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Snake-Handling Pentecostals Get Reality Tv Show


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Jerry, last I've read there are only about 300 members of snake handling churches in the entire world. And not all them may actually handle the snakes during the services. It's all media driven to make fundamentalist Christians (which they always call snake handlers) look like nutjobs. 


Are you saying that article I posted it a lie?

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Are you saying that article I posted it a lie?

How'd you even come up with this? Where did I say it was a lie? I'm just saying that it's way blown out of proportion compared to things we should be more concerned about. The media would have us be worried about a few snake handlers that may come and get us while ignoring the millions of fanatical Muslims trying to set up Sharia Law around the world.



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I remember a TV movies I saw several years ago which featured a pastor, his Christian family and their friends and associates. As the show progressed these all turned out to be members of a "radical militia group" (which they always use "militias" to knock Christians, whites, conservatives, constitutionalists, and such) and they added in touches of some being racists.


During the course of the show they repeatedly showed the Bible this pastor preached and taught from, whether it was in his hands, on his desk or the dash of his old pick-up truck (what else would white, Christian, racist, militia folks drive?) In big letters the Bible said "KING JAMES BIBLE". It was obvious they were focused upon that and trying to tie the KJB to the radical beliefs and nature of that pastor and his followers.


As we look at the reports of terrorist attacks in America or against Americans elsewhere, we don't see such coming from Christians, radical or otherwise. We do seem them continually coming from Muslims. Even so, the media goes out of its way to portray most terrorists in movies and TV programs as being white, Christian and often racist. This is no accident.

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There certainly are many more Christian shows on TV lately. Some great and some terrible. Most are for the shock value and not realistic at all. Many times they cut these clips to look a great deal more dramatic than they really are. You’d be surprised at how you can manipulate clips of film to tell an entirely different story then intended.


I’ve watched Amish Mafia and the other Amish show where they go to some big city. Amish Mafia is mostly people who call themselves Amish but they are not part of the “old order” Amish. A few are Mennonite as well. I live close to Lancaster and I do have an Amish friend so I’m speaking from that angle. People don’t realize (due to ignorance) that if these folks were really Amish the church would have long shunned them. This type of behavior even in the Mennonite community is unacceptable and not tolerated. It’s simply all drama and shock value driven.


Years ago I had seen a documentary about the Pentecostal snake handlers in the Appalachians and found it fascinating. Admittedly I know absolutely nothing about these folks so I guess that’s what drew me in. I find it draws me in to see people in these small country towns just living their lives so I think that will draw me into this current NatGeo series. I do know what Pentecostals believe and such but don’t know much if anything about those who snake handle.


There are a few really great shows such as Duck Dynasty which I love because I can actually watch it with my children. They are all about family and G_d. I think they are a positive example of Christians.


Those shows about preachers in LA and such or the ones with the daughters are so over the top. Do pastor/preacher wives act so ridiculous as this? Overdone make up insecure husbands and catty arguments makes for an ill attempt to bring prime time drama into the Christian household reality. It’s just not reality. It shows what degree people will go to make money in a negative way.


I would love to see a show where they show normal Christian families and their examples but that would just be too boring for most I guess.

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I would love to see a show where they show normal Christian families and their examples but that would just be too boring for most I guess.


How about the Duggar's?  Normal but BIG FAMILY!


Most movies that mention the Christian religion do it to mock it or for their secular agenda.  Or maybe the secular writer hired an heretic and didn't know any better?  I watched part of a Glenn Ford movie last night and he was a gunslinging preacher.  He drank, smoke and stepped foot into those places where woman undress for money.  At church on Sunday he rightly allowed all to come in but said nothing about their sins and the Gospel of course, he was decidedly ecumenical.  


Before that my wife and I watched a short clip on right living by Bing Crosby and Ann Blyth.  The first 10 minutes were a great example of how the civil society should run in reverence to God but then they started praying to Mary and all other Catholic nonsense for the last 10 minutes.  They did not realize that even the Catholic man-made faith contributes to the decadence of an orderly society since it is not of God. 

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How'd you even come up with this? Where did I say it was a lie? I'm just saying that it's way blown out of proportion compared to things we should be more concerned about. The media would have us be worried about a few snake handlers that may come and get us while ignoring the millions of fanatical Muslims trying to set up Sharia Law around the world.





You stated, "None of them actually handle snakes during services," so I take it you saying the news article is lying.

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You stated, "None of them actually handle snakes during services," so I take it you saying the news article is lying.


No, he said that 'not all of them' handle the snakes. 

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