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Get Mad For Christ Is Not A Sin...

The Glory Land

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Jeffrey, I watched the first video and I couldn't believe it.  Total obnoxiousness and not a word on the Bible.

The second video, at least the preacher was soft spoken, but he shouldn't have called that man out.

Phil Kidd is wrong on so many levels.  I have no respect for him as a preacher.  No word of God in his message, either.

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I've heard Bro Kidd say some things that should not have been said, and that I would not repeat. But my Wife was saved after hearing his preaching, many years ago, so I will just give God the credit and say that God sometimes uses crooked sticks to draw straight lines. 

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I confess I don't like preachers who get loud for the sake of being loud.




However, as long as they are preaching FROM THE BIBLE, and not just from their own pool of 'wisdom'. That's good.


I hate it when people just rant and rave about what amounts to 'their own opinion'. (If it is God's Word, that's a different matter.) 


I also hate it when we go to fellowship meetings, and the preacher preaches about things like abortion or the KJV Bible (things which everyone in our circles agree on). These messages seem to devolve into what I like to call "Amen fests", with little to take out of the message except a sense of pride in that "I have the truth". (Actually that "Obama is a Muslim" video is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about)


Now, I'm not saying these issues aren't important, but when you are pretty much guaranteed to have at least one message that touches on these things EACH YEAR at these meetings... aren't there issues more relevant to those who already hold to the same stance as you?


Anyway, to clarify my position: I'm not so much against someone getting loud, as much as getting loud for no reason, or only to rant and rave about issues that everyone agrees on. If they are preaching God's Truth, and not man's truth, they can get as loud as they feel they need to.

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Jeffrey, I watched the first video and I couldn't believe it. Total obnoxiousness and not a word on the Bible.

The second video, at least the preacher was soft spoken, but he shouldn't have called that man out.

Phil Kidd is wrong on so many levels. I have no respect for him as a preacher. No word of God in his message, either.

You can preach the truth with out opening the bible, I am sure he does preach using it.Talking from the heart, or sharing life experience can help the weaker soul or weak Christians. Preach it pastor Kidd. Thumbs up.
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Does God ONLY speak in a still small voice?

I see nothing wrong with enthusiastic preaching, but I have seen plenty which is loud and only loud......

Some seem to think that loud = spiritual, but sometimes it is just loud.

And some people are more "theatrical", while others are more sedate.
The Lord made us all different, and He made us so that He could use us.

The issue should not be loud or otherwise, but Spirit led or not.....

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It is the Word of God that is quick and powerful, not the word of men. Preachers should point to God's authority, not their own. The words of men are flawed. God's are not.

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You can preach the truth with out opening the bible, I am sure he does preach using it.Talking from the heart, or sharing life experience can help the weaker soul or weak Christians. Preach it pastor Kidd. Thumbs up.


I am aware of that, TGL.  However, I didn't hear any scripture from his mouth.  That's all I am saying.

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I confess I don't like preachers who get loud for the sake of being loud.




However, as long as they are preaching FROM THE BIBLE, and not just from their own pool of 'wisdom'. That's good.


I hate it when people just rant and rave about what amounts to 'their own opinion'. (If it is God's Word, that's a different matter.) 


I also hate it when we go to fellowship meetings, and the preacher preaches about things like abortion or the KJV Bible (things which everyone in our circles agree on). These messages seem to devolve into what I like to call "Amen fests", with little to take out of the message except a sense of pride in that "I have the truth". (Actually that "Obama is a Muslim" video is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about)


Now, I'm not saying these issues aren't important, but when you are pretty much guaranteed to have at least one message that touches on these things EACH YEAR at these meetings... aren't there issues more relevant to those who already hold to the same stance as you?


Anyway, to clarify my position: I'm not so much against someone getting loud, as much as getting loud for no reason, or only to rant and rave about issues that everyone agrees on. If they are preaching God's Truth, and not man's truth, they can get as loud as they feel they need to.


Amen, Zed.  My pastor has a louder voice than lets say my FIL who does preaching from time to time.  My FIL is more soft spoken and uses the microphone.  This is my pastor's natural voice, however the acoustics are good in the civic center where we gather.  My pastor's dad is preaching today.  He is not really loud but gets his point across using God's word.  I was saved under his preaching, so I am looking forward to today's service.

 I've heard extremely loud preachers that just rant and rave about one point - like you said the "Amen" fest. Thankfully my pastor doesn't rant and rave, and always uses scripture to back up what he is saying.  He uses real life examples to tie the word of God into his sermon, as well.  That is the preaching that I am used to by pastors, missionaries, and evangelists as well.

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Phil Kidd is mild compared to some preachers I seen preach. You want some "angry" preaching head out to the revival meetings at Charity Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio that they hold twice a year. 

Oh, boy.  I am up north in OH and don't plan to visit Dayton anytime soon.  ;)

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A sermon should be delivered with all honestly and sincerity.  It should not be a performance.  If a man is speaking to an audience in a sanctuary, hall, or room with poor acoustics naturally he will have to speak loudly.  If with a microphone he should speak as if he were speaking to you in a normal conversation.  In a normal conversation we speak in a normal calm tone or in an excited or angry voice as we are (one might say) moved by the spirit.  We behave as a normal God fearing Christian.  When you have a discussion with a fellow believer do you yell and scream or do you behave in a civilized manner.  If we are moved by the emotion or the importance to us to raise our voices we do so naturally as moved (but we not yell).  We yell when we wish to dominate another not when we are trying to reason with them.


This yelling just to be yelling is not preaching it is performing, it is acting.  It is not teaching, it is entertaining, but it is seeking amens instead of applause.


If I were speaking to you instead of writing some of those lines above would have been in caps or a large font because I would be speaking some of them naturally in a more excited voice (not yelling) because I became excited, not because I was acting.


Just one man's opinion.


God bless,


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A sermon should be delivered with all honestly and sincerity.  It should not be a performance.  If a man is speaking to an audience in a sanctuary, hall, or room with poor acoustics naturally he will have to speak loudly.  If with a microphone he should speak as if he were speaking to you in a normal conversation.  In a normal conversation we speak in a normal calm tone or in an excited or angry voice as we are (one might say) moved by the spirit.  We behave as a normal God fearing Christian.  When you have a discussion with a fellow believer do you yell and scream or do you behave in a civilized manner.  If we are moved by the emotion or the importance to us to raise our voices we do so naturally as moved (but we not yell).  We yell when we wish to dominate another not when we are trying to reason with them.


This yelling just to be yelling is not preaching it is performing, it is acting.  It is not teaching, it is entertaining, but it is seeking amens instead of applause.


If I were speaking to you instead of writing some of those lines above would have been in caps or a large font because I would be speaking some of them naturally in a more excited voice (not yelling) because I became excited, not because I was acting.


Just one man's opinion.


God bless,


excellent point Larry

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You can preach the truth with out opening the bible, I am sure he does preach using it.Talking from the heart, or sharing life experience can help the weaker soul or weak Christians. Preach it pastor Kidd. Thumbs up.

So Jesus has nothing to do with it?

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Why these great leaps of "reasoning" of late? Where in Scripture are we told that we can know if our faith (or someone else's faith) is weak based upon whether they spank their children in correcting them?


No matter how much Scripture we have memorized we are to do nothing of our own selves, but only in Christ, Who told us we can do nothing without Him.

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