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I Know This Has Been Around...


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Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

#What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

#What if we flipped through it several times a day?

#What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

#What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

#What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it?

#What if we gave it to kids as gifts?

#What if we used it when we traveled?

#What if we used it in case of emergency?

#This is something to make you go ... hmm ... where is my Bible?

Bro. Garry

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Good to be considered and learn from no matter how much its been around!


While I see Christians with their cell phones every day of the week, nearly every moment, it's rare to see them with their Bible. Sadly, many Christians today carry their cell phones to church (not so they can use a Bible app) but not their Bible.


I have a large print New Testament with Psalms that I keep in the door pocket of my car. With the large print it's perfect for reading with ease and for sharing the Gospel and allowing others to easily see a verse for themselves.


Several years ago I bought a nice Bible for a relative who was entering their teens and only had a cheap NIV they had received at a Sunday school years before. This relative acted all excited because the present was heavy but when they opened it and realized it really was a Bible inside the Bible box, their exact words were, "What do I need a Bible for? I've already got a Bible!" At which point they got up and walked away in a huff. The mom just looked at me, then looked away without a word.


Supposedly they are Christians. However, not according to Scripture.

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I have my Bible App, on my phone, and I live the life described in the OP.

I never go anywhere without it.

I read it constantly.

The App has a built in search ( called a concordance last century), so I use it when I study.

My Bible, in 9 languages, along with the NKJV, ESV, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Darby, and Webster's English versions (I keep these others for debate purposes) a concordance, notes, highlighters, maps, etc.....all fit in my pocket.

My phone has no games on it, no other distractions, except Tapatalk, so I can interact on forums.

I don't own a PC, this is it.

I took a trip recently, and wasn't driving. It was 9 hours. My phone died after 5.
So, I pulled out Old Faithful, cuz that's always with me, too.
I outlined a study, filled in another, it was great.
A lady nearby, who had watched me, eagerly took a tract, as she got off the Bus. She said that she was going to bury her Mother, and needed something from God right now, and was hoping I would know something, because I had just spent 3 hours in the Word.

God arranged that, for sure, but that is why I carry my Paper Copy, as well as my e-copy.


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