation but it's hard to tell because their preaching is so watery and since these pastors don't last long, and there has been so much confusion from previous pastors, it doesn't seem anyone there really pays attention to them. Some teach one can lose their salvation, others just give it a shrug.


What a mess...and what a large number of people who have been given false hope of heaven in that church.

Salvation is only in the belief that Christ died for your sins and rose again the third day.  This is the gift of God, the vicarious substitutionary death of Christ on the cross once for all, his burial, and resurrection on the third day.


Belief in anything else will not result in salvation. 


Any addition to the Gospel of the grace of God noted above makes that work on the cross of no effect.

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Over the past few weeks I've watched some programs dealing with various disasters and their effect on people. Most of these were with regard to weather related events, but some also included things such as war and crime.


In each of these programs I heard what I've heard the same sort of things I've heard various people say over the years regarding departed loved ones.


Invariably, they all believe their departed loved ones are in heaven, and just as invariably there is no testimony of salvation for any of the departed loved ones. The vast majority of these also believe their departed loved ones are now angels. Not only that, but they believe they are now their personal guardian angels. Some even pray and/or speak to their departed loved ones they believe are now angels. Some related accounts of how their angelic departed loved one has looked out for them, protected them, provided for them in some miraculous way.


References to God are very generic and the few who mention the name of Jesus do so in likewise generic fashion. Those who mentioned their church affiliation ran the gamut from Catholic to Baptist, from Lutheran to Methodist and others. Most of these seemed to be ones who at least fairly regularly attend their church.


Are these strange teachings that common across the land?


My own wife, when we first met, was among those who thought when a saved person died (at least she understood one had to be saved to go to heaven) they became an angel. She had heard this in a Methodist and a Baptist church in Texas! She had heard that all her life and it took me a long time to get that out of her head.


Why do so many teach, and others believe, this clearly unbiblical stuff?


How often do we hear Christians talking about a child who died and they say, "God needed another angel so He took her"? In this teaching there is also the factor of putting what amounts to blame upon God since "He took her". I've heard grieving parents ask why God had to take their child when He's supposed to have control over everything and to love His people. How sad! When folks need to be turning to God for comfort, they are being told God took their child so He could have another angel. As confusing as such things are to adults, this sort of thing often plays havoc with a child's understanding of God.


Kinda find this interestin' - An Angel speaking to John - Revelation 19:9-10 and 22:8-9...


9  Then he said unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the 
Lambs supper. And he said unto me, These words of God are true. 
10  And I fell before his feet, to worship him: but he said unto me, See thou do it 
not: I am thy fellow servant, and one of thy brethren, which have the testimony of 
Jesus. Worship God: for the testimony of Jesus, is the Spirit of prophecy. 


8  And I am John, which saw and heard these things: and when I had heard and 
seen,  I fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel, which shewed me these 
9  But he said unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy 
brethren the Prophets, and of them which keep the words of this book: worship 
And, let's not forget Hebrews 1:14?
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Kinda find this interestin' - An Angel speaking to John - Revelation 19:9-10 and 22:8-9...


9  Then he said unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the 
Lambs supper. And he said unto me, These words of God are true. 





Once again, please quit quoting the Geneva bible on this forum.  In the above scripture I pulled from your post, the Geneva bible completely cuts out the bride of Christ (the Church) and purpose for the supper.  Here is the correctly preserved word of God.


Revelation 19:9 (KJV)
9  And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.  


Not a single time in the KJV has this supper ever been referred to as simply "the lambs supper" with no definition of who is invited and it's purpose.  


Bro. Garry

In His will.  By His power.  For His glory.

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Over the past few weeks I've watched some programs dealing with various disasters and their effect on people. Most of these were with regard to weather related events, but some also included things such as war and crime.


In each of these programs I heard what I've heard the same sort of things I've heard various people say over the years regarding departed loved ones.


Invariably, they all believe their departed loved ones are in heaven, and just as invariably there is no testimony of salvation for any of the departed loved ones. The vast majority of these also believe their departed loved ones are now angels. Not only that, but they believe they are now their personal guardian angels. Some even pray and/or speak to their departed loved ones they believe are now angels. Some related accounts of how their angelic departed loved one has looked out for them, protected them, provided for them in some miraculous way.


References to God are very generic and the few who mention the name of Jesus do so in likewise generic fashion. Those who mentioned their church affiliation ran the gamut from Catholic to Baptist, from Lutheran to Methodist and others. Most of these seemed to be ones who at least fairly regularly attend their church.


Are these strange teachings that common across the land?


My own wife, when we first met, was among those who thought when a saved person died (at least she understood one had to be saved to go to heaven) they became an angel. She had heard this in a Methodist and a Baptist church in Texas! She had heard that all her life and it took me a long time to get that out of her head.


Why do so many teach, and others believe, this clearly unbiblical stuff?


How often do we hear Christians talking about a child who died and they say, "God needed another angel so He took her"? In this teaching there is also the factor of putting what amounts to blame upon God since "He took her". I've heard grieving parents ask why God had to take their child when He's supposed to have control over everything and to love His people. How sad! When folks need to be turning to God for comfort, they are being told God took their child so He could have another angel. As confusing as such things are to adults, this sort of thing often plays havoc with a child's understanding of God.


I haven't had a response yet. So here it is again...


Revelation - 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.


Revelation - 22:8 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.

22:9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.


Hebrews - 1:13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

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There is so much error being taught out there and some of it you may have heard in your own church.


I hear this one quite often, and there is no clear Scriptural backing for it.  Here a two quotes and I am sure you have hear similar.


"Adam Walked daily with God and it is a shame he would give up this sweet fellowship and follow the advice of his wife and eat of the fruit he was commanded not to eat of"


"Adam enjoyed a daily intimacy with God"


I searched the scriptures to see if this was true and it is not.


It is a assumed and pretexted teaching based on this partial or entire verse.


Gen 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.


The prOBlem is the scriptures do not tell us this was a daily thing with God.  It is a revelation to Moses as to the time of day it was when God approached Adam.  the cool of the day would place this on a near equator country around 4-5pm, and with God making skins of coats for them that very day it would have lined up with what God established with Moses and Israel to what we know as the Evening Sacrifice.


the point is though that the above quotes of teaching are FALSE.  False teaching is subtil and often never even thought to be false.

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I have never heard those, AVBB.

But I have heard "every tub sits on it's own bottom", as a quote from the bible.

Actually I have traced it back as far as Pilgrims Progress, depending on which printing you have, I have 3, and only one uses 'tub', the others use 'vat' (if I remember correctly).


Yes, there is plenty of false teaching, some taught like traditions, or parables.

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