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Who Will Turn Gay First Florida Or Texas

The Glory Land

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It seems it's becoming the "norm" these days.  I hardly watch TV anymore because you can't find a decent program that doesn't promote it somehow.  My daughter lives in FL with her g/f so I haven't had a chance to meet her but have talked to her on the phone.  I told my daughter I did not agree with their relationship and they weren't born that way but I will still be there for my daughter and be decent and respectful to her g/f but not in a way that is condoning.  The hard part is letting go and putting her in complete control of God's hands.

Sounds to me like you are doing a stellar job in a hard situation. Just keep her in prayer, as will we. Oh, and be patient. Yes, its become popular today to be gay, almost a requirement for Hollywood, it seems.


Gay is the new Black-please don't anyone take that the wrong way, but what I mean is, the black community had a real point: they were born a certain skin color, yet the Bible gives absolutely no reason to consider them anything different, or certainly, anything less, than anyone else. We are all of one blood, all related, if you will. They had, and have a right to demand equality. But now, the gays want to use the civil rights points made for the African American situation and force it to apply to their cause, which is cannot. There is ample evidence and esperience to show that it IS, indeed, a choice if one is homosexual or not, or, even if one feels they can't change it, they can choose not to indulge it, if they understand it is sin. And the Lord HAS released many from the grip of it upon salvation and repentance. Just as with any sin. Its not that it is so much worse than others, its just being shoved into everyone's faces and demanded to be accepted as normal. That's what I mean by it being the new black.

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