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Church Service Times

Bro K

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Is the Sunday School Service before the Morning Service an adult Sunday School?  If so I have only heard of it as something that was many years ago.

Our Sunday School service is for all ages.  When it was first begun (here in America), it was primarily for children.  

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Our Sunday School service is for all ages.  When it was first begun (here in America), it was primarily for children.  


OK .It is normal to have a children's Sunday School over here. Often it would be during the Sermon.


Thanks for the reply.

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Is this a IFB church? Sounds charismatic to me.


We are a Independent Fundamental Baptist. The old people tell me that when they was kids and young adults most Baptist churches including the  Southern Baptist was "lively". Meaning they had services with lots of emotion, and the churches was a lot fuller than they are now.

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Is the Sunday School Service before the Morning Service an adult Sunday School?  If so I have only heard of it as something that was many years ago.


Yep, we sing a couple of hymns and maybe one of the singers will sing a song. Then one of the men goes up to the pulpit and reads a few scriptures, takes lots of prayer requests and sometimes someone tells good things (medical tests coming back negative or a family member getting saved in another church, etc) and then we have prayer. The kids go to their class rooms, and all the adults set in the pews and the Sunday School teacher teaches using ONLY the King James Bible. We don't have those little books like Southern Baptist. When he is done around 11ish we sing a hymn and then the preaching begins. All the children are upstairs for the preaching. The preaching is rather loud like something from back in the 1950s. Its common to see people with goose bumps or quietly weeping. He usually has an alter of prayer at the end and we dismiss.  

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