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Taxpayer Bill For Obama’S Hawaii Vacations...

The Glory Land

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The total cost to taxpayers of OBama’s vacations to Hawaii since becoming president is likely in excess of $20 million, and possibly much, much more. During a time of budget deficits that threaten the nation’s security and its future, the OBamas have chosen to  maintain a “family tradition” and vacation halfway around the world instead of finding far cheaper alternatives closer to home



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I have no prOBlem.  Wherever they vacation, it will be very costly.  They pay for Secret Service, must vacate buildings, etc. and keep everything very secure.  This would be true if they went to Hawaii or one town over.  Security is paramount, wherever the President goes.  I have doubts to that cost, but I do not doubt that it is very expensive for Secret Service to plan transportation and security for the President.  The vacation does not cost that much.  Security does.  Same is true for Jimmy Carter, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, who have to have secret service protect them the rest of their lives.


Anyone who says the President does not need or deserve a vacation is delusional.  I guarantee you he prOBably works more on vacation than I do in a typical  work week.  His typical work week consists of 80-100 hours a week.  A person working those kind of hours would go crazy without a vacation.

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Yeah, he's so busy working on the golf course, he needs another vacay. He goes one way, his wife goes another...and then they lecture us on spending less. SMH.  Their vacations are a misuse of taxpayer dollars.  Period.  If it's so stressful that they need to vacation around the world several times a year, he can resign.  That would be a blessing to everyone.

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I have no prOBlem.  Wherever they vacation, it will be very costly.  They pay for Secret Service, must vacate buildings, etc. and keep everything very secure.  This would be true if they went to Hawaii or one town over.  Security is paramount, wherever the President goes.  I have doubts to that cost, but I do not doubt that it is very expensive for Secret Service to plan transportation and security for the President.  The vacation does not cost that much.  Security does.  Same is true for Jimmy Carter, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, who have to have secret service protect them the rest of their lives.


Anyone who says the President does not need or deserve a vacation is delusional.  I guarantee you he prOBably works more on vacation than I do in a typical  work week.  His typical work week consists of 80-100 hours a week.  A person working those kind of hours would go crazy without a vacation.

Wow, I sure wish I'd of had a jOB like yours.  :drool:


God bless,


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I imagine with communications the way they are, the President is not much different than my boss when he is on vacation.  We Facetime every day for a few hours, he makes phone calls, sends e-mails, all from his condo on the beach.  Then he might take a couple hours with his family.  Then that afternoon, more phone calls, e-mails, work.  Then dinner and time with family, and more work before bed.


I'd think the President is much the same way.  Facetime with government leaders and world leaders, play a bit of golf while being briefed on a topic, thinking about things, making decisions about strategy, spend some time with his family, then back to phone calls, briefings, etc. 

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This lavish lifestyle is his reward.  Unless he repents, President OBama and every other unregenerate sinner will spend eternity in a fiery hell; separated from friends, family and most importantly, God.


I used to believe that the more time he spent away from work and on vacation the less damage would be done to the country.  Such a thought may still well be true but this nation will not recover from the injuries he inflicted on her, at least, I doubt it.

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I think most people will be real surprised how little time this so-called president has spent thinking about the prOBlems of government.  I think the largest part of the decisions he supposedly make are made by others.  OBama is the least knowledgeable person to ever sit in oval office.  Gerald ford (the guy who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time) knew more of what goes on in this world than OBama.  This guy is no more than a mouth piece for the powers that be.  They make the decisions and he gives a speech that they write for him.  Swath was right when he thought it was best for OBama to be on the golf course instead of the oval office.  I think that is what the people that run him think also.  If this world lasts another twenty or thirty years, I think the historians will write pretty much what I just did.


There, I'm through showing my disrespect for the man. . . . for now.   :icon_smile: 


God bless,


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I think most people will be real surprised how little time this so-called president has spent thinking about the prOBlems of government.  I think the largest part of the decisions he supposedly make are made by others. 


I personally believe that there are few presidents, at least as far back as Wilson and prOBably much further, that have been anything more than puppets for BIG money interests; the Rothschilds and J.P. Morgans of the world. Those that tried their own way had attempts made on their lives (Kennedy & Reagan), while most candidates who appeared a threat were removed one way or another.


Anyone who seriously considers historic and current political events and honestly weighs their past and/or potential ramifications must concede that there is an awful lot going on that few have any true control over and most politician and perhaps all the media are clueless to.


If you would like to do an interesting study on this topic, research all the events and intrigues behind the formation of the Federal Reserve. That one topic alone should make anyone go HHHHMMMMMMMM. :scratchchin:

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We need some pastor's with a backbone preaching out against this evil, " were are they "  ? 


There's a fellow named Chuck Baldwin who does regularly.  He is or used to be a Baptist Pastor, seems more ecumenical lately but he left Florida for the Rocky Mountains with his entire family and puts up a weekly column.  He's also rekindled the Black ROBe Brigades, or has a part in it.

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