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Hey A Post Locked Out And Its Not Mine

The Glory Land

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If might help if this subject were addressed at it's most basic point rather than continually getting off into all the side matters which detract from the main point.


If we keep to the simple point of what does the Scripture say with regards to Christian giving, we maintain focus and the New Covenant speaks for itself.


All the side issues of just what the OT tithe was and wasn't, who in the OT was required to tithe and what they were required to tithe, actually has no bearing at all upon the clear teaching of Scripture with regards to Christian giving. Christians are under the New Covenant, Christ fulfilled the Old, as was God's plan, and replaced it with the New, according to God's plan.

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I agree, John81. 

However, those who teach the tithe, because they cannot find Scripture to support their accusations against those of us who don't tithe return to the Levitical Laws or, as you so rightly point out, the Old Covenant. 

The monetary tithe requirement doctrine cannot be supported with New Covenant Scripture at all.

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I agree, John81. 

However, those who teach the tithe, because they cannot find Scripture to support their accusations against those of us who don't tithe return to the Levitical Laws or, as you so rightly point out, the Old Covenant. 

The monetary tithe requirement doctrine cannot be supported with New Covenant Scripture at all.

That's a distraction tactic as no matter what the Levitical Laws proclaim, they don't apply to Christians. This is why the focus must be maintained upon the New Covenant, which is what Christians are under. If some wish to yoke themselves to the Old, in violation of NT teaching, then that's an issue they will have to deal with first.


The Apostles in Jerusalem were consulted with regards to what Gentile Christians should be required to do and through the Holy Ghost they were given only a few points, the tithe was not one of them. It was declared no other "burdens" were to be upon Christians. The book of Hebrews declares the superiority of Christ and of the New Covenant. Christians are told not to allow themselves to become bound to the Old.


Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, wrote many epistles and Paul never attempted to tell Christians they had to tithe or to teach them of the tithe. Rather, through the leading of the Holy Ghost, Paul instructed Christians in the manner of New Covenant giving.


Christians are under the New Covenant, those few things within the Old which were carried over into the New are specifically reiterated in the New, and any form of tithe is not among them.


The entire matter, indeed any matter with regards to Christian living, must be addressed and be in accord with the New Covenant which was given to us for such things.

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So, then the question arises as to why they still accuse us of being "God-robbers"?

Is it because of greed? Fear of losing a supply of money that comes to them through the teaching of the monetary tithe?
Is it because of the sin of improper study of the Word of God?  They haven't actually taken the time to sit down and properly study every passage that has to do with the tithe and with giving?
Is it because of willful rebellion after the truth has been presented?  Because this is the way it's always been done amongst us and we are not going to change no matter what?

Or, could it be a combination of all three?

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I'm new here so please forgive me for speaking out of turn.  It seems to me that over the last week or so, there has been a lot of kettle banging going on about the tithe.  An inordinate amount of time has been spent on this.  Ought we not focus on other issues for the time being and allow the dust to settle on this specific topic?  I mean, there are hundreds of other spiritual things we could be edified by in lieu of this singular, specific topic. 

Like I said, I'm new, so I apologize if I should remain silent.


Don't apologize. Nothing wrong with being new. :wink  Glad to have your input.

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It is persecution, I tell you. :)


Be honest, if the threads on tithe can stay civil, I would have no problem keeping them open for discussion. I decided this time not to wait for the nasty remarks, because we all know they were eventually coming. 




I think we should start keeping someone from replying to a post, (trouble makers) this way the post can continue. 



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If might help if this subject were addressed at it's most basic point rather than continually getting off into all the side matters which detract from the main point.


If we keep to the simple point of what does the Scripture say with regards to Christian giving, we maintain focus and the New Covenant speaks for itself.


All the side issues of just what the OT tithe was and wasn't, who in the OT was required to tithe and what they were required to tithe, actually has no bearing at all upon the clear teaching of Scripture with regards to Christian giving. Christians are under the New Covenant, Christ fulfilled the Old, as was God's plan, and replaced it with the New, according to God's plan.


I agree, yet some seem to want to force everyone to accept what they believe whether its tithing or even a few other issues, & if questioned about anything they state or believe them they may react very smarty ruining the discussion for everyone.


I firmly stand against tithing, yet I do not try to force everyone to accept what I state, although I will not back off of what I believe to be correct just to make them happy.


And that is the main thing I have against the discussion of tithing. And it happens of both sides of the issue!

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