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Food For Thought


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This is rather long if you read slow like I do but it is well worth the read.  It contains some thoughts about how the liberal mind works and why it is so hard to change.  We all know the root of all evil and wrong thought is sin, and so does this writer.  He comes at it from a direction we may not have thought of.




God bless,


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warning, does contain some strong language


Thanks for posting the link. Looks like a good read like you said.  I am in the middle of Bro. Smith's book and will have to get back to this though.

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It's a sin prOBlem.  Liberalism if the default position of ignorance.  


It doesn't require any thought or analysis of things, just pure emotion and going along with the crowd (mOB rule).  The liberal's world is a fantasy, it does not exist in real life and they shield themselves with an invisible bubble that protects them from common sense and logic.


I once wrote a big fancy paper on it with big words and clever phrases but it really all boils down to their need for Jesus Christ. 

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