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God Created Coffee Soooo Good!


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Caffeine is most certainly a drug.

I fail to make the connection between evolution and caffeine. Perhaps you could explain further.

One can call a whole host of things in food or drink a drug, whether it be tryptophan, vitamins, minerals, etc. Some of these things can be used as drugs, but they themselves within the foods/drinks are not drugs.

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Okay. :) Give me a little time to look it up and get it onto here. I'll be busy this evening.

:icon_smile: Okay.  Just to be clear, we're proving the meaning/translation of "wine" now.  Not whether or not to drink it, right?  As far as i read, milk is still milk, honey is honey and figs are figs.  I just wanna make sure I know what I'm studying.

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Actually, it's called wine all the time...the Proverbs reference specifies when the wine is fermented. Well, with the exception of when it's called fruit of the vine (as in the Last Supper).


This verse doesn't mean white wine would be acceptable and red isn't. It's talking about the fermentation process.  Winemakers know when the wine is fermented when it is a certain color (depending on the grapes used) and when the "mother" moves.


They surely do know all about the fermenting & becoming alcoholic & they make it to sell to people that loves alcohol because they want their money & those who buy it drinking it do so because they love the effects it has on their brain, they feel it makes them wise. Yet the effects are just the opposite while they set a very bad example for everyone they're around, including their children.


PS. If they were really wise they would not touch the stuff & would never call Jesus a winebibber or a glutton, yet when it comes to wine, they believe the slanders, the Pharisees, Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34, who falsely calls Jesus a winebibber & glutton simply because they to want to be winebibbers their self because its fashionable in the worldly society among men that they socialize with.  


Here while back on a SBC blog there was an article about drinking alcoholic beverages, half the people that commented, perhaps more, defended drinking alcoholic beverages Some of them got very smarty to those who said the Bible was against drinking of alcoholic beverages, some even started calling them names or even worse, while defending their drinking & teaching others it was A OK to drink alcoholic beverages. I was amazed at the number who defended alcoholic beverages for Christians. 

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I suppose my walk with Jesus, instead of trying to follow Him closely, encouraging others to as well as He ask us to denying our self & truly bearing our cross, I ought to do so only in moderation according to many, for there's many that teach everyone to do everything in moderation. Yet I think I'll keep on trying my best to be true to Him every step of the way leaving off the moderation. If I followed Jesus only in moderation, I would not really be giving Him my heart.

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Well, sometimes articles can shed light on things.  And explain things that many don't understand.    But it is easier not to read 'em.   :icon_smile:   This particular one discusses the meanings of the three words used for wine.  So, it's educational and could be enlightening for some.


I never said anything about your liver or brain...simply talked about mine, and said that grape juice does gladden my heart.  And that it's good for me without the bad side effects of alcohol.  *shrugs* I've never said the Bible forbids drinking alcohol...simply that God says it's unwise.  That's enough for me to avoid it, honestly.  Although I would guess that the injunction not to look on the cup when it's fermented (moving itself in the cup and the color references) would mean not to look as one drinks...LOL


Yep, moderation is the key. So I'm gonna go smoke a doobie.  :smug:  (j/k)



Also be sure to do marijuana, crack, cocaine, & such in moderation too. Accordingly if you do all things in moderation all is well.

:smug:   :smug:  :smug:   :smug:




Gee, I hope I did the faces in moderation, I was surely trying to yet sometimes like many others who preach moderation I go overboard before I realize it.  ;)

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One can call a whole host of things in food or drink a drug, whether it be tryptophan, vitamins, minerals, etc. Some of these things can be used as drugs, but they themselves within the foods/drinks are not drugs.


A drug is a drug, regardless of its delivery method or its social acceptability.  

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:icon_smile: Okay. Just to be clear, we're proving the meaning/translation of "wine" now. Not whether or not to drink it, right? As far as i read, milk is still milk, honey is honey and figs are figs. I just wanna make sure I know what I'm studying.

just to be clear: the article I posted discusses the meaning/translation of the three words used for wine...it really is interesting and doesn't take much time at all to read.
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Caffeine is most certainly a drug.

I fail to make the connection between evolution and caffeine. Perhaps you could explain further.


The very same ones, doctors, scientist, that say it was evolution, not God, your suing them to say caffeine is a drug.


So you see, they have little to no credibility.


Now, be sure to notice, I did not say it could not be used as a drug, the great thing about caffeine is it will make pain medications, even aspirin & such, work much better so that you don't have to have such a big dose.


Yet its no a drug.

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Who is determining what is and isn't a drug?  Certainly not me.  I'll leave that to the medical professionals and the armchair doctors here.  Even if someone wants to call something a drug, that doesn't mean it's bad, wrong or sinful.  A bit similar to proof texting, eh?

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The very same ones, doctors, scientist, that say it was evolution, not God, your suing them to say caffeine is a drug.


I am suing no one over caffeine.


Yet its no a drug.


​​Google search "Is caffeine a drug?"


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Why would Jesus, who had no sin, who was even perfect, the only perfect one, allow corruption, fermented grape juice, & fermented grape juice is corruption, to flow between His lips.
If Jesus allowed fermented grape juice to pass between His lips He allowed corruption to enter His body, & if He was a winebibber as the Pharisees accused Him, them He would no longer be perfect & without sin, & He would have disobeyed the Father, & its clear He came to do the will of the Father, & He 100 % succeeded in that mission.
1Pe 2:22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
Nope, the winebibber talked about that some are portraying is not the Jesus of the Bible who is the Savior of whosoever will. We are speaking of, ‘...the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world...” Revelation 17:8
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Why is it you keep up bring worldly stuff to the table to TRY to prove your point?
Google is not credible, its to worldly.

You do understand that Google is only a search engine, right?  
As to why I have, as you put it, brought up worldly stuff to the table; it is because Kaffe är den bästa AV alla världsliga drycker. (It's Swedish. You can look up its meaning using Google Translate.)

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