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There Will Be No Champagne In Hell


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Okay, let's talk about this:

I believe the universe is billions of years old. The way I read the Bible is that it speaks of the creator.  The purpose of the Bible isn't a science textbook Perhaps, but its chock full-o excellent science..  Genesis 1 is poetry, imagery used to tell us that God created an orderly and good universe. And yet it is spoken of as literal through other parts of the Bible, particularly in reference to the six days of creation. And it could NOT be good if it was based upon millions of years of death to produce man as man.  Even if it is literal, isn't it possible that Adam and Eve were in the garden for millions of years prior to the fall? No, because the Bible tells us that Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. There is no reason not to accept this as literal.  We have no idea how long the universe existed prior to the fall.  I suspect it was a very, very long time.  They would have no reason to count the years of age prior to the fall because time didn't matter.  Only after the fall does time matter.  Of course they would, because one of the first things God created was the first day, consisting of an evening and a morning. Now, if we desire to go into the Hebrew, it is tru that the word for day, 'yom', can mean a literal day or an unspecificed age-however the words used for evening and morning, 'ereb' and 'boqer', each have only the meaning of a literal evening and a literal morning, so day MUST, in context, refer to a literal, 24 hr day.  So of course there is a reason to count not just the years, but even the days.


I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, just saying the Bible is silent in how God created. Yes he spoke, but what happened when he spoke?  To say it just appeared seems quite simple or a God who created an extraordinarily complex universe.  God is eternal.  Billions of years is nothing to God. True but He is also faithful and true, and His word can be relied upon to be true, as well. It is a drop in the bucket of time.  WIth a universe so vast and wonderful, I have to believe he spend trillions of years planning it, and then billions creating it, and he is still creating. Before the beginning, there was no trillions of years-THEN there was no time, because time was created with the creation. And the Bible tells us clearly that He spent six days creating it. You just don't believe in a big enough God to be able to do what His word says He did. Stars are still being born. No, they aren't-scientists tell us they are, but there's no evidence of it-they just see lights slowly appear, which can have many reasons behind it.  Mountains are still being built.  Valleys are still being cut out by water.  Volcanos are creating new islands in the oceans.  He is also continuously creating new life in us.  He is shaping and molding our hearts over the course of our lifetime just as he continues to shape and mold this world and this universe.  Quite mind boggling.  I assume you don't believe in the literal world-wide flood of Noah, then? That all we see of the landscape took millions and billions of years to come to be, rather than most of it being the result of a catastrophic flood that covered the earth for a year?

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An interesting article...




One of the statements in the article caught my eye. 



Faulkner went on to invoke the Bible in claiming that the world is much younger than mainstream science believes it to be, adding that he believes Genesis 1 shows that God made earth before the stars — an idea that he said isn't compatible with the Big Bang theory.  The big bang requires that many stars existed for billions of years before the earth did,” he added.

According to Faulkner, Answers in Genesis believes that the announcement concerning cosmic inflation “may be improperly understood and reported,” claiming that this same dynamic unfolded in 2003 when scientists said they had evidence for the theory and it ended up not checking out.

“The predictions that are being supposedly confirmed are very model-dependent: if the model changes, then the predictions change,” Faulkner added. “Inflation is just one of many free parameters that cosmologists have at their disposal within the big bang model, so they can alter these parameters at will to get the intended result.”

And Faulkner's analysis: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2014/03/17/has-cosmic-inflation-been-proved


One cannot say that they believe the account of creation as written in Genesis and believe in the big bang theory.  The Bible clearly states that God created the stars.  After He began creation. The theory does not hold up in light of scripture.  And, while scripture is not a science book, God is the author of science and so knows a bit more than the "scientists" who are trying to prove evolution.

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An interesting article...




One of the statements in the article caught my eye. 

And Faulkner's analysis: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2014/03/17/has-cosmic-inflation-been-proved


One cannot say that they believe the account of creation as written in Genesis and believe in the big bang theory.  The Bible clearly states that God created the stars.  After He began creation. The theory does not hold up in light of scripture.  And, while scripture is not a science book, God is the author of science and so knows a bit more than the "scientists" who are trying to prove evolution.

He is, in fact, the Lawmaker, who set in place all the laws of the universe, many of which actually stand at odds with such theories, (and really, not even theories, as theories must be able to be tested in the lab, which evolution and the BB can't), evolution and a big bang.

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I believe the universe is billions of years old. 


Not surprising at all.  There's little in God's Word that you do believe.  Your secular lifestyle has separated you from the truth.


The Big Bang and Evolution do not even qualify as theories.  Scientists have had to redefine the term to keep the government money flowing in.  To study them is not science as we were not there and don't know of anybody who was there, it's a religion.


"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14

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